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Zhigao Sanitary Ware
  • Franchise industry:

    Home>Sanitary Ware

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Zhigao Sanitary Ware Introduction to joining
 Joined by Zhigao Sanitary Ware
Zhigao Sanitary Ware is a very powerful brand in the market now, and the advantage of the headquarters is very obvious, and the headquarters is located in Nanhai District, Foshan City, an important industrial town in the Pearl River Delta. So friends in need can also go to the headquarters for a field survey to understand its advantages. At the same time, the brand has production bases in Foshan, Jiujiang, Sihui, etc, The strength in all aspects is obvious, and the Group's industry covers household air conditioners, refrigerators, household appliances and other fields.
Zhigao Sanitary Ware has been successfully developed in the market for many years. No matter when, and after the project has been developed in the market for many years, the project has developed better after 20 years of rapid and steady development. At the same time, the company has sufficient advantages, because it has now successfully owned three industrial parks, At the same time, there is a complete air conditioning supporting industry chain and logistics center.
The quality of Zhigao sanitary ware is very good. No matter what kind of sanitary ware it is, it is very good in quality, making it more convenient for people to use, so that this brand has a high sales volume in the market. More importantly, the project has new design concepts, R&D concepts, etc., which can provide more different designs, so that people can find their own bathroom products here, so that they can also have better business development major Our brand is suitable for more people to start businesses.
The strength of Zhigao Sanitary Ware in all aspects is obvious. At the same time, the products in the store are constantly updated. No matter which product is used, it is very good, making more people become its fans. At the same time, no matter what kind of sanitary products are sold at a low price, they are within the affordable range of most people, which is why their business in the market is also good. Zhigao Sanitary Ware has a capable management team, excellent R&D team and staff team, and pays attention to the construction of corporate culture good Our business philosophy, strong technical force, sound marketing network, scientific management system, advanced production lines, and perfect testing equipment and quality control system.
Zhigao Sanitary Ware Franchise advantages
 Joined by Zhigao Sanitary Ware
With its own strength, Zhigao Sanitary Ware has entered many markets. Its business is very good no matter which market it is in. Now it has won the attention of the majority of franchisees because it has eight franchise advantages to help them start businesses.
1. Image support: after choosing to join Zhigao Sanitary Ware, the headquarters will provide franchisees with a unified brand image, so that franchisees can also better start businesses here, and at the same time, it can easily enhance the reputation and influence of franchisees.
2. Product support: Zhigao Sanitary Ware Store has a wide range of products, and the quality of each product is excellent, which makes consumers satisfied after purchase. At the same time, the headquarters of this product can provide new products for franchisees on a regular basis.
3. Store opening support: Zhigao Sanitary Ware can provide the franchisees with a nanny like service system, and can also help each franchisee who trusts it to easily and simply select the store location, so that they do not have to worry about its entrepreneurial site selection. Secondly, it can help the franchisees to carry out space design, and decoration of doors, exhibition cabinets, etc.
4. Training support: the training is very good. At the same time, the headquarters will provide one-stop operation guidance programs for franchisees, including product training, dynamic marketing training, after-sales training, etc.
5. Promotion support: Zhigao Sanitary Ware Head Office will provide corresponding promotional materials for franchisees according to their actual situation.
6. After sales support: The company has opened a service hotline, and the strength of Zhigao Sanitary Ware Headquarters is very strong. Now it has several service points in the country, and no matter which service hotline is, it can provide multiple services to franchisees.
8. Market operation support: Zhigao Sanitary Ware Co., Ltd. is very powerful. At the same time, it checks the business strategy for franchisees and helps consumers reduce uncertainty here.
Zhigao Sanitary Ware Franchise conditions
1. At least 18 years old, with the ability to independently bear civil liability.
2. Recognize the brand and corporate culture of Gaowei Sanitary Ware, recognize the business philosophy and management model of Gaowei Sanitary Ware, and obey the unified management of the headquarters.
3. Be able to bear all expenses independently and undertake certain operation.
4. It has a fixed business location and is located in a prosperous business circle, which is conducive to the growth of customer resources.
5. To open a Zhigao bathroom store, it is necessary to strictly implement the marketing strategy and sales policy of Zhigao bathroom company.
6. Qualified personal reputation and qualified business ethics.
7. It is required that they can devote themselves to the operation and have certain market sensitivity.
Zhigao Sanitary Ware Franchise process
1. Franchise consultation
Send to the headquarters by telephone, fax, online message, etc major Entrepreneurship consultants of.
2. Field visit
Visit the Zhigao Sanitary Ware Headquarters on the spot to understand the strength of the company and the operation of the chain stores, and determine the intention to join.
3. Determine intention
Fully understand and recognize the operation and management mode of Gao Sanitary Ware, determine the intention of joining, and apply to the headquarters for joining.
4. Sign the franchise agreement
After the franchisee has made a field visit to the headquarters, it still confirms that it wants to join, and the headquarters also agrees that the franchisee will join, then the franchise agreement can be formally signed.
5. Select a store location
The store location has a great impact on the later operation of the store. A good store location is good for business. Franchisees should pay special attention to the site selection in the early stage, and try to find a store with good traffic flow and traffic as much as possible when the funds allow.
6. Store decoration
Provide the dimensions of the store structure plan, and decorate according to the unified specifications and design scheme of the headquarters.
7. Personnel training
Franchisees go to the headquarters for training and strictly follow the company's training requirements.
8. Opening preparation
Handle business related licenses and make all preparations before opening the store.
9. Official opening
Choose a auspicious day to open, and invite people to cut the ribbon for the store and improve the popularity of the store.

Zhigao Sanitary Ware Joining dynamics


Zhigao Sanitary Ware Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; Four million to five million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Zhigao Sanitary Ware! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 03:45:24 From China  39.166.108*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Twenty to thirty thousand.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Zhigao Sanitary Ware! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 14:07:50 From Jiangsu Province  49.90.60*
  • Please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Zhigao Sanitary Ware! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 10:42:47 From Luoyang, Henan  42.224.164*
  • You can send me the information first

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Zhigao Sanitary Ware! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 20:22:50 From Guangzhou, Guangdong  59.41.149*
  • Wait, reply!!!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Zhigao Sanitary Ware! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 09:40:05 From Lanzhou City, Gansu Province  42.91.140*
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