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Small home stay
  • Franchise industry:


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    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

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  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 500000~1000000


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Small home stay Introduction to joining
 Joining in small home stay
B&B is not a cold room where you stay in a hurry. Home stay is a kind of sentiment. Everyone who wants to live in a homestay has an uninhibited literary spirit. In recent years, the development of home stay in parcel post district has shown a blowout trend. The design of the small and fresh environment has aroused the literary and artistic youth's yearning for the countryside and the distance. The appearance of home stay provides an alternative for travel.
The size of small home stays exceeds that of most home stays with less than 10 rooms, and the supporting facilities are much more complete than those in the conventional sense. Compared with star level international chains, the size and facilities are still several levels inferior. However, the operation of the micro hotel has also adopted the B&B style mode, which adds a sense of home furnishing unique to B&B, a bit of a golden mean.
The small home stay franchise is a brand management operator in the domestic home stay industry, providing good home stay for global travel and business travelers; The location and housing quality of each of our stores are strictly selected, carefully designed and standard operated to provide you with a good accommodation environment and good service. Mainly engaged in apartment and home stay, development and management. The main members of the small home stay team come from the top management team of the Fortune 500, and are determined to become home stay and apartment management providers. The company is composed of young teams, and all the team members come to the industry to praise the senior management of the enterprise. Expand major cities in China and vigorously develop the global market. Our purpose is to serve customers and develop together, and jointly create a global home stay
Small home stay is a brand management operator in the domestic accommodation industry. It provides home stay hosting operation and franchise services to home stay owners and property developers, and provides one-stop services from brand marketing, planning, design to operation. Provide good home stay, special hotels and travel information to travelers around the world; The location and housing quality of each of our stores are strictly selected, carefully designed and operated in a standard manner, so as to provide you with a good accommodation environment and good services, and share and protect nature together with small homestays.
Small B&Bs make full use of the idle resources of real estate to integrate and unify management, and provide apartments and B&Bs to domestic and foreign tourists and business people in a combination of online and offline ways, so as to bring comfortable living experience and exquisite services to domestic and foreign tourists and business people on their travels and business trips.
Small home stay Franchise advantages
 Joining in small home stay
1. Project analysis: small home stay provides project analysis for franchise stores, including hotel characterization, hotel positioning and market feasibility analysis, market research, project analysis, project qualitative positioning analysis, market forecast, etc;
2. Preparation advantages: small home stay provides franchise stores with plane layout and functional planning, proposal and scheme review of interior design specifications, review of star standard requirements, approval of preliminary and comparative final drawings, proposal and scheme review of electromechanical engineering design specifications, proposal and scheme review of kitchen design specifications, electromechanical and equipment options, installation and operation testing, on-site guidance and consultation;
3. Opening advantages: small home stay market promotion and sales, development of departmental operating procedures, development of organizational chart, staffing, job responsibilities and personnel quality requirements, development of recruitment plans, design of recruitment advertisements, development of training plans and implementation plans, preparation of opening budget, preparation of operating budget, development of target assessment system and evaluation system, development of systems Financial system, procurement standards, plans and procurement management systems, equipment operation and property maintenance plans;
4. Management services: small home stay franchise stores submit monthly operation reports and analysis results, supervise daily operations and propose improvement plans, personnel management and supervise the submission of monthly financial statements and analysis results, property maintenance and maintenance measures, system operation improvement, specific energy-saving plans, evaluate marketing and sales activities, quality improvement Implementation and evaluation of objectives and budgets.
5. Hotel training: The headquarters provides multi-level special training courses and internationally advanced training materials for small homestays, and tailors modern training venues and advanced audio-visual equipment, staff training, supervisor training, pre opening hotel organizational training, catering, guest rooms, marketing and other special training, professional manager training according to the students' own conditions.
Small home stay Franchise conditions
1. Must have a strong brand awareness, understand the brand of small home stay franchise, and understand the brand advantages of small home stay franchise.
2. Recognize and accept the business philosophy and brand value of small home stay.
3. Have a certain amount of capital for daily operation in the later period.
4. Voluntarily abide by and accept the services, operation and management of "small home stay".
5. Have good business reputation and personal quality.
6. Have entrepreneurial spirit, love the industry, and have the ability to communicate and lead.
Small home stay Franchise process
1. Online consulting project or call the hotline to obtain relevant information about small home stay franchise.
2. Visit the headquarters and discuss in detail with the project manager to determine the cooperation relationship.
3. The market specialist investigated the site selection, and the designer designed the decoration scheme of the small home stay store.
4. Headquarters distribution equipment, raw materials, wrapping paper, leaflets, shop size equipment.
5. During the opening period, the headquarters sent instructors to guide the opening and impart relevant operating experience and management methods.
6. The headquarters will launch various preferential policies and promotion programs from time to time to support franchisees.

Small home stay Joining dynamics


Small home stay Related questions and answers


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  • Consultation and investigation

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to small home stay! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 18:46:57 From Liaoning Province  42.249.4*
  • Want to be an agent in Zhouqu County

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to small home stay! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 06:29:24 From Jiangsu Province  49.92.189*
  • I want to be an agent

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to small home stay! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 08:54:10 From Jiangsu Province  49.92.99*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to small home stay! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 11:35:22 From Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province  58.62.198*
  • Can you join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to small home stay! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 00:21:25 From Dongguan City, Guangdong Province  58.252.57*
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