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Xinbao Jewelry
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:

    Hong Kong

  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Xinbao Jewelry Introduction to joining
 Joined by Xinbao Jewelry
Xinbao Jewelry explores classic elements from the traditional lapis lazuli culture, injects fashionable and romantic elements into the design and processing, effectively meets the needs of this crowd for lapis lazuli, explores the gaps of lapis lazuli brand, unifies the corporate image, improves the management system, and drives the common development of all franchise stores. Xinbao Jewelry's franchise project is facing the nationwide hot investment, which can be said to be a golden opportunity. I firmly believe that if I join this project, I will certainly gain rich wealth, that we will have a broader development prospect, and that we will succeed.
Adhering to the brand concept, after several years of market operation, the company has established more than 80 Xinbao jewelry chains in China. With years of rich experience in market practice, and advanced franchise management mode, it has quickly established the "Xinbao jewelry chain", which has become a domestic jewelry chain industry for a long time Independent design and production of influential jewelry product sales platform.
Xinbao Jewelry Co., Ltd. takes the business purpose of "customer first, honesty based, and win-win" as well as the company vision of "creating value for customers." It will enjoy a reputation both inside and outside the industry for its unique design concept, "integrity management" style, perfect style, and strong product original development ability. The company operates through cooperation and franchise. With Zhigong Store driving the joint development of franchise stores, a perfect terminal chain system has been established. "Xinbao Jewelry" was founded in 2014. It made a lot of analysis and investigation when positioning, introduced the mature foreign business model into the traditional lapis lazuli sales, and launched lapis lazuli for successful people on their social status and identity.
For most joining entrepreneurs, many people know that Xinbao Jewelry brand is a new trend in the brand industry with good brand, good prospect, distinctive, joining entrepreneurial projects. It is easy to join and easily operate a brand store. Entrepreneurs who want to get rich quickly should not miss it.
The franchise cost of Xinbao Jewelry is about 50000 to 80000 yuan, and the support of Xinbao Jewelry brand for franchisees is also very comprehensive. It provides franchise assistance in brand store location, store operation, store supervision, as well as backstage and big data support, so as to achieve a high survival rate of brand stores.
After the above introduction, is it quite clear about the franchise fee of Xinbao Jewelry? Joining Xinbao Jewelry is a current comparative project, a gold project. Those who are interested in it may choose to join, prepare sufficient funds, leave a message below, and you can get free franchise details.

Xinbao Jewelry Franchise advantages
 Joined by Xinbao Jewelry
1. Brand advantages:
Listed company, powerful brand support of Xinbao Jewelry Group
2. Market advantages:
Xinbao Jewelry Headquarters provides a nationwide unified series of brand operation guidance manuals, and a comprehensive system protects the operation of franchisees
2. Advantages of joining:
The market is very hot, and Xinbao Jewelry is unique in the market. The product has its own particularity, which is a good project worth joining.
4. Product advantages:
Xinbao Jewelry has a high-level R&D team, which regularly organizes the design and R&D of new products, so that your agency will always remain competitive
5. Marketing advantages:
Provide training on store management and marketing plan for partners
6. Training advantages:
The head office will train business backbones for each franchisee to enable each franchisee to carry out business quickly; The head office will also regularly exchange strategies and skills with the franchisees on business development; And provide free advisory services to the franchisee;
7. Service advantages:
Xinbao Jewelry assists in site selection, planning opening activities, and providing franchisees with a comprehensive, rapid, complete and systematic after-sales service system.
8. Technical advantages:
Xinbao jewelry brand has strong technical force, and will launch new products every year, which is loved by consumers. The intelligent sales model is used to let more people know about the Xinbao jewelry brand. The franchised brand has many franchise stores all over the country. The franchisee's operation is used to expand the influence of the product.
Xinbao Jewelry Franchise Support: The headquarters will teach you how to operate, and the whole store will output franchise stores
1. Brand image:
The store's overall VI visual design, store decoration plane design drawings and kitchen standardized layout drawings are provided free of charge.
2. Whole store output:
With regard to the quality of Xinbao jewelry products, the headquarters adopts the one-stop service mode of "headquarters training, door-to-door shop". The technical teachers train the product technology and guide the franchisees to open successfully.
3. Logistics distribution:
From the purchase of materials to the distribution of raw materials, the headquarters provides one-stop service and timely delivery.
4. Media advertising:
It has a brand promotion planning team, and promotes the brand through TV, newspapers, and the Internet.
5. Market operation:
New, fast and quasi channel information is unobstructed, and the market opportunity is always under control.
6. Training support:
Provide the franchisees with technical training, theory+practice, store operation training, and the whole store staff competent for the post before opening the store, so as to achieve rapid operation, stable profit and easy management after opening.
7. Site selection and decoration:
Instruct personnel to make site selection suggestions for stores; The principle of resource sharing for company site selection.
8. Opening guidance:
Provide corresponding policies for different customers to help the weak become stronger and the strong become larger. For entrepreneurs who have just graduated from college, preferential incentives will be provided to join the green channel. Technical training shall be provided for special households with technical difficulties.
9. Event planning:
The planning team of the headquarters provides support for franchisees to plan holiday business promotion activities.
10. Area protection:
Regional protection, limited renewal right, priority regional monopoly agency right.

Xinbao Jewelry Franchise conditions
1. The franchisee of Xinbao Jewelry must be a natural person or an enterprise legal person who can independently bear civil liability.
2. Have awareness of brand operation and promotion and abide by business reputation.
3. Xinbao jewelry franchisees need to have a certain amount of venture capital and working capital.
4. It has the foundation of joining and entrepreneurship, and has a certain resistance.
5. Reasonable place for opening stores (refer to the site selection table).
6. With reputation foundation, enterprise, creativity, and positive entrepreneurship.
7. Recognize the brand culture and overall development concept of Xinbao Jewelry, and follow the guidance and management of the headquarters
8. Be able to provide legal identity certificate and be over 18 years old.

Xinbao Jewelry Franchise process
1. Learn about:
Go to the company for consultation to understand the company culture and cooperation scheme.
2. Project investigation:
Take your ID card to the site for visit, investigation and negotiation to understand the specific matters of project cooperation.
3. Franchise application:
Apply for joining Xinbao Jewelry in the form of telephone consultation, online customer service, website message, etc.
4. Contract signing:
The partners negotiate and sign the housing lease contract.
5. Location selection:
Franchisees look for stores, and the company provides guidance or substantive suggestions according to the actual situation of the stores.
6. Decoration design:
The franchisee shall issue the floor plan of the store, and the headquarters shall be responsible for the design and decoration of the store, so as to unify the style of the store and promote the brand.
7. Franchise training:
Xinbao Jewelry Franchisees receive training in technology, management, operation and other aspects at the headquarters, and receive assessment.
8. New store opening:
Confirm the operation, and the headquarters will provide later service support.

Xinbao Jewelry Joining dynamics


Xinbao Jewelry Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • How much is the total investment?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xinbao Jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 07:48:27 From Wenzhou, Zhejiang  39.186.11*
  • I am interested in this project, please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xinbao Jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 06:48:56 From Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province  61.153.125*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 200000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xinbao Jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 05:47:14 From Shenyang, Liaoning Province  42.248.52*
  • I want to know how to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xinbao Jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 10:54:54 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.138*
  • Franchise details

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xinbao Jewelry! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 02:03:39 From Henan Province  42.235.135*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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