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Learning table
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Agency franchise cooperation

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and forty

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Learning table Introduction to joining
 Learning table joining
After the full liberalization of the two child policy, the number of newborns in China has continued to increase, which has brought a wide range of consumers to the learning table industry. If someone goes to consume, it will generate turnover. Therefore, in recent years, the annual turnover of the learning table industry in China has continued to increase, which has led many entrepreneurs to have the idea of joining. Learning desk is a new upstart in the industry. It is of high quality and low price. Consumers like it and entrepreneurs trust it.
Learning desk, a powerful company, is a founding enterprise integrating research, development, production and sales of learning desk and other products. After years of market exploration and repeated tests, its research team finally launched the easy lifting and tilting multi-functional healthy learning table to the market in 2008, and successfully registered the trademark of learning table.
Learning desk is a combination of ergonomic design concepts and the development of learning desks and chairs based on the characteristics of children's body structure, so as to help people solve the problem of children's height growing while the height of desks and chairs remains unchanged. Therefore, after the launch of this product, it has been quickly recognized by parents and children, and has accumulated many loyal fans.
Learning table is a learning table product developed from the perspective of children's healthy growth. It focuses on "paying attention to details, environmental protection and health, and the formation of qualified habits in the process of children's growth". It adheres to original design and independent development, only to create a learning table product that is different from others.
Faced with the tide of plagiarism in China, the staff of the learning desk did not complain or get discouraged, but as always devoted themselves to the development of learning desk products. Many of the products they developed have submitted patent applications and been approved. At present, its technology mainly includes L-shaped desktop board, desktop slow lifting system, desk integrated design, etc. Each time the product is created to optimize the user experience, avoid similarity with similar products, and enhance the competitiveness of the brand, which has become the industry standard.
The learning desk strictly controls the quality of the products. It takes a good learning desk and chair product as the enterprise goal. In order to realize this dream, its staff often go deep into the market, listen to the voice of consumers, constantly collect industry information, listen to the voice of consumers, and seek breakthroughs in products and technology. Now, it has created a series of products and become a leader in the field of health learning desk.
Learning table Franchise advantages
 Learning table joining
Brand advantages
Learning desk, since its inception, has been focusing on the development of learning desk products, committed to creating a comfortable learning environment for children, so that their healthy growth. It has successively opened four branches and several chain stores in China, and has achieved good annual sales results, becoming a pioneer in the industry.
Channel advantages
Learning desk has a wealth of sales channels. It is understood that it has established long-term cooperative relations with well-known enterprises such as Wanda Department Store, Yuexing Home Furnishing, etc. Of course, entrepreneurs can also open their own stores to sell products. As long as they operate carefully, business should not be bad.
Product advantages
With the efforts of the product development team, the learning desk has created its own product system, dozens of series and hundreds of pieces, which can meet the consumer needs of the public.
Policy advantages
Learning desk has established a complete policy system. If you join it, entrepreneurs can not only obtain a series of training support provided by the headquarters, but also have professional staff to provide you with marketing strategies, holiday promotions, cross industry alliances, store operations and other support. That is, entrepreneurs do not understand the learning desk market, they can easily enter the industry, Become an industry expert quickly.
Learning table Franchise conditions
1. Abide by the relevant provisions of laws and regulations, and have independent legal personality or natural person over the age of 18.
2. Recognize the company's brand management philosophy, have a serious career attitude, and aspire to common development.
3. Have sufficient strength to join in.
4. It has legal business premises and complies with various laws and regulations.
5. Comply with the price unification policy of the headquarters and other management specifications.
6. Qualified reputation, cheerful and positive personality, and affinity.
7. With long-term development vision and organizational management ability, with a fighting spirit and a strong desire for success.

Learning table Franchise process
1. The franchisee intends to negotiate and fill in the franchise application form;
2. Preliminary examination of franchise qualification conditions;
3. Market survey of cities with franchise intention;
4. Confirmation of joining feasibility;
5. Sign franchise contract;
6. Collect franchise fees and increase/increase fees;
7. Store site selection survey;
8. Issue decoration scheme and budget, and sign decoration contract;
9. Mobilization for decoration and collection of decoration materials;
10. Collect decoration balance after decoration acceptance;
11. One month before the completion of decoration:
① Assist in handling business procedures;
② Guide the purchase of facilities and equipment;
③ Personnel recruitment;
④ Personnel training;
⑤ Publicity and planning before opening.
12. The group sends personnel to support the trial operation.

User consultation

  • I want to ask you how much the franchise fee is; 100000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the learning desk! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 20:21:50 From Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province  60.222.161*
  • Want to know more

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the learning desk! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 12:50:11 From Henan Province  42.230.243*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The total area of the two floors is about 40 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the learning desk! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 20:19:38 From Henan Province  42.233.231*
  • Pay attention to how much the franchise fee is

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the learning desk! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 03:10:02 From Linxia County, Linxia Hui Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province  60.164.250*
  • Hope to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the learning desk! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 10:04:52 From Bengbu City, Anhui Province  60.170.155*
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