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Filial products for the elderly
  • Franchise industry:

    Health>Personal Care Shop

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Filial products for the elderly Introduction to joining
 Filial elderly products franchise
Filial products for the elderly uphold the social responsibility of "helping the world's children to be filial, solving the difficulties of the world's parents, and sharing the concerns of the party and the government", and are committed to serving the middle-aged and elderly.
Xiaoxin Elderly Products Co., Ltd., headquartered in Guangzhou, is a company dedicated to high-tech product research and development, relying on Internet technology, rooted in the elderly care service industry, integrating research, development and production of elderly products, community elderly care services, elderly care recovery An elderly care service complex integrating nursing. Since the establishment of filial piety products for the elderly nine years ago, the scale of the enterprise has been growing, and the number of cooperative stores across the country has exceeded 1000, gradually developing into an industry enterprise.
Build a comprehensive elderly care service system in prefecture level cities nationwide in three years
Realize full coverage of elderly care services in counties and cities nationwide in six years
In ten years, all the elderly in the world can enjoy the grid, intelligent and family friendly elderly care services at the "gate" of filial piety
Filial products for the elderly are committed to creating major And actively cooperate with enterprises and institutions with strong strength at home and abroad. The scope of cooperation covers health management, health food, intelligent elderly care products and third parties major The elderly care institutions, institutions and other related fields have brought us advanced technology, capital and talent resources, improved the core competitiveness of filial piety products for the elderly and the ability to expand the market, jointly promoted the rapid development of the domestic elderly care industry, and realized the filial piety dream of the Chinese nation.
Brand positioning: communicator of filial piety culture, customized product for the elderly, guardian of happiness in old age
Service tenet: genuinely care for the elderly and provide good service in a down-to-earth manner
Slogan: spread filial piety culture and advocate healthy life
Social responsibility: help the world's children to be filial to the world's parents and share the concerns of the party and government
Management philosophy: result oriented digital speaking
Store proposition: love the world and be filial to the world
Filial products for the elderly Franchise advantages
 Filial elderly products franchise
The health club alleviates the problem of sub-health and is a good business opportunity for consumers. Filial piety products for the elderly have good enough products to meet the needs of the large market. Nowadays, filial piety products for the elderly are constantly updating technology, protecting more market demand, and the prospect of making money is bright!
1. Franchise advantages
After the expiration of the franchise contract, the franchisee is willing to continue cooperation, and can give priority to handling new franchise contracts according to the headquarters policy.
2. Technical advantages
The headquarters of the company has experienced avant-garde technical personnel to constantly improve products so as to be in a position in the industry.
3. Service advantages
Follow up post service allows you to stop worrying about after-sales service.
4. Brand advantages
Filial piety products for the elderly follow the brand line. After years of development, it has accumulated a high degree and reputation, and the brand name has been popularized to most consumers. As long as the brand name is known, consumers will be more likely to buy.
5. Training advantages
The company regularly provides full program, public trust and systematic training for franchisees, store managers and clerks, and constantly improves the operation level and management ability of stores.
6. Product advantages
The product has high cost performance ratio and competitive advantage.
Filial products for the elderly Franchise conditions
1. An independent organization or legal person with legal personality or legal business qualification and legal registration.
2. Recognize and accept the business philosophy and operation mode of the headquarters.
3. Have the financial strength of the brand, and the source of funds is legal.
4. Franchisees should prepare a store that meets the requirements of the headquarters in advance. The location must be good, and the surrounding population flow should be large.
5. Be able to strictly implement all policies formulated by us.
6. Must have team spirit and be able to work with other The franchisee members cooperate in a friendly manner.
7. It has a certain economic foundation, local social relations and strong enterprising spirit.
Filial products for the elderly Franchise process
1. Understanding the project: adopt After the joining telephone, website and experience in the store, go to the company to learn the details of the joining rules.
2. Signing cooperation: go to the company to understand and sign the franchise contract, and consult and investigate the site selection according to the regional location recommended by the company.
3. Business circle evaluation: the company's market is inspected and evaluated in person to determine whether the store meets the business requirements.
4. Opening preparation: decoration, teaching aid distribution, staff recruitment, training and employment.
5. Store opening: the company will entrust major The staff will assist in opening the store and make the "raw store" become the "familiar store" as soon as possible.
6. Follow up support: after the store enters the operation period, the company will not only provide products to the store, but will continue to input management and services, and jointly build brands with franchisees.

Filial products for the elderly Joining dynamics


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    2024-06-16 10:34:13 From Sichuan  59.57.194*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to filial piety products for the elderly! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 09:43:01 From Shanghai  49.95.14*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to filial piety products for the elderly! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 10:25:29 From Nanjing, Jiangsu Province  58.212.164*
  • There is no blank market in Guizhou

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to filial piety products for the elderly! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 22:29:54 From Yueyang City, Hunan Province  58.44.30*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to filial piety products for the elderly! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 06:40:00 From Wuhan, Hubei Province  49.210.86*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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