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Yantang Fresh Milk
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Yantang Fresh Milk Introduction to joining
 Yantang Fresh Milk
Founded in 1956, Yantang Milk Company is a subsidiary of Guangdong Yantang Enterprise Head Office under the jurisdiction of Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Land Reclamation, and a dairy processing factory in Guangzhou. Nearly half a century of dairy processing history has accumulated rich dairy processing experience for Yantang Milk Company.
Yantang Dairy has always been adhering to the business philosophy of "market orientation, outstanding technology, quality and customer first" to provide good products and services for consumers' healthy life. With unremitting efforts and hard work, Yantang Milk is deeply loved and trusted by consumers. Yantang Dairy has successively won the honorary titles of key agricultural industrialization enterprises and products of Guangdong Province. So far, Yantang Dairy has become one of the large-scale dairy enterprises in South China.
Fresh, nutritious, hygienic, no, Yantang milk franchise has support
Fresh: milk squeezed on the same day can be put on the market on the same day. Unlike sterilized pure milk, it can be produced, inspected, transported to the market for at least 40 or 50 days, or more than two or three months, or even five or six months. It is really "cow" and "milk".
Nutrition: Pasteurized, the nutrition loss is much less than sterilized milk. Guangdong is like spring all the year round. Cattle eat fresh grass every day. Unlike cattle in the north, there is no grass from the middle of October to June of the next year. Therefore, Yantang milk contains more vitamins and other nutrients than ordinary milk in quality.
Hygiene: Guangdong has sufficient water resources. Cowhouses and cows are washed clean every day. Most cows are milked by machines. The hygiene standard is high, the quality of milk is good, and the bacteria content is low. There is no need to add anything to cover up the milk tank or solve the bad smell of milk.
None: Yantang milk was exported to Hong Kong as early as 1979. It has been strictly produced in accordance with EU standards for many years and does not contain. Today, the daily supply of fresh milk and dairy products to Hong Kong and Macao is up to 60-70 tons.
: Relying on good milk source and smart processing technology, we have truly achieved "original taste".
Nearby: Yantang Milk and Dairy Factory is located at the foot of Baiyun Mountain, where the environment is green, clean and beautiful, close to the target consumer group, and truly "close to production and marketing".
Yantang Fresh Milk Franchise advantages
 Yantang Fresh Milk
1. Free of joining fee and exorbitant fees!
In the case of regular milk shop joining or other chain stores joining, there are a lot of joining fees, training fees, brand use fees, management fees, decoration fees, and we will completely reduce them. Moreover, we will not charge any profitable fees. Save costs to a minimum.
2. Full brand operation, free sales without restrictions!
Generally, franchise stores are actually brand stores of manufacturers. They can only operate a certain brand, and cannot operate competitor brands. This is actually a disadvantage. Every consumer has its own favorite brand. If consumers only like to drink yogurt from brand B, and you only have brand A, wouldn't that force consumers to become competitors?!
For example, we can make a lot of fresh milk. Yantang, Fengxing, Xiangmanlou, Weiji, Baifulu... all are OK!
Yogurt, we can also do Jianneng, Danone, Guangming, Kashi, Xiangmanlou, Mengniu, Yiliduo, Huanong
3. Buy at the dealer price, and there will be a price advantage immediately!
General manufacturers think that dairy stores are just retail stores, and generally do not give them preferential prices. Generally, the dealer delivers the goods. Even if it is delivered directly by the manufacturer, it is not a first-class price. However, the price we can increase/increase is the low price of the supply wholesaler.
4. Professional guidance, reduced operation!
We have been selling food for more than 15 years. We know the hidden rules of the industry and what are the business traps. We can provide professional advice to avoid serious losses for new comers! Lower it to a lower level and control the curve to less.
Yantang Fresh Milk Franchise conditions
1. At least 18 years old, qualified credit, both men and women.
2. Identification Yantang Fresh Milk Business philosophy and service standards.
3. It has the financial strength to join Yantang fresh milk brand, and the source of funds is legal.
4. The store must be within the designated business area; The store should be located in a busy commercial street or large shopping mall.
5. Recognize the operation mode of the headquarters and accept the unified management of the headquarters.
6. Qualified business reputation and extensive local connections.
7. He can bear hardships and stand hard work, and can devote himself to the management of Wanjiabao milk chain.
Yantang Fresh Milk Franchise process
1. Franchise consultation: Read the company's investment promotion materials in detail and ask our staff for them;
2. Franchise application form: after confirming the intention, carefully fill in the franchise subscription form of the franchise store;
3. Cooperation and communication: detailed communication with the head of our marketing department on specific cooperation matters;
4. Sign contract: sign a formal alliance cooperation agreement after the company's review of the intended franchisee is qualified;
5. Pay the deposit: after signing the contract, pay the early deposit;
6. Shop image decoration design: complete the decoration according to the decoration standards of franchise stores under the guidance of our company;
7. Opening preparation planning: our regional marketing service personnel will cooperate to complete the logistics distribution and franchise store display;
8. Official opening: It is a good choice to officially open on holiday days. Team work spirit, and have a certain management ability.

User consultation

  • Want to join. Hope to call back

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yantang fresh milk! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-29 19:49:54 From China  39.189.44*
  • County agent

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yantang fresh milk! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-20 21:44:39 From Nanjing, Jiangsu Province  58.212.132*
  • Can you be a dealer

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yantang fresh milk! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 19:44:14 From Jiangsu Province  49.70.56*
  • How much is the franchise fee for a 17 square meter store?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yantang fresh milk! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 09:48:30 From Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province  60.11.205*
  • Agent point, can Shangqiu Suiyang Wuzhou City do it?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Yantang fresh milk! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 03:25:01 From Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province  59.34.252*
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