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Spicy Noodles
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:

    Chongqing City

  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Spicy Noodles Introduction to joining
 Joined by Tiaoxiang Xiaomian
The good taste is not lost. The flavor picking noodles inherit the traditional technology of Chongqing noodles, and have a new upgrade in the taste. It retains the original flavor while meeting the needs of modern people. In the market with numerous small noodle brands in Chongqing, the fragrant small noodle always has a place based on taste, which makes the franchisee partners have a strong competitiveness and the development of wealth cause more sustainable.
It is a local specialty snack originated from Chongqing, a mountain city, and belongs to Chongqing cuisine. Small noodles belong to the type of soup noodles with spicy taste. Small noodles in a narrow sense refer to spicy plain noodles.
Small noodles are the traditional pasta that is widely accepted by Chongqing citizens as southerners alone. Because of its unique taste, it has become well-known throughout the country in recent years, and it is popular when fragrant small noodles are brought into the market. In January 2016, the local standard Chongqing Noodle Cooking Technology Guide was approved and began to be implemented.
Picking fragrant small noodles, inheriting the technology, fresh soup and fresh noodles are delicious, with the original childhood taste, and the authentic Chongqing flavor is "tenacious". Small noodles are spicy and delicious. The soup is mellow and tastes strong. A hundred types of noodles can be mastered at one hand, operated in a complex way, and opened more stores in one store.
Authentic Chongqing flavor and national famous delicacies, the small noodles with fragrance are surging in, and they have conquered the markets all over the country. The taste is universal and delicious. It transcends the limitations of the northern and southern food culture, and is suitable for all parts of the country. You can quickly gather loyal fans wherever you go to pick up fragrant noodles. The ability to circle fans is no less than that of modern good online celebrities, and you can achieve continuous financial resources wherever you set up a store.
Craft, fresh soup, fresh noodles, and tenacity are coming, and Chongqing flavor is irresistible. Men, women, and young people have become fans of fragrant noodles, wantonly tasting the original childhood flavor. There are many brands that are advertised as authentic Chongqing noodles in the market. You can tell the truth from the fake just by tasting them. Flavor picking noodles can withstand market criticism. Authentic Chongqing is not afraid of the test of time. If you have good taste, you will have a good view. You have enough confidence to ride around the market.
Spicy Noodles Franchise advantages
 Joined by Tiaoxiang Xiaomian
Technical advantages: unique taste, simple operation, finished product distribution, whole store output
Brand advantage: professional catering enterprises, we advocate "happiness can be replicated"
Advantages of raw materials: centralized production and procurement in the country of origin, low cost, QS food certification
Logistics advantage: Timely distribution network, covering the whole country, and the national logistics accident headquarters will pay first
Service advantages: door-to-door preparation, door-to-door shopping, customized production, easy operation of nanny service, and quarterly launch of new products
Product advantages: one store top three stores, complete products, different business circles, different combinations
Fragrance picking noodles joining support:
Entrepreneurship is all inclusive, wealth is watertight, and the headquarters fully supports the operation, saving effort
On site shopping: the headquarters can provide on-site services to guide the operation of stores
Decoration support: decoration guidance, pre opening preparation, and assistance in opening
Training support: the headquarters provides follow-up staff training, etc
Material support: enjoy the quality and good price of finished materials in Sichuan Chongqing raw material base
Technical support: enjoy free technical upgrading, training and the right to learn and use new products in different seasons
Advertising support: enjoy the advertising effect brought by the headquarters' publicity and promotion on TV networks and major media
Regional protection: enjoy the right of protection within one kilometer area, and have the right to apply for free opening of branches
Fragrance picking noodles joining support:
On site shopping
The headquarters can provide door-to-door service and guidance to the franchise stores.
Decoration support
Decoration guidance, preparation before opening, and assistance in opening.
Training support
Tiaoxiang Xiaomian joined the headquarters to provide follow-up staff training and so on.
Material support
Enjoy the high-quality and low-cost finished materials in Sichuan Chongqing raw material base.
technical support
Enjoy free technology upgrading, training and the right to learn and use new products in all seasons.
Advertising support
Enjoy the advertising effect brought by the promotion of Tiaoxiangxiaomian in TV networks and major media.
Regional protection
Enjoy the right of protection within one kilometer area, and have the right to apply for free opening of a franchise store of Tiaoxiangxiaomian.
Spicy Noodles Franchise conditions
1. I and my family are healthy and have enthusiasm and enthusiasm for the industry;
2. Recognize and accept the business philosophy and model of the project, and those who are interested in entrepreneurship;
3. Provide legal ID card so that the headquarters can establish true files;
4. Implement and comply with various operation and management systems of the project;
5. Natural persons with independent legal personality or strong economic strength;
6. Have qualified cooperation awareness and qualified business reputation;
7. Be able to devote themselves to the operation and have certain market sensitivity;
8. Be able to independently join in all costs and undertake certain operations.
Spicy Noodles Franchise process
1. Franchise consultation
Before joining Tiaoxiangmian, prospective franchisees consult the website about joining matters by leaving messages online.
2. Customer inspection
The customer made an appointment with the company for a detailed inspection.
3. Franchise application
Qualification assessment, store location analysis and comprehensive condition review of franchisees by the headquarters.
4. Sign a contract
After both parties reach a consensus on cooperation, they can sign a franchise contract to negotiate later matters.
5. Store location
The headquarters of the company will investigate and determine the store address according to the actual situation of the franchisee, so as to support the great interests of the franchisee.
6. Shop decoration
The business manager can coordinate the designers of the company to design the decoration of large or extra large stores.
7. Professional training
The headquarters provides strict and standardized systematic professional training for franchisees to improve/increase the operation of franchise stores.
8. Opening preparation
Including the handling of various licenses, the formulation of opening plans, and the purchase of promotional materials.
9. Later support
After opening, the headquarters will provide operation guidance in the trial operation stage, and provide technical support irregularly after the official opening.

User consultation

  • If you want to know about this project, please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 11:06:54 From Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China  58.100.180*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; WeChat same account

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-27 09:47:58 From Zibo City, Shandong Province, China  60.210.112*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Within 80000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-26 17:50:32 From Taizhou, Zhejiang [Telecom]  60.188.39*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 6w。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-23 19:18:06 From Shenyang, Liaoning  42.4.202*
  • I want to know the process of joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to the noodles! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-22 01:39:19 From Jiangsu Province  49.77.132*
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