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Royal Kitchen Legend
  • Franchise industry:


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    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


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  • Total number of stores:

    three hundred

  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Royal Kitchen Legend Introduction to joining

Royal Kitchen Legend Hot Pot and Roast

Hot pot+barbecue no longer difficult to adjust Joined by Royal Kitchen Legend

  Strategic vision for the future, mature management experience, and new trends in catering
Anhui Shangjing Group has witnessed the vigorous development of the featured catering industry over the years. At first, Shangjing Catering was just a very good small barbecue shop. The barbecue in the shop was unique in the local area. With the influx of customers, the small shop also expanded, which not only benefited from the specialty dishes and unique tastes in the shop, but also due to the good corporate culture accumulated along the way of enterprise development and the joint efforts of the group colleagues and partners, And the strategic vision of the group leaders to follow the trend and look into the future. Now, this characteristic barbecue shop has grown into a modern catering operation organization with thousands of chain stores nationwide. It has mature catering management experience, and is driven by the team, with a highly responsible entrepreneurial spirit, constantly integrating resources, improving brand value, expanding influence, and always putting integrity first. Today's Shangjing Group has developed into a characteristic catering chain group with growth power, based on inheriting Asian food culture, creating advantageous characteristic projects, and exploring new trends in the development of catering industry.
  Hot pot is rich in materials. Hot pot and barbecue are both good and interesting
It's boiling pot, boiling fresh vegetables all over the world, grilling meat, and roasting cattle, sheep, pigs and five flowers. Gather a variety of function matching scripts to create rich ideas for catering.
In addition to the rich dishes, the Royal Kitchen Legend Buffet Roast Self service Hot Pot has various functions. Hotpot and barbecue are undoubtedly the number one choice for many people to eat, but the existing restaurants have a single form, so that diners can choose hotpot and give up barbecue, not the best of both worlds. The Royal Kitchen Legend combines hot pot and barbecue to create four series of instant boiled and roasted pot, Qulao pot, Jingang pot and Korean army hot pot, making the Royal Kitchen Legend stand out in many restaurants.

Royal Kitchen Legend Franchise advantages
 pork braised in brown sauce Four advantages of joining, businesses have no worries about future, make profits and become rich together
With years of successful business model, a mature management plan and comprehensive auxiliary projects, Shangjing Catering has enabled all cooperative businesses to operate in a qualified manner without worrying about the future. It also provides comprehensive advertising and escort throughout the whole process to ensure that everyone can make profits, develop and become rich together.
   1. Mature operation mode: After eight years of overseas travel, we have accumulated various extraordinary successful experiences. Now we are copying successful cases, returning to the motherland, and specializing in the exclusive food of all diners. Closer to the life of the boss, we can provide delicious food that can not be eaten everywhere at a price that everyone can afford. This is not only our mature operation model, but also a business opportunity for entrepreneurs.
  2. Brand influence of atmosphere: The Royal Kitchen Legend has successfully captured the hearts of thousands of food lovers over the past few years. It has already had an influential fight to win public praise. With us, all cooperative businesses are not starting from scratch, but standing on the shoulders of giants. This is not a brand benefit comparable to some projects.
   3. Stable supply of goods: The Royal Kitchen Legend, some of which originated from the palace's own process of making accessories, has been adopted by all partners in a unified way. There is no need to worry about not being able to produce a big brand of delicious food or the supply of ingredients, so it is easy to manage delicious food.
  4. Diversified marketing planning: The headquarters of the company has a huge planning team, which provides all cooperative businesses with various business plans, holiday promotion activities, seasonal food promotion activities, seasonal new product launch activities, and emergency treatment of the promotion plans of dishes approaching the fresh-keeping period, so that all businesses have no burden and problems in their operations, and there is always a multifaceted Zhuge that belongs to you.
   Eight joining support, easy joining, help you succeed
  1. Site selection support: Guide the investigation, choose the right store address, and ensure the consumers!
   2. Decoration guidance and support: Provide a complete VI system of brand image, so that your store terminal can be standardized!
   3. Technical R&D support: The R&D center continues to research and develop, support the real-time updating of products, and make diners linger and do business continuously!
   4. System training support: Operation provides you with 360 degree three-dimensional brand operation course training, making you an industry!
   5. Marketing planning support: The high-level planning team will provide you with planning support for festival operation and sales activities, and the store promotion will be even better!
   6. Logistics distribution support: The online ordering platform enables timely ordering of logistics products, and the cost and speed of logistics distribution are more superior!
   7. Operation support: The operation of hundreds of teams across the country provides you with tracking services throughout the follow-up operation and comprehensive support for operation!
  8. Regional support: The management headquarters strictly controls the franchise region, supports the interests of franchisees, and contracts the region No second home!
Royal Kitchen Legend Franchise conditions
Royal Kitchen Legend Franchise process
Information understanding - fill in the application - assess and sign the contract - support the establishment of the store - staff training - opening coordination - supervise the opening - start the operation

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; 200W。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Royal Kitchen Legend! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 18:27:52 From Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China  58.220.217*
  • I want to know more about the conditions of joining, please contact me!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Royal Kitchen Legend! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 12:26:22 From Anshan City, Liaoning Province  61.161.226*
  • I want to know more about joining, please contact me!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Royal Kitchen Legend! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 07:50:45 From Ji'an, Jiangxi  39.169.146*
  • The mobile phone number is WeChat.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Royal Kitchen Legend! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 06:32:20 From Henan Province  42.238.185*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 10000 to 50000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Royal Kitchen Legend! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 04:11:49 From Shantou City, Guangdong Province  61.242.40*
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