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Wenzhou Snacks
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment in Existing Companies Add Graduate Entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise cooperation, free chain

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    five hundred and seventy-seven

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Wenzhou Snacks Introduction to joining
 Wenzhou snacks Wenzhou cuisine is dominated by seafood. The dishes taste fresh, light but not thin. Cooking techniques emphasize light oil, light gorgon, and knife work. Three silk knockout fish, beautiful fish silk and exploding ink fish flower are called "three wonders of Ou cuisine".
Three Silk Knocking Fish: a traditional folk delicacy in Wenzhou, which is said to have a history of more than 100 years. Until today, when it comes to festivals and family and friends are apart, "three silk knocking fish" is often used to treat "three silk knocking fish", which refers to the "three silk knocking fish" made of chicken breast, ham, mushroom, knocking fish, and three silk plus clear soup. The soup is mellow, fresh, smooth, harmonious in color and flavor.
Splendid shredded fish: the newly created Ou cuisine is made by cutting the back meat of black fish into thin strips, and stir frying it with shredded red and green persimmon peppers, shredded yellow egg skin, and shredded brown mushrooms. This dish is rich in color and seems to be beautiful. The fish strips are continuous and symmetrical, and the taste is very delicious.
Stir fried ink fish flower: There are a series of ink fish dishes in Ou cuisine. Stir fried ink fish flower is one of the representative works. This is an Ou dish with equal emphasis on knife making and stove making
Other specialties
Kaitaihou Jinjude specialty Wuchang fish, Xinjiang beef. Wenhua Back Jishi's Japanese Noodle Special Chinese Cold Noodle. Wenhua Back Three Thousand Mile Barbecue City features chicken wings. Wenhua Back Fish Village People's Specialties Boiled Fish. Three hundred bowls of special beef rice with noodles on Xiaonan Road. Jiangbin Road Korean House Special Steak. Bashu people's special dish fish flavored shredded pork beside the Ma On Pool. The specialty of Jingwu Duck Head downstairs is definitely Duck Head. The specialty of Dongda Barbecue in Xialupu is snails. The specialty of Fujian Niuzaodian at the South Railway Station is that the soup of Niuzaodian is spicy and more delicious. The specialty of Dagaoqiao Dongfang Hongchuan Restaurant is called spareribs. The specialties of Chongqing Yuzhuang in Zhanqian East Community are boiled fish and pepper and salt corn. The specialties of Chenglianqiao Guangfenghe Noodle Restaurant include ribs rice, beef set meal rice, and fresh wonton noodles. Across the five continents, there is a Shaxian snack with distinctive noodles. Cumin mutton in FAW noodle shop at South Railway Station. The ribs of a Taiwan spareribs king in the lane between Kaitai and Pufa are very delicious. There is a small shop near the General Hotel. Beef balls and beef tendons beside Eden. College Road Beef Bar Fried Beef Fillet, Beef Ball. Xiaonan Shuanglian Fish Ball Shop. Pork offal in Chengxi Street. Shamao River potstickers. Crispy ribs and spicy meat from Yan Gong Dian Lane Delicatessen Room. Jiang Xisheng in Dong'e Wailou.
Wenzhou Snacks Franchise advantages
 Wenzhou snacks 1) The use of well-known trademarks is authorized to increase the store's sense of trust and share the huge customer source and potential customers brought by the headquarters' brand reputation and affinity.
2) The headquarters' years of operation and management experience and a series of standardized operation systems direct guidance help the store to start quickly and reduce franchise.
3) Unified store image design, awarding crystal authorization bronze medal, giving away clothes and aprons, and enjoying the popularity brought by the headquarters brand promotion.
4) The unified distribution of raw materials, packaging and equipment reduces the purchase cost for operators and increases/increases the supply of goods.
5) Full set of professional technology free training, and distribution of technical textbooks, operation CDs, and store operation manuals.
6) Long term technical guidance and management consulting support.
7) Enjoy the special new products developed by the headquarters irregularly for free.
8) Reasonable regional protection policies to improve/increase the interests of operators.
9) The company can send professional personnel to visit the franchisee irregularly according to the business needs of the franchisee to provide guidance on business management, promotion, personnel management, inventory management, etc. (During the company's on-site guidance, the franchisee shall bear the corresponding travel, board and lodging expenses, and part of the salary. For details, please consult the staff of the headquarters.)
Wenzhou Snacks Franchise conditions
Wenzhou Snacks Franchise process
 Wenzhou snacks 1. Read the company's investment promotion materials in detail and ask our staff to confirm the intention of joining and fill in the application form for joining;
2. Franchisees conduct field visits to the agency cities and business districts and make preliminary preparations;
3. The company investigates the information and credit standing of franchisees, and investigates and evaluates franchised regions and stores;
4. Communicate in detail with the person in charge of the marketing department of our company on specific cooperation matters and negotiate the franchise contract;
5. After the company's review of the intended franchisee, it will sign a formal franchise contract, pay the increase/increase money and go through the relevant procedures;
6. Complete the design and decoration of stores according to the decoration standards of franchise stores under the guidance of our company;
7. The regional marketing service personnel of our company cooperate to complete the logistics distribution and franchise store display;
8. The company provides franchisees with all-round training on franchise management and technology;
9. After the store is accepted as qualified and the sample is put on the shelf, it enters the terminal market operation stage, and the company regularly guides the operation.

Wenzhou Snacks Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • This project is good, please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Wenzhou snacks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 21:36:45 From Beijing, China  49.94.16*
  • There is already a store, please call me as soon as possible!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Wenzhou snacks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 19:15:32 From China  39.182.216*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Not less than 500000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Wenzhou snacks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 22:49:29 From Nanjing, Jiangsu Province  49.74.123*
  • Please introduce your products to me

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Wenzhou snacks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 00:18:01 From Wuhan, Hubei  59.173.99*
  • The store opened in Guannan County, Lianyungang

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Wenzhou snacks! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 00:03:15 From Beijing  61.51.135*
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