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Xixi Yuezi Club
  • Franchise industry:

    Mother, baby and child > Maternal and Child Living Hall

  • Suitable for:


  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 500000~1000000


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Xixi Yuezi Club Introduction to joining

 Xixi Yuezi Club

Love Baby Mom Caring Center, founded in 2007, is a residential care institution that combines scientific theory with the essence of traditional lunar culture. With excellent professional medical care teams, it provides mothers and babies with a variety of one-stop professional puerperal care and systematic health management services.
The medical and nursing management personnel of Xixi Yuezi Club are all from the top hospitals, and have established long-term relationships with several top hospitals. The directors of neonatal department and gynecology and obstetrics department will make rounds, conduct regular indoor air detection, strict disinfection and isolation system, infection control system, and visiting system, so as to support the service and health of customers.
Xixi Yuezi has created a customer relationship ERP management system. Customers can learn service details online, and institutions can also deliver information to customers in time to provide better personalized services for customers.
Joy Yuezi Club Since its establishment, the brand has created many precedents in the domestic market of monthly care institutions, and has also won various honors. It is a member of the Atrium Service Industry Association, a member of the Maternal and Child Life Care Professional Committee of the Atrium Service Industry Association, and one of the top ten clubs for maternal and child health; Advanced unit in the service industry of the whole court, integrity unit and integrity unit in the domestic service industry.
Now, we think that Xixi Yuezi of the headquarters has set up direct sales branches in Hong Kong,,, and other places, forming a very mature one-stop service system for pregnancy health care, confinement, and postpartum care, which has been recognized by customers and is an enterprise with great love and responsibility in the eyes of customers.

Xixi Yuezi Club Franchise advantages

 Xixi Yuezi Club

Yuezi Club advantage
1. Xixi, one of the early monthly clubs, was founded in 2007 and has served more than 8000 mothers in eight years.
It has operated for 8 years and accumulated rich experience and talents; We have established a service standardization manual and improved management systems and service processes at all levels. On the one hand, we are far more advanced than our competitors in terms of management structure and operation processes, and we are truly the industry leader.

2. Copy the brand of Shanghai to the whole country and seize the strategic highland.
The company was founded in Shanghai, which is an area with early origin, mature market development and fierce competition in the national moon club industry. Time and competition have forged high quality,; It gives priority to cross regional development. It has eight direct chain stores. The number of direct stores is far advanced in the country, unmatched in the industry, and has accumulated a lot of experience in chain management; Perfect headquarters to provide stable operation support for direct and franchise stores; They are all benchmark enterprises and industry imitators in the area where the direct stores are located; Over the past eight years, it has accumulated more than 8000 regular customers, reputation and brand influence.

3. Advantage of light asset replication
Different from the clubs with heavy assets, the standard single club of the company has invested 2.5 to 3 million yuan (excluding the franchise expenses), the decoration period is about 2 months, and the franchise payback period is 1.5 to 2.5 years. The expansion speed is fast.

4 Service differentiation, a three-stage service model.
Xixi has broken the original one month overall packaging service pattern of the industry and packaged the services in stages according to the different needs of customers in the three stages of the month sitting cycle (mother: trauma repair, physical and mental recuperation, plastic beauty; newborn: birth, healthy growth, early education and enlightenment). On the one hand, we have distanced ourselves from our peers in terms of service concept and service content; On the other hand, customers can choose a single stage or two stages of service, expanding the target customer group.

5. Technical barriers: the whole country has independently mastered the painless milk opening technology of Hantong.
Solving breast problems is the core demand of customers in Yuezi Club. Xixi has mastered this technology through the cooperation with Korean Hantong Breastfeeding Team, which is independent in the industry.

6 Six modules, forming an industrial ecology.
Xixi has six modules, namely, monthly meal, postpartum repair, high-end sister-in-law (parenting sister-in-law), infant early intelligence development, painless milk opening, and chain clubs. It has expanded the service scope, extended the service limit, and enhanced customer stickiness, which has multiplied.

7. The monthly club which carried out capital operation earlier,
For enterprises with the trend of listing in the industry, the franchisee is expected to list or buy back with the head office in a bundling way to share the capital feast.

5. Franchise mode
Three franchise modes:
01 Technology franchise: Xixi will provide franchisees with a complete set of business system including information, knowledge and technology, and provide regular business guidance during the contract period.

02 Brand joining: Xixi provides a complete set of business system including information, knowledge and technology to the franchisee, and provides regular business guidance during the contract period.
At the same time, during the franchise period, the franchise store is granted the monopoly right to use the brand name, VI system, ERP system, trademark and other certain areas.
Franchise limit: 5 years

03 Entrusted operation: Xixi is fully responsible for the operation and management of the entrusted franchise club, and uses the "Xixi" brand.

Xixi Yuezi Club Franchise conditions

Joy Yuezi Club condition

Recruitment conditions of franchisees
1 Individual or enterprise franchisee
2. Be caring and responsible, and have a certain love for the maternal and infant industry
3. Long term company management experience
4. Have a stable working capital reserve and be willing to invest in the operation of the franchise club
5. I am optimistic about the development of the Yuezi club industry and hope to devote myself to the development of the Yuezi club industry
6. Recognize the brand and corporate culture of Xixi Yuezi Care Institution, and be willing to accompany the brand of Xixi Yuezi Care Institution to grow together
7. There are certain maternal and infant channel resources in the franchise area
8 Be familiar with the relevant laws and regulations related to the operation of enterprises in the franchise area

Xixi Yuezi Club Franchise process

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    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xixi Moon Club! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 22:26:31 From Zhejiang Yongjia  39.186.8*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The minimum area is 30 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xixi Moon Club! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 12:21:03 From Aksu City, Xinjiang  49.116.61*
  • Hello! I am a customer in Jilin City, Jilin Province, and I am very interested in this project. I have been engaged in sales and would like to cooperate with you. No one has been unable to reach your sales phone number (landline) before. Finally, I found this website through multiple searches, hoping to get in touch.

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xixi Moon Club! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 21:05:14 From Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province  59.63.63*
  • How much is the franchise agency fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xixi Moon Club! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 02:41:49 From Jiangsu Province  49.67.61*
  • Understand the project

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xixi Moon Club! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 05:50:26 From Hengyang City, Hunan Province  59.51.102*
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