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Stewed grandpa's health soup
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Stewed grandpa's health soup Introduction to joining
 Stewing grandpa's health soup
   Stewing grandpa's health stewing soup originated in the late Song Dynasty. It uses earthen pots as utensils, refined food and mineral water as raw materials, and is heated on six sides in a traditional way with a constant temperature of hard charcoal fire. It can be simmered for more than seven hours. Finally, it was translated into delicious food with folk traditional characteristics and modern taste.
People, that is, between people. Commonly referred to as folk earthen pot soup, Jiangxi earthen pot soup is passed on from mouth to mouth, nutritious and delicious. Jiangxi Pot Soup is a traditional delicacy originated in Jiangxi and spread from the Song Dynasty to today. The beauty of the earthen pot is that the earthen pottery adheres to the nature of yin and yang. After being simmered for a long time, the taste of raw materials and nutrients are fully dissolved in the soup. The soup is thick, mellow and attractive, with unique flavor and strong tonic.
Stewing grandpa's health stewing soup has been passed down from ancient times, and there are different opinions about its origin. According to one legend, during the Jiayou period of the Northern Song Dynasty (about 1053 AD), a talented scholar in Hongzhou (now Nanchang) invited friends for an outing. When he arrived at a beautiful place, he ordered his servants to cook fish, chicken and meat on the spot. When the sun set, they still wanted to meet again tomorrow. Before leaving, the servant put the remaining chicken, fish, meat and condiments into the earthen pot, filled it with clear spring, covered it tightly, and stuffed it into the still burning ash furnace to be sealed with soil, leaving only one hole for ventilation. The next day, the crowd arrived as scheduled. The servant took out the buried pot and opened the tile cover. It was already fragrant and delicious! Since then, everyone went out to play the same way. It was soon learned by a shopkeeper, and was introduced to the restaurant. Since then, the pot stewing soup has become famous among the people and become a unique dish in Jiangxi. A gourmet once wrote a poem praising: "People have simmered soup for thousands of years, and guests from all over the world often linger. One pot of soup is delicious for thousands of years, and you can't change it if you taste it."
Another saying is that in the third year of Chongzhen in the late Ming Dynasty, Tang Bin, a great scholar in the Imperial Academy, had the character "Ju Shi". He served as the Chief Secretary of Guanzhou for three years. He had clean hands and ate clear soup in a vat. A large earthen jar is set up in front of the mansion all the year round. Pumpkins and tofu are poured into it and simmered on a low fire to give alms to hungry people. The common people felt its high moral integrity and praised it as "three soups". This "three soup" contains that the official is like a clear water in a earthen jar, the person is like a bitter lotus soup, and the person who enters the world is like a ginseng soup. After Tang Bin left office, the common people read his kindness and held pots to simmer soup, thus becoming a folk landscape in Jiangxi. As time goes by, famous chefs in Jiangxi use tile jars and fire to simmer soup. They use five flavors and three materials all the time. They pay attention to food habits and pharmacology. Nine boiled and nine changed, and civil and military fire alternated, sometimes getting sick and sometimes getting slow. Eliminate fishy smell, smell and smell, and store sweet, sour, bitter, pungent and salty. Reach sweet but not sweet, bitter but not astringent; Salty but not thick, bitter but not strong; Light but not thin, fat but not greasy, pay attention to food habits and pharmacology. Today's famous stew grandpa health stew soup has been achieved.
Stewed grandpa's health soup Franchise advantages
 Stewing grandpa's health soup
  The headquarters provides the whole store output policy to enable franchisees to operate stores smoothly
Nowadays, more and more people are interested in the development of this brand and want to share in the brand. The headquarters has always been developing in the mode of chain operation, so it has brought a good opportunity for the franchisees. Now, as long as the franchisees choose to join this brand, the company will provide policy support for the output of the whole store, In terms of store location at the beginning, the headquarters will have plans provided by relevant personnel to implement, so that a good store location can be determined. During the opening period, the company will also provide corresponding activity planning plans, so that it can drive the business of the store and attract consumers to taste this delicacy. In the later operation, the headquarters will also provide business policies, Let the store have good performance throughout the year.
The company will provide comprehensive training services for franchisees to improve the business of stores
As long as the franchisees cooperate with the headquarters, the company will provide corresponding training to the franchisees at the beginning. The training time is not very long, but they can learn the relevant store business model in such a short time. The main content is store business, sales, technology and other aspects of training. The company will also have full-time instructors to carry out one-on-one training, Let each franchisee learn relevant store management policies in a very short time, so as to pass on good management ideas to the employees of the store, so as to improve the competitiveness of the store, drive the business of the store, and let each chain store develop better and better in various regions.
Media advertising, thus improving the brand's popularity in the market
The headquarters has always been the strong backing of chain stores, so every time the company will spend a lot of franchise funds on brand advertising, which can improve the brand's popularity. It will also launch related theme activities at irregular times, so that more and more brands can pay attention to this project, Therefore, it can lay a good foundation for the brand's position and have a good reputation in the catering market in the future.
Stewed grandpa's health soup Franchise conditions
1. Have full civil capacity and independently bear civil liability.
2. Recognize the company's corporate culture and be willing to grow and develop with the company.
3. Have the corresponding strength and awareness.
4. Be able to obtain the legal qualification to open a store and other procedures and permits involved.
5. Stewing grandpa health stewing soup brand has developed a full-time franchise system to meet the success of franchisees' entrepreneurship, and franchisees should consciously abide by it.
6. Franchisees should have certain management ability, persuasiveness and sensitivity to the market.
7. Franchisees can predict the variety brought by the market and have the ability to resist.
Stewed grandpa's health soup Franchise process
1. Project consultation
Franchisees can leave your contact information on the website to obtain a very new franchise information of Stewing Grandpa Health Stewing Soup.
2. Field visit
After a preliminary understanding of the project, make an appointment to visit the company headquarters.
3. Franchise application
The franchisee submits the application for joining to the headquarters of Stewing Grandfather Health Stewing Soup and waits for a reply.
4. Sign the contract
The headquarters shall issue a feasible implementation plan, sign a cooperation agreement, grant a franchise certificate and an authorization license (commonly known as the letter of authorization).
5. Site selection
The headquarters provides franchisees with analysis of consumption sector, traffic environment, passenger flow and competitors.
6. Shop decoration
The headquarters will issue decoration design drawings for franchisees in accordance with the building standards of franchise stores nationwide, and the franchisees will carry out decoration.
7. Training
The training mainly includes the following aspects: ① product knowledge training. ② Service skill training. ③ Sales skill training. ④ Pre job training, etc.
8. Opening preparation
The franchise headquarters provides publicity plans and pre opening planning to prepare for the opening.
9. Opening ceremony
Invite the person in charge who has a good reputation in the local area or invite some news media personnel to participate. After opening, the headquarters will provide follow-up support.

Stewed grandpa's health soup Related questions and answers


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  • I want to join you in Tianjin

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to simmer grandpa's health simmer soup! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 05:41:25 From Nanjing, Jiangsu Province  58.212.188*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 40 square meters.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to simmer grandpa's health simmer soup! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 16:26:54 From Wuhan, Hubei Province  59.174.231*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Within 60000.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to simmer grandpa's health simmer soup! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 15:58:23 From Zhengzhou City, Henan Province  61.158.152*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 1.5.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to simmer grandpa's health simmer soup! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 08:25:00 From Bijie Prefecture, Guizhou Province  58.42.161*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to simmer grandpa's health simmer soup! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 05:22:41 From Beijing  49.7.4*
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