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Xiajin Senior Apartment
  • Franchise industry:

    Services>Nursing Home

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: More than 1 million


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Xiajin Senior Apartment Introduction to joining
 Xiajin Elderly Apartment
Xiajin Elderly Apartment covers an area of 120 mu, with a building area of 8000 square meters. Xiajin Elderly Apartment has multiple buses to stop, so the transportation is convenient. The apartment is equipped with a clinic and medical staff, which is very close to the Third People's Hospital of Chengyang District for the convenience of the elderly.
Xiajin Elderly Apartment is built near the mountain, with beautiful environment, wide vision, fresh air and pleasant scenery. It leaves the hustle and bustle of the downtown to find a quiet place. Here is the nature's marvelous garden, but also a natural paradise. It is especially suitable for the elderly to live, relax and keep in good health.
Xiajin Elderly Apartment is fully equipped. Water, electricity, heating and gas; TV, telephone, elevator; Monitoring, background music, everything. There are 350 beds, including two beds, three beds, and many beds, with independent, semi independent, and non independent elderly living areas. It can accommodate the elderly with different needs. All rooms are equipped with independent toilets, which can supply hot water 24 hours a day; Equipped with environment-friendly solid wood furniture, LCD color TV, medical call system; Public areas are equipped with reading rooms, computer rooms, gyms, mahjong tables, billiards tables, table tennis tables and other learning places and entertainment facilities.
The service team of Xiajin Elderly Apartment has undergone systematic training. They follow the traditional virtue of "being old and being old", and practice the service style of "smiling starts from the heart, and true feelings melt into the line" with the service concept of "all for the elderly, all for the elderly, and all for the elderly"; The canteen is equipped with several chefs, and some vegetables are purchased through channels. The nutritionist reasonably arranges meals according to the dietary habits of the elderly, and arranges sick meals, special meals, etc. according to the special needs of individual elderly, which is suitable for qualified meals for elderly people with various needs.
This is a comfortable and warm home for the elderly; This is the world of leisure and entertainment for the elderly.
Xiajin Senior Apartment Franchise advantages
 Xiajin Elderly Apartment
1、 Advantages of store location: After the franchisee joins the brand, the headquarters will send a location consultant to investigate the region where the partner is located, select a suitable location for opening the store, and put forward reasonable suggestions.
2、 Training advantages: after joining the brand, the brand headquarters will send major The staff trained the franchisees, passed on the successful operation experience of the brand for many years to the franchisees, and taught them the operation skills of the stores.
3、 Brand advantage: the brand has accumulated rich operating experience in the development of the past two years, and has a high reputation and credibility in the hearts of consumers. Because the brand has a deep cultural heritage, the brand has a high position in the industry market, and franchisees can share these resources with the brand after joining the brand.
4、 Advantages of decoration: the headquarters provides one-step support for franchisees from store location, evaluation, construction scheme and advertising to help them operate smoothly at a fast speed.
5、 Advantages of training service: the headquarters will provide training services to franchisees around the country, train and guide employees in product knowledge, sales, technology, etc., and conduct strict management training for management personnel to comprehensively improve the quality of management personnel and employees, as well as their ability to solve problems.
6、 Advantages of business model: the brand has formed a mature business model in years of development, and the brand has a management team that can become a strong backing for franchisees and help them improve the stability of entrepreneurship.
Xiajin Senior Apartment Franchise conditions
1. Franchisees must identify with the concept of the brand, identify with everything about the brand, and bear the full operation form of nursing homes;
2. Franchisees must meet certain qualifications, be down-to-earth and hardworking, have entrepreneurial enthusiasm, have certain business ability and management and coordination ability, and have ambition to jointly develop and expand the elderly care home business;
3. As a brand franchisee, it must follow the layout of the headquarters, follow the management of the nursing home headquarters, and have a qualified business reputation;
4. Self owned operation site, with a business area of more than 200 square meters;
5. Capital is very important. Adequate capital is a necessity for entrepreneurship. At the same time, we are enthusiastic about the cause of nursing homes!
Xiajin Senior Apartment Franchise process
Priority: consultation and signing (service department: franchise center)
1. Ask about the project in details by telephone, QQ, e-mail, etc., and whether it is suitable for your own and local market consumption;
2. Fill in the franchise application form, and introduce your own franchise budget in detail, the market situation of the intended franchise region, etc;
3. Visit the headquarters on the spot to understand the strength and operation of the company and determine the intention to join;
4. Formal signing.
Step 2: major Training (Service Department: Human Resources Department)
1. For franchisees major Site selection training and store site assessment;
2. For the members of the core positions joined major Practical training to master technical standards;
3. Assessment.
Step 3: Operation Support (Service Department: Operation Center)
  1. major Site selection assessment, decoration design and implementation;
2. Market research, business district demonstration, and customized opening business plan;
3. Dispatch for opening support supervision, decoration acceptance, opening preparation, materials and equipment ordering, and staff retraining;
4. Trial operation;
5. Official opening;
6. Follow up operation support.

Xiajin Senior Apartment Joining dynamics


Xiajin Senior Apartment Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; Forty to fifty thousand.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xiajin Senior Apartment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-26 02:50:11 From Qingdao, Shandong  39.68.223*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Add in Wechat

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xiajin Senior Apartment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-22 22:04:31 From Zhengzhou City, Henan Province  39.68.0*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 50000 to 60000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xiajin Senior Apartment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-22 05:25:10 From Henan Province  42.232.206*
  • I would like to know about your organization details, joining details and fees? Where is the headquarters? Famous educator, etc.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xiajin Senior Apartment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 03:50:08 From Gansu Province  42.93.6*
  • How much does it cost to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xiajin Senior Apartment! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 12:43:54 From Pingliang, Gansu  42.89.31*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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