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Breakfast brand chain store
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Breakfast brand chain store Introduction to joining

 Breakfast brand chain store joining

Breakfast brand chain store is a high credibility breakfast store, which can let consumers taste the breakfast in the store. With a new business form, it has become a recognized food project in the eyes of consumers. Many delicious breakfast options can fully meet the demand, and is worth opening a franchise store. Breakfast brand chain stores do not eat breakfast, resulting in insufficient energy and nutrient intake, which is difficult to be fully supplemented from lunch and dinner.
Breakfast brand chain stores should eat breakfast every day and eat a good breakfast to improve/increase the intake of sufficient energy and nutrients, make hygienic and technologically advanced products, and many post-80s and post-90s people come to taste pure bean products. The quality of manual breakfast in breakfast brand chain stores is different from the food made by skills. It focuses on the soybean milk and bean curd milled by the improved and invented traditional electric stone mill, and matches with a variety of special breakfast items, including crispy fried dough sticks, fried dumplings, pot stickers dumplings (fried dumplings), Ma Yuan, tea eggs, rice porridge and other series of products.
Breakfast brand chain store brand characteristics:
High yield
Breakfast brand chain stores use a variety of fresh ingredients to create high nutrition and delicious food without adding any chemical additives, which improves the quality of breakfast while supporting its taste and health.
Multi category
At the same time, a variety of breakfasts are produced. Breakfast brand chain stores can also produce more breakfasts with facilities and processes.
Clean and sanitary
Stainless steel production facilities that meet food hygiene standards are clean, smooth and easy to clean. There is no water on the ground during the whole process of processing. The environment of breakfast brand chain stores is clean.
Breakfast brand chain store brand prospect:
It only takes a few square meters to open a breakfast brand chain store, even without opening a store (saving rent); There is no need to hire employees, one or two people can operate (save wages); The operation is very simple, and can be quickly started after the company's training (simple operation); It is a special and healthy breakfast item in the market at present.
Breakfast brand chain stores are in line with the current consumers' healthy eating habits, and are worth joining. They use a variety of fresh ingredients to create high nutrition and delicious food, without adding any chemical additives, which improves the quality of breakfast while supporting its taste and health. The project of flexible operation of breakfast brand chain stores is often more popular, and will not make the store unable to operate because of the location restrictions. The taste characteristics and the established business system have become the products that consumers like very much. The market sales continue, and the agency operation is easier, which is worth choosing by franchisees.
Breakfast brand chain store Franchise advantages

 Breakfast brand chain store joining

Everyone needs to eat breakfast. The target group of breakfast brand chain stores is very broad, covering all men, women, old and young. The stores are popular everywhere. Breakfast brand chain stores focus on the richness of product lines. They are established and launched on food and drink, constantly giving customers more fresh taste buds. It is a new breakfast store that keeps pace with the times and is very good for modern people's stomach.
Breakfast brand chain store
Advantages of joining breakfast brand chain stores:
Brand advantages: more than ten years of catering operation and management experience, successful store replication, and full-time team operation. The use of the unified VI image design of the headquarters of breakfast brand chain stores has improved/increased the brand effect of breakfast brand chain stores. Franchisees enjoy powerful brand publicity from the headquarters.
Product advantage: Realize the standardized production process of ramen, and the material bag market is difficult to imitate, with strong competitiveness. Breakfast brand chain stores have a wide range of products and consumers have a wide range of choices.
Standardization advantages: standardized products and simple operation of breakfast brand chain stores. No business experience required, easy operation. The headquarters has a strong R&D team, with new product updates and menu upgrades all year round. Improve/increase the dishes and constantly upgrade to solve the worries of franchisees.
Cost advantage: low-cost operation, no kitchen mode, standardized operation in the back room. Breakfast brand chain stores increase/increase the local procurement of all raw materials outside the core material package of the headquarters, and improve/increase the freshness and cost of food materials.
After sales advantages: The headquarters of the breakfast brand chain store tracks the whole process from the early site selection to the later opening. In the later stage, the headquarters provided supervision and support throughout the year, and put forward reasonable suggestions based on the actual operation of the store. Standardize and adjust breakfast brand chain stores, improve store management and improve store sales performance.
Breakfast brand chain store Franchise conditions
1. At least 18 years old, qualified credit, both men and women.
2. Recognize the business philosophy and service specifications of breakfast brand chain stores.
3. Have the financial strength to join the breakfast brand chain store brand, and the source of funds is legal.
4. The store must be within the designated business area; The store should be located in a busy commercial street or large shopping mall.
5. Recognize the operation mode of the headquarters and accept the unified management of the headquarters.
6. Qualified business reputation and extensive local connections.
7. Able to bear hardships and stand hard work, and devoted to the chain operation and management of breakfast brand chain stores.
Breakfast brand chain store Franchise process
1. Consultation: Comprehensively understand the breakfast brand chain store project by means of network, telephone, email, sending materials, etc., and determine the intention to join.
2. Application for cooperation: communicate with the franchise consultant by phone or face to face, exchange relevant information, and apply for the reserved regional agent franchise quota.
3. On site inspection: go to the headquarters with ID card to visit, inspect and verify the site, and understand the specific cooperation matters of breakfast brand chain stores.
4. Signing a contract: after reaching a consensus, the cooperation intention will be formally determined, and then the contract will be signed and relevant fees will be paid.
5. Free training: receive the unified system training provided by the headquarters of the breakfast brand chain store. The class hours are unlimited until you learn it.
6. Preparation stage: the after-sales specialist assists in the site selection and decoration of the store, and can go to the site to assist and guide if necessary.
7. Logistics distribution: The after-sales service department handles the logistics distribution of products and promotional materials in a timely manner and arrives on time.
8. Grand opening: according to the opening plan of the headquarters of the breakfast brand chain store, appropriate amount of advertising (such as inserting text ads, outdoor advertising, mobile phone messages, printing leaflets, etc. on local television stations) should be invested before the opening, and a suitable opening time (weekends or holidays) should be selected to hold certain celebration activities to create the opening atmosphere and officially open.

9. Follow up support: After opening, after-sales service and operation guidance will follow closely, and one-on-one follow-up continuous service, technical upgrading training, marketing training, etc. will be held irregularly, Franchised dealers and regional agents of each breakfast brand chain store last for a long time.

Breakfast brand chain store Joining dynamics


Breakfast brand chain store Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; 500 to 1 million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the breakfast brand chain store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 17:21:58 From Xinchang County, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province  39.170.213*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 180000~300000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the breakfast brand chain store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 17:12:31 From Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province  60.182.18*
  • I have applied for joining for 6 days, and no one contacted me. What's the problem?

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the breakfast brand chain store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 22:24:39 From Chengdu, Sichuan  58.213.138*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the breakfast brand chain store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 22:07:29 From Shenyang, Liaoning  42.54.216*
  • I don't know how to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the breakfast brand chain store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 07:09:02 From Jiangsu Province  49.66.125*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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