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Tianyi Seafood Wholesale
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: More than 1 million


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Tianyi Seafood Wholesale Introduction to joining

 Tianyi Seafood Wholesale

Tianyi Seafood Wholesale Headquarters adheres to the principle of "customer first, honesty first". The company has established long-term and stable cooperative relations with many suppliers and agents. Tianyi Seafood Wholesale Headquarters has always adhered to the corporate philosophy of "integrity, pragmatism, creation and win-win". Its products, enthusiastic services and relatively perfect after-sales system provide a stable entrepreneurial platform for franchisees. Compared with meat, Tianyi Seafood Wholesale Restaurant seems to be more popular, with low fat and good taste, so it is also popular in the catering market. Tianyi Seafood Wholesale has a variety of ways to make Tianyi Seafood Wholesale. Here, you can choose what you like according to your own taste. There is always a taste that suits you.
Tianyi Seafood Wholesale is a precious aquatic economic animal, which has the functions of tonifying the kidney, strengthening the yang, nourishing the yin and strengthening the stomach, and plays an important role in improving sports endurance. It has long been a favorite delicacy. From the perspective of nutrition, Tianyi Seafood Wholesale also has other special advantages that cannot be replaced. The nutrient density of Tianyi Seafood Wholesale is higher.
All ingredients of Tianyi Seafood Wholesale are sold in a large scale and novel way. There is no dead end in distribution. From the "sea" to the "table", the ultra short supply of raw materials is relatively new. Seafood, according to consumers' taste preferences, has stopped a series of changes and innovations, and launched seafood snacks to meet the needs of fashionable people. Tianyi Seafood Wholesale has always adhered to the operation philosophy of "creation in operation, operation in creation". As early as in Tianyi Seafood Wholesale, entrepreneurs began to study in Hong Kong, Macao, France, the United States and other places and introduce advanced management experience and systems for daily management. Over the years, Tianyi Seafood Wholesale has been paying attention to blending the traditional tastes of pure Chinese food and foreign consumers, stopping technological transformation from time to time, integrating civilized elements to expand the appeal of food while sticking to production. Tianyi Seafood Wholesale has become the pioneer of exploring the elements of Chinese food.
Tianyi Seafood Wholesale Franchise advantages

 Tianyi Seafood Wholesale

1. The franchise brand image has been widely praised in the industry. We regard the development of the brand as life. For the sake of brand image, we always adhere to principles, treat people with sincerity and provide services for franchisees.
2. The diversification of varieties will quickly eliminate the old products, so new products will naturally lead the trend of drinks. The head office has a development team to constantly develop new products for you, and let your store lead the way.
3. The headquarter has its own R&D team, which is constantly created to provide different products according to the different needs of consumers.
4. The franchise headquarters has a whole training team, which will solve different problems in different regions.
5. The one-stop service of store searching, business circle investigation, project decoration, store planning, commodity display, and opening planning, with full advantages, avoids the trouble of franchisees.
6. The headquarters has launched a lot of preferential policies, and will give various subsidy policies and preferential policies, so that franchisees can save a lot of franchise money, but also can greatly stimulate the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of franchisees, so that the development of franchise stores will be better and better!
7. Market operation advantages. For franchisees in different regions, the market research institute of the headquarters conducts in-depth research on the local industry market, customer groups and consumption trends to provide favorable competitiveness support for franchisees.
8. Track service advantages. The management personnel of the headquarters will personally guide the opening of the store, supervise the operation of the store at any time, and ensure the brand quality.
9. Site selection and decoration advantages. The headquarter wakes up to evaluate the stores provided by the franchisee, selects the appropriate stores, and the design team carries out unified terminal design for the franchisee stores, saving the time for the franchisee to find the design team.
10. Domain protection advantages. In order to maintain the qualified development of the franchise stores, the headquarters will provide regional protection policies for the franchise stores and support the franchise stores' operation rights within a certain range.
Tianyi Seafood Wholesale Franchise conditions
1. An enterprise organization or individual citizen with independent civil liability.
2. Have certain franchise strength and management ability.
3. Have a correct view and sense of responsibility.
4. Recognize the company's corporate culture and business model, and obey the company's unified management.
5. Have qualified personal quality and business reputation.
6. Have entrepreneurial spirit, love learning, and the drive and perseverance to continue operating.
Tianyi Seafood Wholesale Franchise process
1. Enquiry about joining information. If the alliance merchants are interested in Tianyi seafood wholesale brand, they can either provide online customer service information or call the free number of the website to let the company's staff give a detailed explanation.
2. On the spot investigation, alliance businessmen can go to the franchise headquarters for investigation if they have questions about telephone consultation.
3. Franchise application: inspect products, brands and other aspects of the company from customers, submit application forms, and the headquarters conducts qualification review.
4. After signing the franchise agreement, the franchisee can formally sign the franchise agreement when it still confirms that it wants to join after the field visit to the headquarters, and the headquarters also agrees to join the franchisee.
5. For store selection, the department shall assign the franchisee to assist in the site selection of the store.
6. For store decoration, the headquarters will provide the standard building size drawings of the stores to be decorated, and the headquarters will design and guide the decoration for the partners free of charge.
7. For operation training, the headquarters of the company will send lecturers to give franchisees systematic training.
8. Preparation for opening, make preparations before opening. Local leaders, celebrities, relatives and friends can be invited to attend the opening ceremony, or they can apply to the headquarters to send personnel to attend the opening marketing activities. After the normal opening of the franchise store, it will provide long-term free new technology and new product upgrading services, so that you can open the store easily and operate safely.
9. Opening ceremony: After the opening activities are well prepared, the store will be officially opened on the selected opening day and announced to be officially put into operation.

Tianyi Seafood Wholesale Joining dynamics


Tianyi Seafood Wholesale Related questions and answers


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  • If I am interested, please contact me; It has an area of more than 700.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Tianyi seafood wholesale! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 04:10:09 From Xinjiang Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture [Unicom]  43.224.52*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 1 million.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Tianyi seafood wholesale! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 02:43:46 From Qingdao, Shandong Province  49.223.28*
  • I want to join, thank you!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Tianyi seafood wholesale! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 23:44:07 From Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province  59.54.52*
  • How to join the agency

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Tianyi seafood wholesale! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 19:12:22 From Wujiang City, Jiangsu Province  39.190.132*
  • How to join? Please tell me the joining fee and details?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Tianyi seafood wholesale! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 19:12:21 From Changsha, Hunan Province  58.20.69*
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