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Xiche Zu Intelligent Car Wash Shop
  • Franchise industry:

    Car Service>Self service Car Wash

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Agency licensing

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Xiche Zu Intelligent Car Wash Shop Introduction to joining
 Xiche family intelligent car washing shop joined
The design of self-locking handle switch and triangular brush head of Xiche family intelligent car wash shop saves time and effort. Spray water, foam and brush are integrated. The car washing shop of Xiche Family extends the special water pipe for car washing by 7 meters, which has strong weather resistance, antifreeze, compression resistance, and super cool car washing. It stays in place and reaches the goal in one step. The independent outer packaging of the car washing shop of Xiche Family shows the true color of qualified products. The humanized design allows your car to be washed whenever and wherever it is dirty, without waiting in line in the car washing room. The expensive car washing costs can be easily handled in 15 minutes.
Xichezu intelligent car washing shop is a new intelligent portable product tailored for private car owners. The products of Xichezu intelligent car washing shop focus on intelligence, economy, convenience, water conservation and environmental protection. The Xiche family intelligent car wash shop is equipped with a multi-functional water brush, which uses fiber silk. The brush hair is soft, finer, denser, and does not damage the car paint. Xichezu intelligent car wash shop has many years of field operation experience, and its products have passed strict market inspection, with reliable quality, credit support, and super long warranty.
Since the launch of Xiche family intelligent car washing shop products, it has brought considerable economic goals to agents and operators, and has been widely praised by the public. The car washing shop of Car Xizu is a kind of car washing equipment that can be used to insert coins or swipe cards and manually complete the car washing. The car washing shop of Car Xizu charges fees according to the time of car washing and the amount of water used during car washing. It has two cleaning functions: foam cleaning and clean water cleaning. The car washing shop of Xi Che Zu can either swipe a card or insert coins. The machine is equipped with thermal insulation function, which can be used all year round; It only costs a few yuan to wash the car once.
In today's rapid economic development, China The potential development opportunities of the automotive aftermarket are unlimited. Basically, car washing shops are not allowed to be set up in the center of all large and medium-sized cities in the country. Most car washing shops are set up outside the city. In such a bad environment, car owners not only face the dilemma of waiting for the car to be washed, but also drive far away to wash the car. In addition, the large cost of car washing shops is labor and rent. All consumers will face the problem of difficult, expensive and waiting in line to wash the car, so the self-service car washing machine will China It has become an inevitable trend. The emergence of car washing shops for car lovers is inevitable and the general trend.
In order to better help entrepreneurs to obtain a larger economy, the headquarters provides free nine training courses for regional operators, including equipment use and maintenance, advertising marketing skills, and online mall operation and maintenance. The partners enjoy online operation guidance provided by the specialists throughout the business process, and are always ready to provide 360 ° assistance services for the partners. With the in-depth development of the economy, the self-service car washing industry is bound to achieve great development. Xiche family intelligent car washing stores have been in the industry for a long time, and they will follow the trend. Cooperation with Xiche family intelligent car washing stores will be rewarded handsomely.
Xiche Zu Intelligent Car Wash Shop Franchise advantages
 Xiche family intelligent car washing shop joined
1. The advantages of market planning and scheme implementation from beginning to end: major Plan cooperation with companies, major In depth market research, help customers complete the systematic and detailed Market Operation Plan, including target consumer group positioning, product positioning, price positioning, advertising and promotion plans, and be responsible for the implementation of the plan together, ensure Achieve sales targets on time.
  2、 major Advantages of marketing training: assist dealers in systematic training of salesmen, promoters and distributors, ensure They are able to accomplish their work and sales goals quickly.
3. Strong staged promotion advantages: provide advertising and promotion advantages on special holidays in peak sales seasons (such as Mid Autumn Festival, National Day, New Year's Day, Spring Festival); Assist dealers to hold a special order meeting or new product promotion meeting by channel.
4. Target terminal advantage: provide the advantage of entrance and promotion cost for target terminals (core hotels, large and medium-sized supermarkets). All terminal image stores will unify the visual image and provide major Services. Advantages of providing terminal common goods and small gifts for customers (such as ashtrays, lanterns, ballpoint pens, etc.).
5. Advantages of general distribution in regional market: only one authorized dealer is recruited in each region. The company has a strict market protection system and measures. The product strictly implements the regional code and product serial number system. The company is responsible for the whole process of sales supervision, terminal supervision and logistics supervision, which can enable each operator to operate in a qualified manner ensure The interests of dealers will not be infringed.
Xiche Zu Intelligent Car Wash Shop Franchise conditions
1. An enterprise legal person or natural person has sufficient interest in operating the industry.
2. Recognize everything about the brand, including brand culture and business philosophy.
3. Corresponding financial strength that meets the needs of franchise.
4. Having a fixed place of business.
5. Actively implement and cooperate with the company's requirements and relevant policies.
6. Have certain business management ability and qualified business reputation.
7. Have a rational mentality of joining, and can objectively look at the relationship between joining and achieving goals.
Xiche Zu Intelligent Car Wash Shop Franchise process
1、 Franchise consultation
Those who want to join can come to our center for tasting and investigation by mail, telephone, website or in person.
2、 Franchise application
You can submit the application for joining to our center if you have the appropriate joining ability, business ability and proper business appearance.
3、 Identify the Franchise Contract
The franchise contract is the cooperation rules that define the rights and obligations of both parties based on the principle of mutual benefit and common development. After the application is submitted by the franchisee and approved by our center, the franchisee shall sign the franchise contract, and the applicant shall pay the corresponding franchise fee (brand franchise usage fee, technology transfer fee) to our center at one time according to the appearance level.
4、 Uniform facade decoration
After the signing of the franchise contract, the sub center entered into a tense stage of facade decoration. For the renderings and detailed construction drawings provided by our center free of charge, the franchisees actively organize the decoration construction within the specified time. Our center's engineering planning and design department can send personnel to the site according to the requirements of the franchisees to carefully assist in the implementation.
5、 Opening preparation
Make preparations before opening. The opening date is selected on holidays. It is recommended to choose Friday instead of Monday when opening. You can invite local leaders, celebrities, relatives and friends to attend the opening ceremony, or apply to our center to send personnel to attend the opening marketing activities. After the normal opening, you can provide long-term free new technology and new product upgrading services, so that you can operate safely.
6、 Follow up services
Our center provides long-term follow-up business guidance and consultation for all franchisees, and provides free printed documents and POP posters, business authorization, qualification certificates, etc. required for opening. After a period of trial operation, the center officially opens.

Xiche Zu Intelligent Car Wash Shop Joining dynamics


Xiche Zu Intelligent Car Wash Shop Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • Intention, consultation

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Xiche family intelligent car wash shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 06:59:34 From Heilongjiang Province  42.184.176*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 100000。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Xiche family intelligent car wash shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 12:28:23 From Zhengzhou, Henan  58.248.238*
  • ask for information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Xiche family intelligent car wash shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 11:30:31 From Gansu Province  42.88.99*
  • Can you contact me as soon as possible?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Xiche family intelligent car wash shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 19:26:59 From Fujian Province  58.22.113*
  • Interested, please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the Xiche family intelligent car wash shop! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 04:01:56 From Anhui Province  60.169.187*
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