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Xinjiang hand pilaf
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  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Xinjiang hand pilaf Introduction to joining
 Xinjiang Handpilaf Franchise
Xinjiang hand pilaf, affiliated to Xinjiang Food and Beverage Management Co., Ltd., is a catering brand specializing in Xinjiang style hand pilaf. Xinjiang hand pilaf has the northwest customs and western flavor, which makes consumers taste more Xinjiang hand pilaf. The excellent brand quality also makes Xinjiang popular among consumers.
After years of market multiplication and development, Xinjiang has gradually grown into a collection of distinctive snacks, drinks and catering brands centering on hand pilaf. Xinjiang cuisine attaches great importance to quality, and provides consumers with more authentic Xinjiang cuisine experience with the concept of concentration.
Xinjiang hand pilaf can be recognized by the market, and the idea of "integration and creation" plays a key role. The product can only realize its value if it is recognized by the market, otherwise everything is empty talk. All our cores should focus on how to make our products more marketable. The idea of "integration and creation" is our best means. The fundamental way for enterprises to survive is to constantly reform and improve, constantly strengthen characteristics, and meet the needs of consumers.
With gentle and pious patience, we can complete every delicate and complicated process. From the preparation of pot raising, rice soaking, bacon, to the handling of ingredients, heat, time, and even the arrangement of ingredients, stir frying techniques, all aspects are exquisite, forming the unique production standards and process specifications of Xinjiang hand pilaf. The lamb cooked fresh can awaken the delicate and smooth taste. With fragrant rice, carrots and skin sprouts, the original flavor of the ingredients is released layer by layer during the alternate cooking, steaming and braising of the heat.
Only when the interests of franchisees are reflected and the value of Xinjiang is realized, can our franchise business develop smoothly along a healthy and healthy track and achieve a real win-win situation. Xinjiang will work with you to promote Xinjiang hand pilaf to the whole country, so that Chinese people can enjoy the special food and achieve a win-win situation for enterprises.
Xinjiang hand pilaf is a unique way, taking the "Silk Road" specialty food as the landing point, avoiding the traditional food category of intense market competition, and launching dozens of Western regional specialty foods, such as Xinjiang hand pilaf, Xinjiang mutton kebabs, Qiamagu mutton soup, Gouhun pepper chicken, Xinjiang tomato rice noodles, mutton with steamed buns, etc. All products adhere to the principle of "hand-made, refused to add", "4-hour stewing, 28 processes", Xinjiang products advocate "delicious but not expensive, strive for delicacy", once launched, they are popular with young consumers and favored by countless franchisees.
Xinjiang hand pilaf Franchise advantages
 Xinjiang Handpilaf Franchise
1. Featured food with good reputation
Xinjiang hand pilaf is a special food product, which is easy to operate, but this food production method is also very simple. As long as the ingredients are rice, mutton and other ingredients, and each product is made with the technology of Zhufan and cooking technology, it is not only golden in color, but also full of fragrance. If you taste it, you will be loved by consumers. At present, this brand is very popular in the market, and its reputation has also been established. Its development is very fast. In many cities, this special food product can be seen, and its development in the market is more stable, and its business is also very prosperous.
2. The ingredients are carefully selected and the quality is very good
In order to increase the food and quality of the product, the selected ingredients for product production are strictly screened to select fresh ingredients. The original ecology of northeast China is used to grow rice, which makes rice more nutritious. With the integration of mutton, this delicacy not only tastes delicious, but also tastes authentic, so after consumers taste it, they all give a thumbs up. High quality products also make the store business very prosperous, and the performance continues to increase.
3. Choose a variety of delicious food, delicious and inexpensive
It has a wide range of products, the main product is pilaf, and there are many special snacks, such as soup, and various sets of meals, which are very rich. Moreover, the price of the products is not high, and the price is directly between tens of yuan, so that everyone can taste the cost-effective products. In addition, the headquarters has a product research and development team to continuously update more new products, keep up with the industry development trend and update products, which greatly improves the competitiveness of the brand in the market.
4. Large market, complete advantages support
This product has many features. Facing a wide consumer group, once the cooperation relationship is established, the headquarters will provide free technical training, impart core technology, and let the franchisees master in a short time, so that they can quickly produce delicious products and increase good business for the franchisees. In addition, it will also provide perfect support, and tailor reasonable programs based on years of experience and operating technology, so that the franchisees can easily master without any pressure.
Xinjiang hand pilaf Franchise conditions
1. A natural or legal person with full civil capacity.
2. If the applicant is a natural person, he or she must be over 18 years old, have high school education or above, be healthy, and have entrepreneurial aspirations for the catering industry.
3. Experience in marketing is preferred.
4. Be familiar with the local market environment and consumption demand.
5. Have qualified business reputation and business ethics.
6. Recognize the corporate culture, value and management philosophy of the franchise headquarters, and cooperate with the company's market and business operation.
7. There are stores or store expansion capabilities.
Xinjiang hand pilaf Franchise process
Franchise consultation: entrepreneurs send phone calls, faxes, online messages, etc. to the headquarters major The franchise consultant of.
Field visit: entrepreneurs go to the headquarters for project visit and business communication with headquarters staff.
Qualification review: the headquarters reviews entrepreneurs. Confirm the cooperation qualification of entrepreneurs.
Signing the contract: both parties confirm that there is no dispute about the investigation results and formally sign the contract.
Payment of fees: entrepreneurs pay relevant fees to the headquarters according to the type of franchise they choose.
Headquarters training: the headquarters arranges technical training for entrepreneurs, and issues authorized bronze medals after passing the training.
Store decoration: the headquarters provides decoration guidance and design guidance for franchisees.
Official opening: the headquarters continuously pays attention to the operation of the franchisee, and provides operation guidance and assistance.

Xinjiang hand pilaf Related questions and answers


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  • Hope to cooperate in overseas market, please contact me as soon as possible

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xinjiang hand pilaf! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 06:45:22 From Shanghai, China  61.171.98*
  • How to join?

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xinjiang hand pilaf! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-28 00:49:30 From China  49.220.219*
  • How much does it cost to join, and where is the address

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xinjiang hand pilaf! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-24 05:00:32 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.7*
  • Franchise conditions and expenses

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xinjiang hand pilaf! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-19 10:18:30 From Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan Province  58.44.189*
  • How much is the deposit? How to open??

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xinjiang hand pilaf! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-18 15:23:40 From Guangzhou, Guangdong Province [Unicom]  58.249.9*
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