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Little Newton training and education
  • Franchise industry:

    Education>Scientific Experiment

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and eighty-nine

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Little Newton training and education Introduction to joining
 Little Newton joined in training and education
  Newtonian training and education registered trademark, established in 2003, is a company focusing on the research, development and promotion of scientific products for children. The main products include science enlightenment courses for children, science enlightenment courses for children, series of courses for Little Newton Training and Education Center, science enlightenment family courses and other courses aimed at improving students' comprehensive ability and knowledge application ability; The company introduces perfect and mature science education curriculum system and science and education products from Europe and the United States, and is committed to developing and promoting series of products suitable for children's scientific enlightenment relying on teams in many domestic science and technology fields. Our mission is to "synchronize children's science with the world".
Founded in 2003, Little Newton Training Education is an enterprise focusing on children's science. The company has introduced perfect and mature science education curriculum system and activity products from Europe and the United States, and is committed to developing and promoting science series courses and activities suitable for children relying on many domestic teams in science and technology fields.
Newtonian training and education, founded in 2003, aims at "being a valuable education for children and a responsible enterprise for society", focuses on "science for children aged 3-12" and "quality education for children aged 5-12", and focuses on improving children's comprehensive ability and knowledge application ability.
Little Newton's training and education has been deeply rooted in the science industry for 15 years. There are more than 1000 curriculum agencies and more than 180 "Little Newton Science+" cooperative schools in the country. It has an independent and perfect curriculum system for children's science, covering a series of contents such as curriculum development and promotion. It has taught more than 50 million students in total, and has profound and unique views on the teaching status. The mature market launch plan and perfect training mechanism will help you open the market for cash in a short time! The global investment attraction of Little Newton's training and education franchise project is in progress. Entrepreneurs are welcome to call for inquiries and investigate the project.
Little Newton training and education Franchise advantages
 Little Newton joined in training and education
  Good product: classic enlightenment combined with memory map and memory exercises, the results are easy for children to learn and can be combined with the reality of life, which is enjoyed by teachers and parents. The combination of sound, shape, meaning, figure and exercise is incomparable to any other courses. Its teaching has broken the rigidity of traditional teaching, and realized the real sense of teaching and entertainment. The report performance and environment creation of kindergartens will no longer be a problem
Standardized operation and mode: mature market launch scheme and perfect training mechanism can help you open the market for cash in a short time! The combination of teaching materials and teaching methods, mutually beneficial cooperation programs, impress customers, and the headquarters provides a mature market operation model, clear market positioning and major The agent only needs to copy directly and can enjoy the powerful marketing support of the headquarters, saving time and effort.
Good service: By joining Little Newton training and education, you will have the right to use the trademark and brand of Little Newton training and education, and improve/increase legal operation. The headquarters sends a good team to guide the market development in person; Enjoy the long-term planning, training, strong media advertising support and perfect logistics distribution system of the headquarters, and also enjoy the right to cooperate to explore new markets.
Little Newton training and education Franchise conditions
1. Agree with the management concept and management mode of Little Newton's training and education;
2. Great interest and love in the training and education of Little Newton;
3. Have certain financial strength, qualified business reputation and franchise awareness;
4. Have the ability of regional market operation planning, development and promotion;
5. Have certain contacts and market resources;
6. Have the awareness and ability to support lower level partners in the region;
7. Earnestly participate in various trainings and meetings organized by Little Newton Training and Education Headquarters;
8. Abide by relevant laws and regulations, and abide by the provisions of Little Newton's training and education business contract.
Little Newton training and education Franchise process
1. Operators who have independent legal personality or full civil capacity and meet the conditions for joining the company shall submit a written application to the company.
2. The franchisee applicant shall provide the company with a copy of ID card, personal or company information, and market information.
3. At the same time, the letter of intent for cooperation and the market operation (development) plan shall be provided.
4. The marketing center of the company reviews the materials provided by the applicant.
5. After the review, the company's marketing center informed him to go to the company's headquarters for cooperation intention negotiation.
6. After the cooperation will of both parties is the same, the applicant shall fill in the application form for joining and submit the site selection scheme of the applied market.
7. Both parties shall sign the "Franchise Contract" after all aspects are approved as qualified.
8. When signing the contract, the applicant shall pay the joining fee and other related joining fees.
9. After the formal franchise procedures are handled, the franchisee will rent the store, recruit personnel, and design and decorate the store in a unified standard according to the company's requirements.
10. Purchase according to the purchase regulations of the company, display the goods and start business normally.
11. The company provides operation guidance to franchisees, tracks, adjusts and improves the monopoly operation, and provides follow-up training and relevant materials.

Little Newton training and education Joining dynamics


Little Newton training and education Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • Please reply for consultation on joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the training and education of Little Newton! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 20:35:52 From Qingdao, Shandong Province  49.223.17*
  • How to operate

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the training and education of Little Newton! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 20:45:40 From Changchun, Jilin  59.109.209*
  • Hope to reach a consensus as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the training and education of Little Newton! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 04:40:30 From Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province  59.33.88*
  • I want to be an agent, OK?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the training and education of Little Newton! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 14:31:00 From Minle County, Gansu Province  42.93.194*
  • What is the mode of joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the training and education of Little Newton! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 11:21:32 From Beijing  61.148.243*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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