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Yibai Hotel
  • Franchise industry:

    Hotels>Business Hotels

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    two thousand

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Yibai Hotel Introduction to joining
 Join Yibai Hotel
Yibai Hotel is located in the center of the picturesque Dadonghai Tourist Resort, adjacent to Luhuitou Scenic Area, Summer Department Store Square and Sanya Duty Free Store, with convenient transportation. The hotel has a powerful seascape of the Gold Coast superior , picturesque.
Yibai Hotel integrates vacation, leisure, business, conference, food and entertainment. It has all kinds of rooms full of tropical fashion. The panoramic room with unique style can overlook the charming night in Lucheng, and enjoy a comfortable life when the sea breeze blows across your face. The 270 ° sea view room has a new view of the sea, making you feel like a bird flying freely between the sea and the sky.
The fourth floor of Yibai Hotel is an elegant borderless restaurant, which gathers European, American, Russian and Southeast Asian cuisines; There is also a seaside restaurant, which provides seafood with local characteristics.
The air swimming pool, spa, fitness center, and Dadonghai private beach provide you with a variety of thoughtful services. The luxurious and tasteful club is located on the top floor, allowing you to enjoy the distinguished special treatment. The seventh floor is the meeting floor, major 's team will provide you with major , thoughtful conference services, so that your business contacts with half the effort.
Yibai Hotel is now successfully operating nearly 3000 hotels in 300 major cities, with a hotel network covering the whole country. For more than ten years, Yibai Hotel has been deeply involved in the chain hotel market. It has mastered a set of mature and replicable hotel operation and management models, and standardized the headquarters major The large hotel membership system and e-commerce platform for management and operation in China have greatly improved the operation efficiency of each hotel and laid a solid foundation for qualified hotel operation.
The establishment, implementation and monitoring of hotel product standards are the key points for a hotel to operate successfully for a long time. Yibai Hotel has a well-established hotel quality monitoring system, which provides a complete and executable scheme from the location, construction and subsequent continuous operation of the hotel. From the investigation of customers' opinions from multiple perspectives to the service, support and supervision of the headquarters to specific hotels, they all operate under the quality mechanism, which has established stable quality support for the quality and sustainable operation of the hotel.
Yibai Hotel is a newly established chain tourism hotel company, which is committed to building a tourism hotel with standardized management and luxurious decoration in the region. And establish a stable staff team for rapid development. The company will tailor a hotel career plan for you according to your personal characteristics and strengths. At the same time, the company will provide you with a broad development platform and qualified promotion space. We sincerely welcome you who are interested in the development of the hotel industry to join us.
Yibai Hotel Franchise advantages
 Join Yibai Hotel
1. Strong design team:
The design team with first-class design qualification will build a chain hotel with high added value and high cost performance ratio, strengthen the hardware advantage of the product, improve the market competitiveness, highlight the characteristics, highlight the theme, and have a strong modern flavor, ensure Regional competitive advantage advanced brand.
2. Quality construction team:
The construction team with first-class construction qualification, ensure The decoration period was shortened by 30% on a year-on-year basis, and the decoration cost was saved by 17% on a year-on-year basis, so as to strive for great advantages in the price and quality of hotel materials for franchisees.
3. Unique marketing concept:
   ensure The market cultivation period was shortened by one month, and the franchise payback period was shortened by 18 months.
4. Convenient reservation and reception system:
Paged operation interface, fool like operating system, complete check-in in 5 seconds, convenient and fast.
  5、 major Management team:
Eboo Headquarters major Quality supervision system and talent training system, ensure Achieve the service specifications of high star hotels with the personnel ratio of express hotels.
6. Yibai Hotel accuracy Positioning: Yibai Hotel is positioned as a comfortable, high-quality and high-grade economic hotel brand, giving consumers an experience of civilian consumption with stars.
7. Yibai Hotel's customer source advantage: it serves the vast number of business people, self driving tourists, self-help tourists, general government business travelers and other people.
  8、 major Management: Yibai Hotel Co., Ltd major Our team provides systematic hotel services and training, and a systematic hotel management system, so that franchise stores can manage the hotel more scientifically and easily.
9. Control cost: Yibai Hotel major Design team and engineering guidance, providing you with cost control and major Maintenance, strict business accounting and cost control.
10. Various services: Yibai Hotel major Franchise consultation of, simplify your complicated business of opening a store, and realize the output of brand, design, store opening, operation, personnel and other aspects.
11. Diversity of property selection: there is no limit to the number of rooms in Yibai Hotel; Vacant property or existing hotel; Hardware facilities basically meet the hotel operation requirements.
12. Qualified operation system support: Yibai Hotel relies on the group's mature system platform and standardized management process guidance.
Yibai Hotel Franchise conditions
1. Have a sincere and long-term cooperation attitude, and have certain channel influence in the region;
2. Be familiar with the local market, have rich product resources, and have rich channel resources in the region;
3. There is a systematic marketing team responsible for channel expansion and channel laying in a large scale;
4. Be able to fully tap their own and channel resources for full publicity and promotion.
Yibai Hotel Franchise process
1. Understand franchise policy
Learn about the industry situation and the headquarters' franchise policy from the headquarters of Ebon Hotel by telephone, filling in forms online, customer service consulting, etc.
2. Intention communication between both parties
It is a process of mutual selection to understand the conditions, judgment, evaluation and review required by the franchise agent of Eboo Hotel, and to determine whether you are suitable to join or act as an agent for the relevant projects of Eboo Hotel.
3. Determine the joining intention
After knowing the detailed joining policy, determine your own joining intention. If you really want to join, fill in the joining application and submit it to the headquarters for review.
4. Contract signing
Sign the franchise contract and pay the relevant fees, which is officially authorized by the headquarters.
5. Site selection and store construction
The headquarters provides corresponding supporting facilities for store location major Site selection scheme, ensure The partners choose excellent store locations.
6. Decoration
The decoration of the store is as important as the store location. Good decoration can attract many consumers for the store. When decorating the store, we should not only meet the unified decoration requirements of the headquarters, but also make the decoration style conform to the local aesthetic concept.
7. Training
The training is very helpful for franchise stores. With the training support of the headquarters, franchise stores can better enter the operation state and be fast.
8. Opening preparation
The headquarter will assist you in the opening preparation, such as ordering various materials, making the opening plan, etc., to help you open successfully.

Yibai Hotel Joining dynamics


Yibai Hotel Related questions and answers


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  • How did this happen

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yibai Hotel! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 09:50:03 From Wenzhou, Zhejiang  60.180.138*
  • Please review if you want to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yibai Hotel! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 01:51:54 From Xinjiang  49.118.127*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 200000 yuan. handshake;

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yibai Hotel! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 04:30:24 From Yueyang City, Hunan Province  58.44.22*
  • How much is the franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yibai Hotel! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 13:38:22 From Suihua City, Heilongjiang Province  60.15.131*
  • Is there any deposit for joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yibai Hotel! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 06:17:37 From Gansu Province  42.92.170*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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