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Xibo ceramic tile adhesive backing
  • Franchise industry:

    Building Materials>Materials

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Xibo ceramic tile adhesive backing Introduction to joining
 Xibo Ceramic Tile Adhesive Backing
Xibo ceramic tile adhesive backing has become one of the pioneers in the special dry mortar industry. Degao K11 waterproof slurry, Degao ceramic tile sealant, Degao TTB ceramic tile adhesive and other products have won the trust of the majority of users with their reliable quality, and have become the leading products in the market. Degao will continue to make contributions to the dry mortar industry and building decoration industry with more than ten years of successful development experience and the world's advanced dry mortar technology and service resources.
Heber ceramic tile adhesive backing has strong product testing and analysis ability, as well as the development ability of series products and solutions in the fields of waterproof, ceramic tile adhesive, ceramic tile sealant, facing mortar, technical mortar, external wall thermal insulation mortar, etc. We have close exchanges and experience sharing with research and development centers around the world of Heber tile adhesive backing. We continue to improve the existing products, and introduce the technology of technical mortar and finishing mortar of Heber tile adhesive back into the market.
Global R&D Center
Heber ceramic tile adhesive backing has a strong international R&D team and world advanced chemical and physical analysis instruments. The R&D center focuses on the R&D of waterproof materials, tile adhesive, joint sealant, finishing mortar and other products, and provides technical solutions to meet the differentiated needs of customers. Our guarantee is to create the world's leading products and solutions, so as to achieve the sustainability and credibility of the building. We are committed to comfort, beauty, energy conservation and environmental protection to help consumers improve their quality of life.
Good Laboratory Introduction
We have achieved sustained growth through good technology. Our growth is based on good ability and the ability to continuously improve product quality. While carrying out avant-garde research and development work, the laboratory also actively participates in various internal and external cooperation, including standard formulation in related fields, research and development cooperation with domestic and foreign reputable universities and research and development institutions, and cooperation with laboratories in various countries around the world of Heber tile adhesive backing. It is our mission and responsibility to carry out avant-garde research, build a global leading dry mortar technology platform, and help the dry mortar industry develop in the direction of rapid, energy saving and environmental protection.
Xibo ceramic tile adhesive backing Franchise advantages
 Xibo Ceramic Tile Adhesive Backing
1. Brand advantages:
The brand image of "Xibo Tile Adhesive Backing" has been widely praised in the industry. In order to maintain the brand image, Xibo Ceramic Tile Adhesive Backing has always adhered to principles, treated people with sincerity and provided good services for franchisees.
2. Market advantages:
Uniformly plan the market, plan terminal activities, and provide free solutions for franchisees.
3. Entrepreneurship advantages:
The optimized supply chain system and material demand management create a strong cost advantage for the headquarters.
4. Product advantages:
The headquarters has strict quality management and keen grasp of the market for the franchise stores, which makes the products superior in quality, complete in variety without losing their characteristics, and significantly strengthens the quality competitiveness.
5. Marketing advantages:
Standardized and standardized operation mode shall be formulated for the whole business system from site selection to opening operation, which shall be used and provided by franchisees.
6. Training advantages:
Franchisees are joining in Xibo Tile Adhesive Backing. Xibo Tile Adhesive Backing Brand Headquarters provides franchisees with franchisee operation training, franchisee management courses, management team training support, and employee training planning.
7. Service advantages:
Provide shop decoration construction guidance. The Engineering Management Center and the decoration team with more than 200 people directly under the Central Government can provide assistance in shop design, engineering construction, on-site supervision, equipment installation and other aspects;
8. Technical advantages:
Xibo Tile Adhesive Backing Franchisee can obtain the store operation support and modern management technology brought by the headquarters. For example, many franchised headquarters use some modern equipment, so that you can be a shopkeeper, operate easily and cash in happily.
Xibo ceramic tile adhesive backing Franchise conditions
1. It should be an enterprise organization or individual citizen with independent civil liability.
2. Xibo tile adhesive backing franchisees should have a good sense of cooperation and good business reputation.
3. Have a certain amount of startup funds and have a certain market development ability.
4. Have certain financial strength and the ability to undertake business.
5. Own business premises, and the business area meets the low requirements of the headquarters of Heber Ceramic Tile Adhesive Backing.
6. Good business ability, hard-working, strong sense of enterprise.
7. Obey the unified management of Heber Ceramic Tile Adhesive Backing Headquarters
8. Good business reputation and extensive local connections.
Xibo ceramic tile adhesive backing Franchise process
1. Learn about:
Leave your contact information and you can get the joining information of Xibo Tile Adhesive Backing.
2. Project investigation:
The franchisee shall bear the preliminary investigation fees of the headquarters (including round-trip travel fees, board and lodging fees for the investigation personnel).
3. Franchise application:
After recognizing the strength of Heber tile adhesive backing, the entrepreneurs who decide to join in show their willingness to join.
4. Contract signing:
Sign the Franchise Contract and provide management information.
5. Location selection:
The franchisee shall select a suitable store address according to the local market environment and submit it to the headquarters for review.
6. Decoration design:
Franchisees can independently decorate according to the decoration design drawings given by the headquarters.
7. Franchise training:
Headquarters training franchisees, including teaching and association, until learning.
8. New store opening:
Prepare for the opening and make the opening process conform to the brand image.

Xibo ceramic tile adhesive backing Joining dynamics


Xibo ceramic tile adhesive backing Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • Consultation on joining conditions

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xibo ceramic tile adhesive backing! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-20 14:19:02 From Linfen City, Shanxi Province  59.48.123*
  • If you want to join, please contact as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xibo ceramic tile adhesive backing! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-19 23:50:10 From Jinzhong, Shanxi [Unicom]  60.223.138*
  • Contact again in the afternoon

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xibo ceramic tile adhesive backing! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-18 09:30:09 From Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province  61.146.3*
  • Hello! Do you deliver the goods directly

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xibo ceramic tile adhesive backing! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-18 05:44:46 From Guangzhou, Guangdong Province  61.140.199*
  • Understand specific cooperation methods

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Xibo ceramic tile adhesive backing! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 00:14:27 From Pingliang, Gansu  42.90.154*
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