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Xinguo Shop Snack Station
  • Franchise industry:

    Food>Snack Food

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:

    Guangzhou, Guangdong Province

  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Xinguo Shop Snack Station Introduction to joining

   Xinguo Shop Snack Station

   Online celebrity snacks are all available

   Snack energy station

   Poster of Xinguo Shop Snack Station

   Broad market prospect, optimistic industry development
Recently, the Report on the Development of Snack Food Industry in the Context of Consumption Upgrading released by the Circulation Industry Promotion Center of the Ministry of Commerce showed that the total output value of China's snack industry increased from 424.036 billion yuan to 2215.64 billion yuan from 2006 to 2016, with a compound annual growth rate of 17.98%. The report predicts that by 2020, the total output value of the snack industry will be close to 3 trillion yuan. Among them, vegetable, fruit and nut processing, meat products and by-product processing and convenience food are the top three industries. The snack industry will surpass the auto retail industry in the future, with an annual growth rate of 17% and a food consumption of 400 million yuan and a market of 2.2 trillion yuan.
   Product quality has been improved/increased relying on professional companies
Xinguo Shop Snack Station is a brand of Guangzhou Hanzhisu International Trade Co., Ltd. Xinguo shop snack energy station is a chain brand that introduces the concept of "fast fashion snack" in China. We attach importance to the "expression of snacks on life". Each style is ingenious and interesting, which is our interaction skill with customers. We pay more attention to "food health", and quality is the lifeline of enterprises. The company has reached cooperation with a number of high standard and modern food science and technology parks, managed in strict accordance with and regional standardized hygiene standards, always grasped the key points and key links of quality control, paid attention to the quality control of the front end of product processing, product processing process, transportation and sales links, and implemented the whole process quality monitoring of products.

   Xinguo shop snack station products

   Top Ten Snack Series Let All Mouths Worship
   Fried nuts
Crispy and attractive, with fragrant grains;
   Preserved fruit
Long fruity, refreshing;
   Candy pudding
Sweet, happy time;
   Biscuit cake
It is crisp and tastes sweet but not greasy;
   Preserved meat and seafood
Delicate fresh meat and mouth addiction;
   Spiced bean curd
Superior soybeans, flexible and fresh;
   Imported food
Global strict selection, let your mouth travel;
   Puffed food
Crisp and strong, creating taste;
Internet celebrity drinks, warm drinking;
   Gift Box
Festive gifts, deep affection.

Xinguo Shop Snack Station Franchise advantages
   Environment of Xinguopuzi Snack Station
   9 advantages have their own success attributes, low difficulty and high operation
   Considerable cashier space:
About 45% of domestic food cashiers and 45% of imported food cashiers Nengda To above.
   Fast selling products have no off-season:
The consumption cycle is short and the purchase frequency is high. There is no off-season and consumption time limit throughout the year.
   Two trillion market:
The customer group is wide, men, women and children can eat, there is no age limit, there is no limit on the amount of consumption.
   Delicate independent packaging:
The small package is very convenient to carry, clean and sanitary, and convenient to eat without waste.
   Light mode and small alliance:
The store can be opened within 20m2, only two people are needed, the rent is cheap, the decoration is simple, and the operation pressure is low.
   No arrears:
The snack food industry aims to achieve its goals in cash, without arrears, which facilitates the turnover of funds.
   High repurchasing and high viscosity:
Snacks are necessary for daily life, with a high repurchase rate and strong stickiness once they come.
   020 Dual core operation:
Snack shops, combined with online platforms, have a wide range of radiation and can be consumed on and off duty.
   Easy to manage and find people:
Snack shop management is very convenient, easy to recruit staff, low wages, no training.
   Details of Xinguo Shop Snack Station
   Four franchises support one-stop franchise and support in many aspects
   major site selection
Headquarter dispatches employees with many years of business experience major Talents, go to the local place of the partner to investigate, evaluate the business district, and select the store location suitable for the business of "Xinguo Shop" to lay the foundation for the store.
   Whole store output
Once the store location is determined, the whole store of the headquarters will output shelves, goods, cashier system, opening goods, etc. The teacher will go to the store to guide the installation of shelves, goods and cashier system.
   Actual station training
Entrepreneurs can also arrange 1-2 staff to go to the headquarters for practical training. The headquarters will simulate real sales, management and other scenarios to teach practical operational skills.
   Digital management
The headquarters provides the partners with the cashier system, inventory management system and member management system. The financial statements and cashier of the store every day and every month are clear at a glance, truly realizing the wish of losing the shopkeeper.
Xinguo Shop Snack Station Franchise conditions

1. Xinguo shop brand influence.

2. Recognize the corporate culture and business philosophy of Xinguo Store, and understand the products and business model of Xinguo Store.

3. Able to accept the unified management mode of the headquarters and actively participate in the technical upgrading training of the headquarters.

4. Have strong enterprising spirit, certain business background and experience, and entrepreneurial spirit.

5. Honest and trustworthy, have a strong sense of teamwork, be able to get along with people in harmony, and focus on coordination.

6. The business area is sufficient.

7. With good We are willing to take Xinguo Store as our own business.

8. Experience in retail is preferred.

Xinguo Shop Snack Station Franchise process
Preliminary understanding, field investigation, negotiation details and determination of intention;
Site selection assessment, contract signing, store design, and goods planning;
Personnel training, store decoration, supervision of door-to-door, and goods display;
Opening preparation, promotion and publicity, and official business.

User consultation

  • This project is good. I want to know more about it

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xinguo Shop Snack Station! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 12:38:47 From Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, China  39.182.85*
  • Is there any requirement for the amount of initial investment and the size of the store

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xinguo Shop Snack Station! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 18:54:03 From Yantai City, Shandong Province  60.212.29*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 150000 yuan. handshake;

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xinguo Shop Snack Station! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-28 16:46:44 From Liaoning Province  42.248.40*
  • I'm Shandong Rongcheng. I want to know something about it

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xinguo Shop Snack Station! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-27 22:16:05 From Changsha, Hunan Province  58.20.69*
  • WeChat same account

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xinguo Shop Snack Station! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 14:41:35 From Gansu Province  42.90.41*
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