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Winning Prawns and Steamed Rice with Prawns
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


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  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Winning Prawns and Steamed Rice with Prawns Introduction to joining
 Win Prawn Hand Play Prawn Rice
Win Prawn Hand Beat Shrimp Steamed Rice Main Product: Flavor, original sesame oil, shrimp Steamed rice, hot pot, shrimp Steamed rice. Over the years of development, the company has always insisted on moving people with quality. In the process of continuous innovation and development, it has launched many popular snacks and catering projects that are popular and trusted by consumers, and its business is very hot. The chain brand of Win Prawn Hand Beat Shrimp Steamed Rice is also very good in development and creation, which is also very popular and recognized by everyone. Entrepreneurship is very popular because of the demand for business opportunities and wealth of the times.
The development of snack market in the modern catering industry is quite good, so many people have embarked on the development of snack industry. So far, the chain brand of "Winning Prawn Hands Playing Shrimp Steamed Rice" has also successfully launched a hot investment attraction in major cities. Delicious shrimp Steamed Rice will eventually occupy the market and enter the public's vision. Win Prawn Hand Beating Shrimp Steamed Rice to join the chain brand business, creating a variety of development options, the classic is more popular.
Popular good brands, good demand for getting rich, and creating broader business opportunities of the times have also left a very good impression in people's minds. As an emerging popular snack project, shrimp slide has emerged in many major markets across the country. Most of the profits are good and the cost is small, so many entrepreneurs have focused on this industry. The chain brand of "Winning Prawn Hand Beating Shrimp Steamed Rice" has always insisted on creating unique business opportunities in its development.
It is easy to do the business of winning prawn hand beating prawn rice. The wealth of the market demands business opportunities, creating multiple classic prospects, and the demand for getting rich is more good. Winning Prawn Hand Beating Shrimp Steamed Rice has technical talents who will constantly research and develop new products. Winning Prawn Hand Beating Shrimp Steamed Rice has experienced market tests and consumer supervision, and has always adhered to quality. The small cost of snack industry is also a characteristic business opportunity project that many people will love, and the market development is also very good.
Win Prawn Hand Play Shrimp Steamed Rice Franchise Chain Brands to build online red shrimp Steamed Rice snack business, which has heated up the current consumer market and is also very popular in all aspects of development. At present, Win Prawn Hand Play Shrimp Steamed Rice Franchise Chain Brands have realized more needs for joining to become rich, broad era business opportunities, and more achievements in multiple wealth choices.
Winning Prawns and Steamed Rice with Prawns Franchise advantages
 Win Prawn Hand Play Prawn Rice
1. Market research: conduct field investigation on local economic, social, market conditions and competitors of the franchisee of Winprawn Hand Beating Shrimp Steamed Rice, and develop marketing methods for different environments of the franchisee.
2. Location of store: select the store development, customer flow, shopping mall grade and business environment in the commercial area that meets the requirements of the company.
3. Store design: the store is designed with exquisite decoration in accordance with the standards of Yingda Prawn Hand Beating Shrimp Steamed Rice Company.
4. Product configuration.
5. Equipment technology: Winning Prawns and Playing Shrimp Steamed Rice will provide technical support for food equipment, and will not make mistakes after being instructed by personnel.
6. Personnel training: the store manager and salesperson will give training and guidance to the franchisee of Yingprawn Hand Beating Shrimp Steamed Rice in terms of sales skills, professional etiquette, corporate culture, brand image, food health knowledge, etc.
7. Marketing planning: The company regularly assigns special personnel to give sales guidance to franchisees and provide corresponding marketing plans.
8. After sales improvement: The company has an after-sales customer service team, and any problem can be solved by phone and network service platform for the franchisee of Win Prawn Hand Play Shrimp Steamed Rice.
9. Product innovation: Cooperate with a strong R&D team to innovate the product development, and timely communicate with the franchisee for listing.
Winning Prawns and Steamed Rice with Prawns Franchise conditions
1. Have a certain economic foundation.
2. Energetic, entrepreneurial spirit and entrepreneurial ability.
3. Have the ability of regional market brand promotion, operation and team management.
4. Recognize the brand's market positioning, business philosophy and development strategy.
5. The franchise fee shall be paid according to the market level.
6. It is required to accept the operation guidance and supervision of the headquarters.
7. With self-motivated and strong learning ability, the brand grows bigger and stronger with the growth of the brand.
Winning Prawns and Steamed Rice with Prawns Franchise process
1. Consultation on joining matters;
2. Visit the headquarters;
3. Visit direct stores and taste dishes;
4. Read the detailed information provided by the company;
5. Project negotiation, fill in the application form for joining intention;
6. Review the franchise application materials, pay the deposit or sign the contract directly;
7. Assist in site selection, survey and evaluation of business districts, and construction drawings of leased storefronts;
8. The headquarters provides decoration design and guides the decoration construction of the store;
9. Provide the list of purchased equipment;
10. Headquarters standardized service, technology and management training;
11. Field operation practice of headquarters direct stores;
12. The headquarters shall provide relevant procedures and procedures for applying for business license;
13. The headquarters provides free opening guidance, tracks the operation status, and puts forward reasonable suggestions;
14. The headquarter shall standardize and adjust the operation according to the operation status of the store;
15. The headquarters provides free training and guidance for new products, and provides promotional programs;
16. The headquarters provides continuous product upgrading and business strategies to improve the economic benefits and brand image of the store.

Winning Prawns and Steamed Rice with Prawns Joining dynamics


Winning Prawns and Steamed Rice with Prawns Related questions and answers


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  • Consultation and cooperation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to win prawn hand beating prawn rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-27 18:52:04 From China  42.199.69*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 50000 to 100000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to win prawn hand beating prawn rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-25 18:49:43 From Shaibak District, Urumqi, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region  49.118.162*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Within 10w.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to win prawn hand beating prawn rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 20:23:21 From Shanghai  58.246.57*
  • I live in the United States and am very interested in your company's products. I want to join you as an agent.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to win prawn hand beating prawn rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 03:06:24 From Jilin Province  58.21.244*
  • How much is the franchise fee, company address and requirements for franchisees

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to win prawn hand beating prawn rice! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 13:29:30 From Lanzhou City, Gansu Province  42.91.109*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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