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Wanyi Health Center
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Wanyi Health Center Introduction to joining
 Wanyi Health Center joined
Established in 2004, Qianzheng Group now has more than 300 employees, 95% of whom have bachelor's degree or above, of which more than 30% are scientific and technological research and development personnel. The Group has set foot in many industries including "public fund, health industry, cultural industry, tourism industry, ecological agricultural real estate", including Beijing Qianzheng Technology Co., Ltd Hebei Qianzheng Guangcai Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Qinghai Plateau Shengpi Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Beijing Plateau Shengpi Technology Co., Ltd., Gesang Huakai Cultural and Creative Group, etc.
Under the leadership of Mr. Wu Changhai, the Group has gradually moved from industrialization and collectivization to internationalization and diversification, following the corporate culture of "creation, striving for the best, embracing the best, and improving the good" and the business philosophy of "taking progress as the eternal, taking the right path as the direction, adhering to the principle of building great achievements, and treating all living beings with fraternity".
In the next three years, with Qinghai High tech Peptide Science Park as the industrial base and Beijing Hightech Peptide as the global marketing center, Hightech Peptide will make every effort to build a "Peptide Health R&D Creation System" based on the group R&D center and supported by the Northwest Plateau Animal Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences; The "management system" based on modern GMP production workshop and good management will cook the fish in one minute. It is proved that volcanic rocks contain many trace elements needed by human body, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, etc., which play a great role in health and longevity.
At present, the health care and beauty industry is developing particularly rapidly. People's living conditions are better, but they pay more attention to health care. In order to have a healthy body, both the elderly and young people prefer to enter and exit health care centers. Such a fashionable lifestyle is sought after by many consumers, and has also attracted a lot of attention. All of them want to join in. Among the huge population, the elderly and middle-aged people occupy an important position. With a large population, it is a good time to take health care. Many people pay more attention to health care. For many health care centers, this will be a huge market, and the market prospect will be great. There are few health resorts and it is difficult to join, which is an acceptable project for many entrepreneurs. Secondly, joining the health care center can also enjoy a series of support policies from the headquarters. With or without industry experience, you can easily open a store without worrying about business. The headquarters will provide hands-on services for the location, decoration, publicity, etc. of the franchise store. Moreover, the headquarters provided free training technology and unified distribution of products, which saved a lot of time for franchisees.
The company is committed to health care, health fashion consumption trend, providing users with standardized services, and providing franchisees with new development opportunities.
The company combines traditional culture with modern high-tech, combines consumer psychology and consumption habits, stands at the forefront of the industry, grasps popular trends, and creates a new model of health industry market management for Wanyi Health Center. With the purpose of honest management, brand strategy as the center, and business as the link, the company strives to create services for development, Deduce the miracle of new wealth combining traditional culture with modern civilization.
At the beginning of the establishment of the "Wanyi Health Center", the principle of massage therapy was mentioned in many places in the Emperor's Internal Classic, and the therapeutic mechanism of dredging the meridians and qi and blood was concluded that "general means no pain, pain means no obstruction". The company created a new green health care brand of "fumigation therapy", combined traditional culture with modern high-tech, launched Yao bath health care, fishway health care, electric potential therapy health care, foot disease care projects after market research, and established customer health records to integrate more culture, management, emotion, education and services into the company, which won the favor and praise of consumers.
In fact, Wanyi Health Center is a lifestyle, and it is a place for health preservation! Come here to reach a high level of beauty, physical therapy, body shaping, stress relief, and health, and enjoy the double gifts of nature and modern technology!
This project is being accepted by more and more ethnic groups. It is a development trend and development trend of people's healthy lifestyle in the future. It brings unlimited business opportunities to operators!
Wanyi Health Center Franchise advantages
 Wanyi Health Center joined
1) The unified decoration of the front door of the unified Wanyi Health Center.
2) It is authorized to use the brand trademark of "Franchised Chain Organization".
3) Sign the contract and authorize the franchisee to become the legal user of "Wanyi Health Center to deploy proprietary beauty technology and health care physiotherapy products of Wanyi Health Center".
4) Get the right to use new technologies and products developed by the headquarters research institutions free of charge.
5) The store design service is provided free of charge, and the company designs the decoration scheme according to the actual situation of the store.
6) Tutors will be stationed in the store to carry out relevant opening preparation and guidance, such as recruitment, decoration, pre opening publicity, opening promotion, etc.
7) Provide relevant management training to the shopkeeper free of charge.
8) At the same time of opening support, we will arrange tutors and lecturers to guide franchise stores to introduce standardized management, apply advanced management software, train relevant personnel, and standardize management.
9) The store team (the company uniformly sends store managers and beauticians who have received strict training), so they don't have to worry about the lack of staff any more; The company will regularly train the instructors and store managers (including mentality training, skill training, marketing training, etc.).
10) Arrange market inspectors to visit the store for a long time, supervise the work quality of the store manager, understand the business situation, and give reasonable suggestions and guidance; Accept complaints from franchisees and solve relevant problems in a timely manner.
11) The company guides the special charging standard manual in the store according to the characteristics of the image store.
Wanyi Health Center Franchise conditions
1. Legal entity or natural person with legal business qualification
2. Have certain economic strength and qualified business information
3. Stick to the style of honest operation and law-abiding operation
4. Adhere to the management concept of long-term development of health industry
5. Have a lofty sense of social responsibility and a strong belief in promoting the medicine bath culture
6. Recognize the core corporate culture of Wanyi Health Center
7. The back of the terminal should have the corresponding working capacity for consumption
8. The general dealer should have corresponding terminal development, management and maintenance capabilities
Wanyi Health Center Franchise process
1. Preliminary contact, understand the project situation, and reach the intention to join (telephone or face-to-face).
Qualification review
1. Submit the franchise requirements, fill in the Franchise Application Form, and provide information about the franchise city and the intended shops;
2. Copy of legal person ID card and other certificates;
3. When signing the letter of intent, the franchisee shall bear the preliminary investigation fees of the headquarters (including round-trip travel fees, board and lodging fees for the inspectors).
Field business district survey
1. Conduct field survey on the city and the store business district, and provide project evaluation report for reference;
2. Discuss with the franchisee whether it is appropriate to implement the shop.
Sign formal contract
1. Sign the franchise agreement with the franchisee and pay various fees (franchise fee, increase/increase fee) according to the agreement;
2. The opening matters shall be negotiated and the headquarters shall prepare the opening schedule.
Shop decoration and preliminary preparation
1. The headquarters helps to review the design scheme;
2. At the same time of decoration, the headquarters will arrange management personnel for staff recruitment and training;
3. The headquarters assists franchise stores in formulating opening promotion plans.
Decoration acceptance and certificate handling
1. Check and accept the decoration works according to the drawings;
2. At the same time, the decoration starts to handle the business license and other business related procedures.

Wanyi Health Center Joining dynamics


Wanyi Health Center Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • If I am interested, please contact me; It has 150 square meters of facade.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Wanyi Health Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 10:07:50 From Yantai City, Shandong Province  39.86.249*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 150000 yuan. handshake;

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Wanyi Health Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 22:00:04 From Heilongjiang Province  42.102.216*
  • How much is the franchise fee? How to join?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Wanyi Health Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 13:49:48 From Kaifeng City, Henan Province  61.158.147*
  • Please ask about the qualification of joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Wanyi Health Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 03:05:04 From Lingao County, Hainan Province [Telecom]  61.186.60*
  • I am interested in joining, please contact me; 200000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Wanyi Health Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 22:35:33 From Guangdong Guangzhou [Unicom]  61.242.114*
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