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Frog Flavored Fish Head Hot Pot
  • Franchise industry:

    Hot pot>fish hot pot

  • Suitable for:

    Free Entrepreneurship Graduate Entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Frog Flavored Fish Head Hot Pot Introduction to joining
 Rana Liuxiang Meiwa Fish Head Hot Pot
It's delicious and distinctive hot pot food. Everyone likes it, and can eat it all the time. Business is booming every day. Unlike the brand, frog sticks to its fragrance, and the delicacy inherited for thousands of years is carried out on the basis of tradition, bringing more nutrition and delicious food to people. Join Frog to stay fragrant without experience and technology. The headquarters will guide you personally and help you open a store easily.
Frog Liuxiang Meifrog Fish Head Hot Pot has a strong strength, including equipment operation skills, maintenance skills, maintenance skills, old duck soup and various instant boiled dishes, 80 kinds of special nourishing porridge products, various soups, noodles, barbecues, snacks, appetizers and other production skills. Fish Head Hot Pot Franchising Store Rana Liuxiangmei Frog Fish Head Hot Pot Fish Head is selected from the head of silver carp. The head of silver carp is big and fat, with more meat and fewer spines. It is said that eating meat is inferior to eating fish, and eating fish is more expensive than eating fish head. Therefore, "Tan Fish Head" is a good example of the times.
The delicious frog fish head hot pot is a combination of the essence of Sichuan cuisine and the elements of soup pot. It uses the first-class big head silver carp, which is big and delicious, combined with the freshness and tenderness of the beautiful frog. It is a combination of delicious and delicious taste. The aftertaste is endless. Eating fish head often can supplement the amino acid that the human body lacks. The beautiful frog is introduced from the United States. As one of the world's nine famous dishes, it has beauty and beauty. Eating it often can strengthen the body and nourish the stomach. Frog leaves fragrant and beautiful frog fish head, major Our team combines scientific research methods with traditional industries, has long served major catering enterprises, and is committed to improving the taste of base materials and optimizing enterprise costs. We have a solid scientific foundation in the field of base material research.
On the basis of the traditional fish hot pot taste, it has six series of featured main products, plus appetizers, cool drinks, delicious snacks, etc., a total of 57 products. These products are presented to customers in a new combination way, which is not only a rich taste, but also a variety of services. Meifrog fish head hotpot not only has the characteristics of traditional hotpot, but also works with a variety of vegetables and fungi to enrich nutrition and meet the needs of human health.
At the founding stage, the team spent three months mixing the traditional hot pot primer and the Meifrog fish head ingredients. After continuous debugging, the team successfully developed the special primer for Meifrog fish head. After being put into use, the taste won a lot of praise from customers. After being verified by the market, the Meifrog fish head with frog flavor developed rapidly and became the brand of Meifrog fish head industry.
Frog Flavored Fish Head Hot Pot Franchise advantages
 Rana Liuxiang Meiwa Fish Head Hot Pot
The beautiful frog fish head can bring you a different taste experience, breaking through the traditional hot pot cooking method. It uses fresh bullfrog and fish head as the main ingredients, and then matches with other accessories, which can balance nutrition and make the taste more popular. In addition, it is direct when cooking, convenient and quick to avoid copying by others. Meifrog Fish Head Hot Pot has many flavors, many specialty dishes, and both delicious and health preserving dishes, so it has won the favor and welcome of many consumers. Many consumers become repeat customers once they come.
Advantages of joining the brand of frog flavored fish head hotpot:
1. Rich experience, more focus major !
It is made of frogs and silver carp heads, together with chilli, pepper, onion, garlic and other spices. When it is fished out, it is fragrant. After eating it twice, it is tender, smooth and chewy!
2. Own major Chef, elaborate!
The practice of "cold pot" is that hot pot chefs prepare the dishes in the kitchen. At this time, the bullfrogs have fully tasted (bullfrogs are now being killed), and they can be served on the table, otherwise the bullfrogs will rot!
3. Fresh ingredients are the foundation of our shop!
The fish head is big, and the meat is too tight! The spicy soup is soaked in the fish. It tastes delicious and juicy. The mouth is full of chewiness, accompanied by the smell of pepper. The meat is fresh and tender, just like tofu, and the rotten can be gently inhaled into the mouth, making you sweat!
Frog Flavored Fish Head Hot Pot Franchise conditions
1. Have strong ambition or entrepreneurial ideas.
2. Fully understand and agree with the company's business philosophy, accept the company's management system, and are willing to jointly explore the market with the company.
3. Must have economic strength and tidy team structure.
4. The shop must be the first floor street facing shop of the local prosperity.
5. Be able to strictly implement all policies formulated by us.
6. Reputation, cheerful and positive personality, affinity.
7. Have a persistent entrepreneurial spirit.
Frog Flavored Fish Head Hot Pot Franchise process
1. Preliminary understanding
Call the joining hotline for preliminary understanding before joining to see if it meets the joining conditions.
2. Field visit
Visit the headquarters for project investigation and business communication with headquarters staff.
3. Franchise application
Franchise application mainly includes two aspects: ① download the application form. ② Fill in the relevant information in detail according to the requirements of the franchise application form. ③ Submit the completed application form for joining to the headquarters for review.
4. Review and signing
① After the franchise application is submitted, it needs to wait for the review notice from the headquarters. ② The franchisee reviewed by the headquarters can discuss the specific details of the franchise with the franchise specialist. ③ After the terms of the franchise contract are determined and both parties reach an agreement, the signing ceremony can be held. ④ Before signing the contract, the franchisee needs to prepare the legal business certificate and relevant franchise fees required for signing the contract. ⑤ Only after paying the fees and signing the franchise contract can the franchisee obtain the brand operation authorization from the headquarters.
5. Store location
The company will look for shops and evaluate and review the intended shops.
6. Shop decoration
The business manager can coordinate the designers of the company to design the decoration of large or extra large stores.
7. Headquarters training
The headquarters arranges technical training, management training, staff training, etc.
8. Opening preparation
Get the authorization letter, necessary products for opening, marketing instruction manual and other materials, carry out corresponding training, complete the shop decoration, logistics and distribution, and prepare for opening.
9. Official business and subsequent support
The head office facilitator starts the business and gives guidance and assistance. After the official action, the headquarters will provide operation guidance services.

Frog Flavored Fish Head Hot Pot Joining dynamics


Frog Flavored Fish Head Hot Pot Related questions and answers


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  • This project is good. Contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the delicious frog fish head hot pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-25 15:26:08 From Weihai City, Shandong Province  60.212.147*
  • Want to know

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the delicious frog fish head hot pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-25 05:57:47 From Weihai City, Shandong Province  60.212.172*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 80000 yuan. Get in touch quickly.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the delicious frog fish head hot pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-22 14:38:17 From Henan Province  42.237.238*
  • I am interested in this project, please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the delicious frog fish head hot pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 17:36:12 From Suiyang District, Shangqiu City, Henan Province  42.235.39*
  • How much is the franchise fee? Are there any requirements for the location

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the delicious frog fish head hot pot! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 09:10:44 From Suzhou City, Anhui Province  60.171.222*
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