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Small polar pulse car
  • Franchise industry:

    Automobile service > Car 4S store

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    four hundred

  • Investment amount: 10000~50000


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Small polar pulse car Introduction to joining

Configuration and service of Xiaoji pulse vehicle source

Stable supply of goods and continued to grow by 10 ㎡ as a car dealer

 Joined in by Xiaoji Pulse   

Introduction to the franchised brand of Xiaoji Pulse

Xiaoji Vehicular belongs to Lite Tianji Group, a parallel import automobile company. It divides the parallel import automobile market sales industry vertically and equally, positions the automobile resource allocation and service projects, integrates direct automobile resources, mode integration, information content matching, and subversive creation service projects, and shows new breakthroughs for the manufacturing industry operators, Show a one-stop car consumption loan service for many customers.

In the industry, Xiaoji Vehicular clearly put forward the collection and marketing mode of automobile resources - the "platform" of the new automobile market sales industry of the automobile manufacturing industry. On the basis of the basic construction of the service network, logistics distribution system, warehousing and logistics management system and other underlying service projects, the SAAS alliance ecosystem service platform for independent product research and development, and the integration of direct and parallel imported automobile sources and its car 4S stores Auto trading companies, e-commerce platforms and other companies that grasp the first-hand supply of many small cars export stable automobile resources. In addition, according to the market demand analysis, Saas is used to carry out the matching of regional requirements, show the regional partners the new automobile market sales and after-sales market supporting facilities service projects, subversively create and expand the business scope, and improve the working ability and competitiveness of service projects.

Xiaoji Vehicles, based on the continuous development of the national sales market, has a reasonable layout, and uses the data management platform to integrate the information content of auto resources, increase auto dealers, and purchase cars by stages, so as to provide an important basis for many aspects of the auto industry chain. In the era of productization, characteristics and life cycle, we will create an ecological chain that conforms to the development trend of the sales market from pre-sales service to after-sales service. Small pulse car, your car resource allocation and service items.

Lite Tianji Group was established in a city in 2013. After five years of operation, the enterprise has maintained an annual output value of 5.5 billion dollars in automotive aftermarket service projects, automotive trade and other industries, and sold more than 14000 new cars in the market, becoming a key company for dealers to import cars in parallel. In July 2017, the head office of Lite Tianji Group moved to Beijing, and Beijing Lite Tianji Enterprise Operation Management Co., Ltd. was established upon the approval of Beijing Administration for Industry and Commerce in accordance with regulations.

 Joined in by Xiaoji Pulse   

How about joining the agent of Xiaoji Pulse

The supply of Xiaoji pulse cars exceeds the demand, and the market prospect is broad

In the 21st century, with the rapid and steady development of social economy, people's wages have significantly increased, the standard of food, clothing, housing and transportation has become better, and the money bag has become more and more abundant. It is also a large amount of surplus money to buy the goods you want, such as cars. In the past, the car was exclusive to the rich, but now the car has become a popular courtesy car, which is very popular. Whether in large cities or in rural families, the purchase of cars has long been included in the future plan. Therefore, the car sales market demand is very high, the market sales are popular, and the manufacturing industry has a bright prospect, which is a good franchise project worth seeing.

Small pole pulse car is the "platform" of new automobile market sales industry of automobile manufacturing industry. It redefines the installment purchase method and becomes the self created model of new auto retail and new financial industry. It links several actors and maintains the value of multilateral cooperation. For customers, the appearance of the mini pulse car is a benefit. Because you can buy your favorite car without too much pressure on economic development, you can enjoy comfortable food, clothing, housing and transportation; For franchisees, they can rely on this kind of self created service platform, have strong attraction and strong competitiveness, maintain the gradual increase of annual output value, and make the dream of wealth come true.

Warm heart, one-on-one help, profit and peace of mind

How much is the franchise fee of Xiaoji Pulse

The franchise cost of Xiaoji Pulse Car is not high. It can only spend more than 100000 to 200000 yuan on the project franchise, which can easily relax the store in the sales market, including the franchise cost of well-known brands. Therefore, it is not easy for entrepreneurs to work pressure on economic development when joining Xiaoji Pulse Car. In addition, when joining the Xiaoji pulse car, it also has many advantages, each of which can help entrepreneurs solve difficulties, thus allowing entrepreneurs to achieve a relative target rate.

Small polar pulse car Franchise advantages

 Joined in by Xiaoji Pulse   

The core solution for the 6-step mini pulse car franchise is to deal with the difficulties of independent entrepreneurship, and there is no confusion in opening a physical store

01. Solution to automobile resource commodity——

5 major ports and 3 major ports for direct and parallel import support to build a larger commercial complex of truck sources. The research and development, selection, geographical compatibility, stable output, and intelligent management system of automobile resource design products did not respond.

02. Asset solutions——

Cooperate with national financial institutions and auto insurance companies to introduce the output of asset supporting facilities and adapt to the advance payment.

03. Solutions for infrastructure construction——

National 200+shared resource parking spaces, submit orders on the same day and pick up the car on the next day.

04. Operation solutions——

System management output, technical personnel output, operating IT system software output.

05. Sales market solutions——

Marketing promotion management system output, famous brand special tools output, media public relations countermeasure output, online promotion management system output.

06. Solution of Shenzhen Training——

Management knowledge training output, training work output, marketing management training output.

Multi level integration of resources, full advantages and strong competitiveness of small pulse cars

· National precedent of parallel import automobile source

 Joined in by Xiaoji Pulse   

5 major seaports and 3 major port export customs declaration points quickly pass the customs

★ Tianjin Port/Qingdao Port/Jiangyin Port/Meishan Port/Ningbo Port

★ Horgos Port/Manzhouli Port/Alashankou Port

· Stable asset matching and reassuring car operating rate

01. Cooperate with financial enterprises to ensure strong credit line and adapt to advance fund distribution

02. Diversified selection of commercial insurance, giving more convenient market sales management decisions to regional alliance partners

· Integration of regional advantages of medium-sized vehicles

01. Connect to the national 5000+4S stores and 20000+auto trade companies, authorized to distribute hundreds of famous brands and thousands of models!

02. Cooperate with several e-commerce platforms to finance new projects from multiple databases.

Small polar pulse car Franchise conditions

Conditions for joining Xiaoji Pulse Car

1. The business license of the company as a legal person and its business service reputation and social ethics with reasonable legal effectiveness;

2. Recognize the operation mode and core business philosophy of Xiaoji Pulse, and are willing to develop with it to become a domestic automobile circulation industry;

3. Accept unified corporate image, unified service project specification, unified service improvement/increase, and unified interior decoration VI according to the regulations of the head office.

Small polar pulse car Franchise process

 Joining in process of Xiaoji Pulse Car   

Contract signing → site inspection → decoration design → store construction → training acceptance → publicity planning → official opening

User consultation

  • How to join? Do you need physical stores

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xiaoji Pulse Car! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 23:04:56 From China  49.221.123*
  • Want to open in Shanghai

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xiaoji Pulse Car! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 05:44:21 From Zhaoyang District, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province  42.242.252*
  • How can I handle it if I haven't opened a store

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xiaoji Pulse Car! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 02:54:44 From Jiangsu Province  49.78.36*
  • Understand the prospect and need to be developed

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xiaoji Pulse Car! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 22:15:39 From Sanmenxia City, Henan Province  42.230.88*
  • Please contact me if you are interested in this project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Xiaoji Pulse Car! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 05:31:08 From Pingliang City, Gansu Province  60.165.26*
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