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Xianzhiguo Chain Store
  • Franchise industry:

    Retail>Fruit Shop

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Xianzhiguo Chain Store Introduction to joining
 Joined in by Xianzhiguo Chain Store
It is a good choice for many entrepreneurs. Nowadays, people like to express their feelings with fruit whether they are celebrating the New Year or giving gifts. Fruit has not only simply appeared on people's tables, but also has become a form of expression of etiquette for modern people. Moreover, the business model of fruit stores is free and the business population is unlimited, It also requires no experience, which saves entrepreneurs a lot of trouble and makes entrepreneurship easier.
The types of fruits operated by Xianzhiguo chain stores are naturally different due to different franchise scales. When joining a fresh fruit chain store, the headquarters provides a variety of products that are not available on the street. There are many imported fruit brands that meet the shopping needs of most consumers. Therefore, the competitiveness of opening a fresh fruit chain store is relatively large, and it can be very good. Considering the local business circle situation, selecting a good location will basically provide great support. Xianzhiguo Chain Store is mainly engaged in middle and high level monopoly supermarkets focusing on domestic fruits, imported fruits and nuts. At the same time, provide enterprises and institutions with festivals, meetings, gifts and fruits. Fresh fruit chain stores will take providing perfect services as the foundation of the company's survival, so that you can taste "fresh" fruits in the first time. Fresh Fruit Chain Store has many years of practical experience in the fruit industry and retail marketing field. At the same time, it has set up a large group purchase department and a team to provide long-term customized services for the government, enterprises and institutions, factories, schools, hospitals, entertainment venues, catering industry, etc., as well as individual member customers. Only one phone call is needed to deliver the fruit to your designated location.
The decoration of Xianzhiguo chain store is fashionable, simple and generous, providing consumers with a clean and elegant shopping environment. Fresh fruit chain stores provide consumers with free processing services, avoiding the trouble of peeling and cutting some fruits, and making buying and eating fruits a real enjoyment of life.
The fresh fruit chain store takes the enterprise philosophy of "high reputation and strong service", that is, "good quality, cheap price, convenient and fast" as the service purpose, and provides services, products and service quality for customers.
Xianzhiguo Chain Store Franchise advantages
 Joined in by Xianzhiguo Chain Store
1. Market analysis guidance
For new franchisees, we will help them carry out a series of feasibility analysis, such as field market research and market competition environment assessment, so as to reduce costs to a lower limit and achieve great profits.
2. Training advantages
Various trainings will be provided in the pre opening and operation stages, including sales skills, product knowledge, marketing characteristics, terminal sales concepts, product display methods, human resource management knowledge, financial management knowledge, etc., and customer training and experience exchange activities will be held irregularly.
3. Regional franchise operation
Quickly replicate the successful business model that has been practiced and verified; Strictly divide the market, join the regional protection policy, enjoy the regional excellent brand benefits, continuous new product development and after-sales service, and special research on target markets.
4. Promotion planning guidance
The company will regularly or irregularly carry out market planning support for national unified large-scale promotion, holiday regional promotion and other activities, and will provide low-cost products and various free terminal promotional materials during the promotion period.
5. Marketing plan support
The company will use the information platform to share the internal market consultation and product information with customers in a timely manner, so as to adjust the marketing strategy in a timely manner. It will help customers reduce unreasonable inventory through the planned order management system and various marketing planning schemes, so as to make dealers operate healthily.
Xianzhiguo Chain Store Franchise conditions
1. Franchisees should have an advanced vision and the ability to assess the situation!
2. Franchisees should have at least two years of industry experience!
3. Franchisees should have a good concept of employment and team!
4. Franchisees should have good channel resources and channel creativity!
5. Franchisees should have the ability to plan and execute activities!
6. Franchisees should have a certain inventory capacity!
7. Franchisees should have training ability!
Xianzhiguo Chain Store Franchise process
1. Leave your phone number, and the headquarters will have a brand consultant to introduce you when it is convenient for you.
2. Deeply communicate with the reception staff and investigate the decoration style of the actual store.
3. Prospective customers visit the company to investigate products, brands and other aspects, submit application forms, and the headquarters conducts qualification review.
4. Sign the franchise contract, pay all fees, issue the authorization certificate and relevant store opening vouchers.
5. The headquarters assists the franchisee in selecting the site, and the franchisee stores can obtain a large flow of people.
6. The headquarters will assist the franchisee to tailor a very suitable store design scheme, with a unified decoration style and design scheme.
7. After paying the relevant fees, the company will train entrepreneurs in product skills marketing management.
8. The headquarter assists in formulating the opening plan, and guides the opening work and material preparation and delivery throughout the process. The headquarters sent people to the store to guide the installation and commissioning of equipment, conduct live training and trial operation.
9. The opening activities will be held according to the planned opening plan, and the company's headquarters personnel will provide long-term follow-up guidance and marketing assistance.

Xianzhiguo Chain Store Joining dynamics


Xianzhiguo Chain Store Related questions and answers


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    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xianzhiguo Chain Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 05:15:27 From Minhang District, Shanghai  58.38.176*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 500 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xianzhiguo Chain Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-27 20:16:12 From Qiannan City, Guizhou Province  58.16.121*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 30000 to 50000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xianzhiguo Chain Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-25 14:24:20 From Zhangye, Gansu [Telecom]  61.178.209*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 300000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xianzhiguo Chain Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 10:48:26 From Gansu Province  42.92.149*
  • I want to join, add me WeChat, phone synchronization

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xianzhiguo Chain Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-21 04:27:52 From Haidian District, Beijing  61.51.148*
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