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Yuanshang floor
  • Franchise industry:

    Building materials>flooring

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Yuanshang floor Introduction to joining
 Yuanshang Flooring
Yuanshang Flooring is committed to providing customers with excellent products and services, always advocating green environmental protection, resource conservation as the theme, quality 1, customer first corporate purpose, products are exported to Europe, South America, the Middle East and Southeast Asia. Now we have not only developed seven series of wood flooring products: solid wood flooring, bamboo flooring, multi-layer solid wood composite flooring; Three layers of solid wood composite floor, laminate wood floor, antique floor and parquet floor have formed a series of door products led by solid wood door, solid wood composite door, paint free door and laminate paint baking door.
In terms of sales, Yuankang people constantly grasp the development trend of the market, and constantly increase its added value on the basis of good products, which has opened up a new way for enterprises to protect the environment and maintain the sustainable development of resources. Yuanshang has advanced floor management, and absorbs the world's advanced scientific and technological achievements in technology to maintain product quality and protect customer rights and interests. For several years, health and environmental protection, integrity and quality, classics and fashion, technology and humanity have been shown in Yuankang. Yuankang people are dedicated to customers and society with true heart, strong feelings and excellent quality.
Yuanshang Flooring focuses on service and pursues quality. Yuanshang Flooring Company has more than ten years of rich experience in the flooring industry, has technical strength and talent strength, and is a solid backing for brand development. In order to further expand the market share of the brand, Yuanshang Flooring Company started the investment promotion strategy early to attract people of insight to share the brand development.
Yuanshang floor is deeply loved by thousands of households, and its sales volume has always been in the front, with full competitive chips, and it is easy to start businesses and make profits. As a leading brand in the floor industry, the sales of Yuanshang Flooring is self-evident, and entrepreneurs have been drawing money all the way. Entrepreneurs have gradually embarked on the brilliant road of wealth creation under the condition of low cost and zero worry.
Yuanshang floor Franchise advantages
 Yuanshang Flooring
1. Heating comfort: warm your feet first, and the heat energy is uniform and constant from bottom to top. It is warm enough and cool at the top, which fully meets the physiological needs of the human body.
2. Health care function: generated during operation Far infrared It has significant effect on the removal or relief of low back and leg pain, arthritis, and cervical spondylosis. At the same time, it can also promote the growth of children, women and the elderly.
3. Super efficient energy saving: a number of energy saving technologies, electric heating conversion rate up to 96% or more. Far infrared auxiliary heating is more economical than traditional heating.
4. Intelligent temperature control: users can adjust and control different indoor temperatures according to their own needs, use them in different rooms and households, and provide heat at fixed time and on demand, which is convenient to use, energy saving and money saving.
5. Long service life: the advanced nano carbon ink refining process is used to make the heating core material. The heating is even, and the service life is up to 50 years. There is no need for replacement and maintenance, and it is installed and molded at one time.
Advantages of Yuanshang Flooring: the brand advantage makes you instantly different!
1. Marketing advantages
Yuanshang has a strong marketing team in the industry to plan and implement supporting facilities, rather than relying on a one-on-one business approach.
2. Entrepreneurship advantages
Yuanshang Floor has a stable customer source, a good market environment and huge development potential. It is entrepreneurial.
3. Service advantages
The headquarters conducts annual marketing guidance, and holds marketing activities irregularly according to different stores, so that the products can be updated quickly to better meet the market demand.
4. Brand advantages
Yuanshang Floor has a deep understanding, unique vision and keen insight of the industry, and has popularity and influence in the industry.
5. Training advantages
Yuanshang Flooring has an independent training team to conduct comprehensive store opening training for franchisees until they learn it. Later store opening will also follow up the training work of the store.
6. Product advantages
The headquarters will provide stable supply to partners, and keep the products updated in time to lead the fashion trend.
Yuanshang floor Franchise conditions
1. There are certain business premises and office facilities required for operating the company's products.
2. Understand and agree with the brand culture and business philosophy of Yuanshang flooring.
3. A certain amount of outdoor advertising must be invested near the business site or in the area with concentrated traffic.
4. There must be a certain distribution network and a certain number of business personnel, after-sales service personnel and shopping guides.
5. The designated sales volume must be completed in the distribution area according to the company's regional development plan.
6. Be familiar with the local market and demand, and have strong economic strength and good business reputation.
Yuanshang floor Franchise process
Contact and understand
Get a preliminary understanding of Yuanshang floor by telephone consultation or website message.
Franchise negotiation
Communicate in detail with the person in charge of the company on specific matters of cooperation and determine the intention of joining.
Franchise application
The applicant shall fill in the application form for joining and fax or E-MAIL his/her personal data to the company.
Identification and evaluation
The company reviews the information of intended franchisees and makes field visits to conduct a comprehensive assessment of franchise qualifications.
Franchise signing
After the company's review of the intended franchisees, it will sign a formal alliance cooperation agreement and pay the initial deposit.
Corporate training
The company appoints supervisors to assist in the preliminary training of personnel recruitment and franchise store management, display supervision, sales skills coaching and other related training.
Official business
When everything is ready, the franchise store will officially open!

Yuanshang floor Joining dynamics


Yuanshang floor Related questions and answers


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  • Want to join. Hope to call back

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yuanshang flooring! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-26 08:23:35 From China  39.188.16*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About tens of thousands.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yuanshang flooring! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-22 15:38:03 From Changzhi City, Shanxi Province  60.220.69*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 5w.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yuanshang flooring! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 17:41:03 From Shanxi Province  60.223.255*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 500 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yuanshang flooring! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 06:43:52 From Hengyang City, Hunan Province  59.51.49*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 180000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yuanshang flooring! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 09:03:23 From Hunan Province  58.44.254*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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