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Student supplies for student partners
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional projects of existing companies in the form of free entrepreneurship online stores

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Student supplies for student partners Introduction to joining

 Student partner student supplies alliance

The first product of the student partner: reuse, parents worry less, children save more effort, student partner stationery, student partner makes you save more money. You can save two years of money by purchasing student partners' stationery at one time. The second product of the student partner: to help children maintain a healthy upright posture, away from the threats of myopia, strabismus, oblique shoulder, and hunchback. Once using the student partner's stationery, my mother will no longer have to worry about my posture. Good posture starts from using student partner No. 2.
The second product of student partners: student partners help children change bad and wrong writing posture, and develop good handwriting in a short time. The student partners write well, and parents are naturally not worried. The fourth product of the student partner: let children learn by playing, teach and enjoy everything, and instantly lead children into the strange world of sound, light and electricity. Play with student partners to join the product, and master some scientific knowledge, so that children can play more and more smart, happy learning, healthy growth.
Now children in every school are using student partner products. The products that can help children learn are always good products. When children learn well, parents will not worry. Thank Shanghai Student Partner Stationery Co., Ltd. for bringing such a good product to children all over the world.
The education market is large, and the potential to become rich is great. The business of student supplies is easy to do and make money. The student partner student supplies, aiming to bring good school supplies to children, and the student partner sports supplies achieve children's dreams and let parents' hopes fly!
Student partner student supplies, create student supplies, and expand the road to wealth! The series of learning partner products are a comprehensive learning product that is specially developed for children and students to save learning supplies, prevent myopia, prevent hunchback, practice and write well, and cultivate learning habits. They are good helpers in children's life and learning. It is also our responsibility and purpose to let children learn healthily and happily.
It is hard for you to imagine the large market and wide sales of student supplies for student partners! As long as the operator completes the relevant preparations, places the products and the display platform, invites passers-by to watch for free, actively explains, experiences, shows the magical functions and features of the student partner's school supplies, and directly persuades parents to purchase them, which may have a higher transaction rate than in schools.
Student supplies for student partners are not only loved by students, but also attracted a large number of parents! Although student partner school supplies are used by students, the purchase right is still in the hands of parents in many cases, so if the student partner school supplies sales stalls are located in communities, parks, factories, units and other places, it is likely to attract a large number of parents to buy them.
Student supplies for student partners Franchise advantages

 Student partner student supplies alliance

1. Brand image:
The headquarters provides a unified logo, business name, store image and the right to use the corporate VI visual system. The image of one hundred stores is conducive to the rapid growth of each store.
2. Whole store output:
From signing the contract to opening, the headquarters will take care of all stores: provide store location selection, decoration design scheme, opening gifts, pre opening training, etc. to improve/increase your smooth opening and popularity.
3. Raw material support:
The franchise headquarters distributes the core materials in a unified way, which can not be copied, so as to improve/increase the market benefits of the partners. The raw materials that cannot be bought in the market during the operation are supplied to the partners at all levels or relevant manufacturers at a lower price for a long time.
4. Share:
The headquarters has an experienced business group, which can lead stores and guide customers to shorten the running in time and make quick profits.
5. Advertising helps:
The headquarters provides full process planning and advertising support. The media choose CCTV, Satellite TV, fashion magazines, mainstream journals, etc., and the strong advertising promotion enables the cooperative stores to enjoy a rolling customer base.
6. Site selection and beach grabbing
The headquarters will investigate and analyze the business area, and provide reasonable suggestions for selecting the store location to make your business easier.
7. After sales service:
The planning department, marketing department, marketing headquarters, training center and R&D department of the franchise headquarters are on standby all day long, providing services for the cooperative stores in many ways to ensure uninterrupted service.
Student supplies for student partners Franchise conditions
1、 At least 18 years old, with the ability to independently bear civil liability and legal personality;
2、 Voluntarily apply to join the chain system of student supplies for student partners, and have certain economic strength;
3、 Agree with the marketing concept and product structure of student supplies, obey the company's unified management and training, and be able to cooperate with the company's supervision and search work;
4、 Provide the site selection of the store and relevant licenses required by the operation, and accept the evaluation of the company;
5、 Have qualified business ethics, cooperation concept and "customer first" service concept;
6、 Be able to devote themselves wholeheartedly, use the brand name of the student partner uniformly, and consciously maintain the brand image;
7、 Franchise stores shall abide by relevant laws and regulations of the service industry and shall not engage in activities that violate laws or corrupt social morality;
8、 Love education and have long-term entrepreneurial enthusiasm.
Student supplies for student partners Franchise process
Customer consultation: fill in the franchise application form
Agreement of Intent: student partner student supplies headquarters examines the market and customers
Sign the formal franchise cooperation agreement: the franchisee shall pay the increase/increase and down payment according to the agreement
The company and personal information of the franchisee shall be faxed to the company for filing: the copy of the agreement between the franchisee and the mall (monopoly) shall be filed with the company, and the franchisee shall provide the store plan designed by the company
Customer orders from the company: student partner student supplies headquarters assists customer staff in training and opening preparations
Official opening and operation

Student supplies for student partners Joining dynamics


Student supplies for student partners Related questions and answers


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  • Want to know about this brand

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to student supplies for student partners! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-20 00:14:50 From China  39.178.247*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to student supplies for student partners! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-18 07:10:23 From China  39.186.68*
  • I have more than 4000 square meters of property with industrial land, covering an area of more than 4 mu

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to student supplies for student partners! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 06:41:05 From Heilongjiang Province  42.102.248*
  • I want to ask, please call back

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to student supplies for student partners! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 03:46:42 From Henan Province  60.223.124*
  • WeChat sends data, and WeChat is the same as mobile phone; 40-80W。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to student supplies for student partners! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 05:08:41 From Qingyang City, Gansu Province  42.92.73*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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