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Xinsheng Logistics
  • Franchise industry:

    Service>Logistics Express

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Xinsheng Logistics Introduction to joining
 Joined by Xinsheng Logistics
Xinsheng Logistics has established a national customer service call center, laid a solid foundation for intelligent management, and provided a strong development potential for the company to maintain stable and rapid development. For a long time, the company has always adhered to“ security The service concept of "convenient, fast and punctual, warm and polite, honest and trustworthy" focuses on building corporate culture and service brand, and has achieved remarkable results, which has been widely praised by all sectors of society. Xinsheng Logistics will continue to adhere to the development strategy of "being practical, stronger, larger and longer", adhere to the corporate purpose of "customer first, serving the society", and wholeheartedly provide major Modern logistics service with standardization and individuation.
Meet the logistics needs of different customers
Xinsheng Logistics is a third-party logistics enterprise integrating logistics scheme planning, freight forwarding, general cargo transportation, drop box transportation, warehousing and distribution, and cargo packaging. The company has multiple branches in Weifang and multiple logistics stations across the country. The company has more than 40 trucks of various types and more than 1000 cooperative vehicles. Special line logistics covers all cities in China. Undertake various road transportation business of large, medium and small goods for enterprises and institutions, as well as warehousing, transit, distribution of goods, long-distance moving of less than carload vehicles, freight insurance and other services, which can meet the logistics needs of different customers. With pioneering ideas and advanced awareness, we will create a brand new corporate image, and explore the management mechanism and workflow in practice to provide fast security Efficient service!
Internet+logistics+industry "mode
With the one-stop O2O service system in the upstream, midstream and downstream of the logistics supply chain, Xinsheng Logistics will build an intelligent logistics park and smart future community integrating logistics, business flow, people flow, capital flow and technology flow, build a new ecology of logistics and quality life, promote cost reduction and efficiency increase, and enhance core competitiveness. The mode of "Internet+Logistics+Industry" is introduced for business type integration and function optimization, so as to integrate industrial development and urban development, and create a benchmark and business card for smart logistics, industrial logistics and green logistics. Xinsheng Logistics is a logistics supply chain industry group focusing on the operation and management of modern intelligent logistics park, and the construction of modern logistics information trading service platform, supply chain platform, and the fourth party logistics service platform. The Group leads in the fields of Internet+logistics, logistics information platform and Internet of Things application, logistics credit platform and industry big data, intelligent logistics backbone network system construction, logistics artificial intelligence and cloud platform.
Xinsheng Logistics Franchise advantages
 Joined by Xinsheng Logistics
1. Xinsheng Logistics is a new upstart in the industry!
With the ultra-low threshold for entrepreneurship, Xinsheng logistics franchisees, whether they have enough experience or not, are trying to join. As a new favorite of the express industry, a new mode of integrated logistics operation, and with ultra-low difficulty, Xinsheng logistics franchisees can help you easily enter the market.
2. Featured operation and personalized service!
Perfect characteristic operation mode, reliable service and easier operation for franchisees. Xinsheng Logistics franchise headquarters adopts 365 * 24 year-round online service system, integrated express logistics, and personalized service provider!
3. Automatic sorting, higher efficiency!
Automatic sorting mode is efficient. Express delivery is about efficiency security It also saves time to deliver. Xinsheng Logistics has an automatic sorting system to quickly sort customer parcels to different destinations day and night, with higher efficiency!
4. Intelligent loading and unloading, human care!
Traditional loading and unloading are almost manual and difficult to control. In case of some irascible sorting methods, express items may be damaged. Chunhui uses intelligent machinery to successfully complete the handling and sorting process of express mail, and avoid profiteering handling and sorting!
5. Unique management, accuracy Deliver!
To improve the management mode, Xinsheng Logistics franchise headquarters has its own personal advantages in this respect, characteristic management and fast operation. Chunhui adopts unique management methods in the industry to make the delivery time of express delivery more accuracy
Xinsheng Logistics Franchise conditions
1. Registered according to law, the business scope shall include logistics service items. Registered capital: 1 million yuan in provincial capital city; 500000 yuan for prefecture level cities; 300000 yuan for county-level cities.
2. Understand the local logistics market, such as market capacity, competitors, customer distribution, etc.
3. The franchise company must use the waybill and other Packaging materials, etc., and require company property and family property as security.
4. Pay all fees on time and unconditionally. Such as freight, transfer fee, compensation for lost parts, violation penalty, etc.
Xinsheng Logistics Franchise process
1. Store opening consultation
Franchisees can directly leave a message on the website to consult Xinsheng Logistics Headquarters.
2. Site visit
If the franchisee wants to fully understand the specific information of the brand, he can go to the headquarters of the company for comprehensive evaluation.
3. Qualification evaluation
Submit the intention consultation and apply for joining, and Xinsheng Logistics' joining headquarters will evaluate the cooperation qualification after receiving it.
4. Sign the contract
When signing a franchise contract, entrepreneurs can also pay part of the franchise fees when signing a contract with Xinsheng Logistics franchise headquarters.
5. Store location
Xinsheng Logistics franchise headquarters shall make specific planning according to the region where the franchisee is located, and select the appropriate store address for the franchisee to facilitate the later operation.
6. Decoration design
Preliminary store design, detailed review and finalization, decoration budget determination major Personnel construction.
7. Operation training
Xinsheng Logistics Joining Headquarters major Our lecturers will give systematic training to franchisees.
8. Preparation before opening
Store decoration design, preliminary construction preparation, pre opening training guidance, personnel recruitment, opening marketing activity planning, etc.
9. Opening
Xinsheng Logistics Franchise Headquarters continuously pays attention to the operation of franchisees, and gives business guidance and assistance.

User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; Hundreds of thousands.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xinsheng Logistics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 00:52:39 From Xinjiang  49.112.197*
  • I want to know about joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xinsheng Logistics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 10:56:05 From Pudong New Area, Shanghai  61.171.140*
  • What do you want to pass when joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xinsheng Logistics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 06:35:14 From Qingdao, Shandong Province  60.209.242*
  • Interested in this project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xinsheng Logistics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 04:50:48 From Shandong Province  39.79.155*
  • How to act as an agent in Qingyang City, Gansu Province

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xinsheng Logistics! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 11:58:37 From Fuzhou City, Fujian Province [Telecom]  59.61.184*
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