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Xindingyuan Hotpot
  • Franchise industry:

    Hotpot>Special Hotpot

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Xindingyuan Hotpot Introduction to joining

 Xindingyuan Hot Pot Franchise

Dinglongxin Catering Management Co., Ltd. is a dynamic new catering chain enterprise. Based in Zhumadian and radiating southeast Henan, she is all influential fat cattle enterprises in southeast Henan.
Xindingyuan Hot Pot is a brand new hot pot making mode based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation and the needs of modern people for nutrition, health and fashion. He satisfies people's personality and health with a clean and free way of eating in a single pot, satisfies people's atmosphere enjoyment with a noble and elegant dining environment, satisfies people's nutrition with scientific and reasonable nutrition matching, satisfies people's taste with meticulous processing, and dedicates new hot pot to customers.
Dinglongxin Catering Management Co., Ltd. is established by a vigorous and positive team, with a complete set of enterprise management mode and business operation experience. We operate on the principle of creating a platform, giving opportunities, improving value, and realizing our own ideas to attract talents. We standardize management based on the requirement that everyone has something to do and everything is managed by someone. We sincerely invite more people of insight to join our team and create wealth together. Ding
With the vision of creating a new culture of healthy diet, we pursue the development of Chinese hotpot industry, take the loyalty, righteousness, faith, benevolence, wisdom and courage of Guan Gong as the guide, interpret the hotpot culture with new concepts, operate the hotpot industry with new concepts, unite in good faith, and work together to create a new star in the catering industry and create a hotpot world.
Xinyuan Hot Pot Home Cuisine insists on the integration of inheriting food culture and fashionable leisure food, and is committed to letting the public enjoy Chongqing hot pot special food from real and old secret recipes. Xindingyuan Hot Pot adheres to the tenet of "traditional authenticity, green health, quality first, service, honesty and trustworthiness", adheres to the business philosophy of "inheriting food culture, conducting family management, creating humanistic service, and promoting good reputation of integrity", and follows the product idea of authentic, green nature, spicy, fresh and fragrant, and quality first, According to the secret recipe, the unique raw materials that are difficult to replicate in the market are carefully prepared with their own technology, authentic and pure taste, and delicious and mellow taste.
Xindingyuan Hotpot Franchise advantages

 Xindingyuan Hot Pot Franchise

1. Large market
Xindingyuan Hot Pot has a clear positioning, has grasped the mainstream consumer group, and timely adjusted its products according to the market and consumer feedback, can constantly make response plans with the changes of the market, can adapt to the industry market and industry demand, and has a broad market and a large consumer group.
2. Fast food
It supports a large number of experienced catering management personnel to arrive at the franchise store, carry out door-to-door shopping and experience replication, so that the franchisee can operate faster and better.
3. Assist in site selection
Assist the franchisee to carry out field investigation on the store location they are looking for, investigate the buildings, business districts and customers, and evaluate the feasibility of opening a store. It includes the estimation of turnover and operating profit and loss for the reference of franchisees.
4. Brand sharing
Free training, free production technology, professional lecturers give lectures in person, one-on-one teaching, hand production, until learning, and free technical upgrading in the later stage.
5. Affordable price
The production cost is relatively low, and the price for selling is people friendly. It is delicious and affordable, and naturally popular with the public.
6. Simple operation
Ordinary people can master it after training to overcome the disadvantages of catering business from chefs. Ten years of experience in catering management in direct stores, standardized, simplified and fixed product production, and learned all the techniques.
7. Assist in opening a store
Enjoy free store opening guidance, teach practical experience, provide store design, guide business model and store location selection, so that you have no worries after opening the store.
Xindingyuan Hotpot Franchise conditions
1、 I and my family are healthy and enthusiastic about the industry.
2、 Recognize and accept the business philosophy and model of Xindingyuan Hot Pot Project, and people who are interested in entrepreneurship.
3、 Provide legal identity cards so that the headquarters can establish true files.
4、 Implement and abide by various business management systems of Xindingyuan Hot Pot Project.
5、 Natural person with independent legal personality or strong economic strength.
6、 Have a good sense of cooperation and good business reputation.
7、 Able to devote themselves to the operation with certain market sensitivity.
Xindingyuan Hotpot Franchise process
1. Understanding: Xindingyuan hot pot franchisees can learn about the business concept, franchise system and franchise advantages of the project by leaving messages on the online about to join or calling Dinglongxin franchise hotline.
2. Verification: The cooperative operator signed the rent lease contract.
3. Signing: determine the intention of the cooperative operator, sign a contract to officially join Dinglongxin, and pay the joining fee.
4. Design: after the project is started, the franchisee determines all dimensions, contacts Dinglongxin franchise headquarters to provide dimensional design and decoration, and completes the full set of construction drawings as soon as possible after confirming the scheme with the customer.
5. Training: Dinglongxin Training Base provides education and training courses for new franchisees. The course design adopts the interactive way of on-site training and class, so that the franchisee can quickly enter the learning state and become a professional Chaoshan hot pot franchisee.
6. Acceptance: the design and raw materials are in place after the acceptance.
7. Preparation: before the trial operation, Xindingyuan Hot Pot Franchise Headquarters will send professionals to assist the franchisee in preparing for opening and in store support.
8. Trial operation: During the trial operation, Xindingyuan Hotpot Training Headquarters will assign technical instructors to support the opening.

Xindingyuan Hotpot Joining dynamics


Xindingyuan Hotpot Related questions and answers


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  • If I am interested, please contact me; Ten to twenty thousand.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xindingyuan Hotpot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 07:41:39 From China  39.188.148*
  • I want to inquire about how to join and details

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xindingyuan Hotpot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 04:20:51 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.36*
  • Please call

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xindingyuan Hotpot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 11:10:47 From Shangqiu City, Henan Province  61.158.167*
  • How much is the franchise fee?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xindingyuan Hotpot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 16:21:27 From Shijiazhuang, Hebei  60.1.100*
  • unwanted; If I am interested, please contact me;

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xindingyuan Hotpot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 18:19:00 From Pingliang City, Gansu Province  61.178.182*
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