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Alley barbecue
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Alley barbecue Introduction to joining
 Lane barbecue franchise
Alley barbecue is a popular place for many barbecue lovers. The unique feature of alley barbecue is that all charcoal comes from fruit trees, and it also brings a little fruit flavor after roasting. The meat aroma is combined with the fruit wood aroma, which is unforgettable. In addition to the main dish Japanese barbecue, there are also exquisite products such as beef ribs, pork chops, chicken, scallops, and specialized Salad, cheese and corn cups for girls are made. The rich dishes attract more young people and cater to the needs of consumers, so the business is naturally good.
Alley barbecue crispy side ribs. Only one whole pig can select eight pairs of high-quality side ribs. After meat picking and tendon removal, the crispy side ribs are juicy, tender, delicious and clear; Tonghua bean skin has two flavors to choose from: original flavor and sweet and sour flavor. Tonghua's "native" mineral water dried bean skin, together with sweet and sour sauce, is baked dry and cool, and then sprinkled with a handful of sesame seeds. The sour, sweet, fragrant and hot flavors blend into one mouthful, making it difficult to resist; Mutton chop kebabs, preferably Sunite Mutton chop from Inner Mongolia prairie. Mutton with five flowers and three layers, tastes more tender. The unique taste advantage and good market reputation can bring more considerable benefits to alley barbecue. Everyone will have a good performance in a short time when they join the store. At the same time, the headquarters will provide a number of major Support and support.
Alley barbecue brings healthy Korean cuisine and exotic customs to cat scratch with pure Korean cuisine and health preserving concept. All Korean chefs are from South Korea. They are responsible for Korean barbecue from cooking methods to sauce preparation, ensure The alley barbecue has pure flavor, unified standard, healthy and delicious. Alley barbecue is a delicious pioneer in the green era. With climate warming, environmental degradation and frequent diseases, people are paying more and more attention to health care. Eating healthy food and drinking health soup to achieve the trinity of nutrition, health and health is a healthy lifestyle. The alley barbecue from South Korea, based on Korean herbal diet, takes care of nutrition and health care, and implements a standardized business model. It tastes delicious and has endless aftertaste. It is simple and quick to make a fortune easily.
Alley barbecue Franchise advantages
 Lane barbecue franchise
1. Less investment: The alley barbecue franchise store can start a small business with thousands of yuan, and it is easy to be a boss. A good project that saves money, time, effort and worry is less investment than opening a snack stand and breakfast shop.
2. Fully automatic technology: alley barbecue has become a fool's operation. With the barbecue secret materials provided by the headquarters, you can master all the secrets of barbecue in half an hour without catering experience.
3. Quick results: when joining the alley barbecue, you can collect money by opening a stall, with low cost, large cashier and low expenses.
4. Simple operation: alley barbecue, full-automatic barbecue oven, automatic function, hands-free barbecue, modern business model, ultra simple operation, extremely popular.
Lane barbecue alliance support:
1: Free brand trademark, full set of brand image VI system, marketing management scheme, etc. are provided to build an entrepreneurial platform in the whole process, so that franchisees can enjoy the strong market appeal of the brand.
2: Own one major The effective R&D team constantly develops new taste products that meet the market demand, allowing competitors to seek gold in the market.
3: Equipped major The lecturer will teach the product manufacturing process and the use method of brand equipment, so that the franchisee can operate easily. Later, free equipment technology upgrading and maintenance services will be provided continuously.
Alley barbecue Franchise conditions
1. With independent legal person qualification, the business license and tax registration certificate are within the specified time; The partner shall be an enterprise legal person registered in the People's Republic of China. Have the ability to bear civil liability independently.
2. Have the ability to produce or act as an agent, sell and provide after-sales service within the bidding scope, and have the production license or agency certificate of the industry; It has the equipment and major Technical capability.
3. It has strong economic strength, good business reputation, sufficient funds, sound financial accounting system and after-sales service ability.
4. Having the qualification of general taxpayer and providing ordinary invoices; Have a good record of paying taxes and social funds according to law.
Alley barbecue Franchise process
1. Consultation and negotiation
2. Franchisee qualification review
3. Review
4. Determine cooperation intention
5. Store evaluation
6. Store
7. Decoration construction
8. Franchisee training
9. Procurement of equipment
10. Good opening
11. Tutor guidance

Alley barbecue Joining dynamics


Alley barbecue Related questions and answers


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  • Really want to partner

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the alley barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 06:27:50 From China  39.182.135*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Within 20 million yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the alley barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 15:12:05 From Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province  60.222.192*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; More than 10000 points.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the alley barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 13:25:26 From Qingdao, Shandong  58.56.185*
  • Where is the company address? Go and have a look

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the alley barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 15:10:04 From Fushun City, Liaoning Province  60.18.44*
  • Send data. to glance at

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the alley barbecue! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 13:17:48 From Beijing Daxing  49.7.58*
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