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Young Master Tong Chuanchuan
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise cooperation

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    four hundred and eighty-nine

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Young Master Tong Chuanchuan Introduction to joining
 Young Master Tong joined in Sichuan
Originating from Chengdu, Sichuan, Young Master Tong is said to have evolved from hot pot (or cold pot fish). But it is slightly different from that. It is made of various vegetables and meat that are cut into irregular shapes. Then, these dishes are threaded into strings with good bamboo sticks. Then, they are put into the pots with their own manufacturing processes for processing and cooking.
In the catering culture of Sichuan people, the position of hotpot is self-evident. In Chengdu, there are more spicy hot dishes and hot dishes. As for hotpot, while maintaining its essence, it is also creating an enduring industry and a new consumer market! Brand, large, small, and even street corners can be seen all over the country. Its large market and strong demand can be seen. In Chengdu, the food center, Chuan Chuan has become an industry and has always created wealth.
Young Master Tong originated from the Land of Abundance and the City of Gastronomy. It inherits the essence of hot pot, the essence of Sichuan flavor, and has the characteristics of Chengdu snacks in the new era. It not only has a long taste, adjustable spicy, diverse taste, but also is convenient to eat, full of leisure atmosphere, good quality and cheap. It is a representative brand of Chengdu!
Of course, Young Master Tong has been constantly improving and creating in the continuous good process. At the beginning of 2012, some new Chengdu strings were created, such as: Young Master Tong, who was born in the sky, with novel, unique and delicious paint, inheriting the essence of hot pot, the essence of Sichuan flavor, as well as the same quality and low price, and long taste. Therefore, once it appeared, it was highly sought after by consumers and attracted a sensation in the market. With its characteristics and taste, it quickly conquered the market.
We improve/increase the selection of all raw materials, which are strictly controlled by the master himself. The selected materials are excellent, and the production is qualified. All raw materials are purchased from Chengdu. In order to improve/increase the taste and freshness of stone materials, local sea pepper and hemp pepper are used, and the polishing is fine. Each process uses the original production method, so that you can taste the taste at the same time, It can also satisfy your taste buds' wanton enjoyment. Young Master Tong is the best choice for you to get together with your family and friends.
Young Master Tong Chuanchuan Franchise advantages
 Young Master Tong joined in Sichuan
1. Seven days before the opening of the franchise store, the company's support staff arrived at the store to carry out the early operation support work;
2. The opening support personnel shall assist the Construction Department in the acceptance of the decoration project, and complete the finishing work of cultural decoration at the same time;
3. Recheck the recruitment staff of the franchise store of Young Master Tong, and cooperate with the store manager to carry out the pre training of staff;
4. Urge and assist Young Master Tong to deal with administrative qualifications such as licenses, and support normal business;
5. Be responsible for the planning and inventory of the materials of the franchised stores, and assist the franchisees to establish accounts;
6. Implement the opening planning scheme and promotion scheme reached between the Operation Department and the franchisee in the early stage;
7. Be responsible for the inspection and commissioning of water, electricity, gas and other related facilities and equipment of the franchise store;
8. Once again, the market will be deeply investigated, and the special pot and dishes will be debugged again in combination with local flavor and customs.
9. Assist the franchise store to open smoothly, gradually standardize the front office management and service process of the franchise store, and make the post operation plan after communicating with the franchisee.
Young Master Tong Chuanchuan Franchise conditions
1. All franchisees need to agree with the company's business philosophy and ideas, agree to strictly abide by the market strategy and price system formulated by the company's headquarters, and are willing to strictly maintain the company's overall image;
2. Willing to be in the industry and have a clear understanding of the industry;
3. The franchisee shall be an enterprise or public institution or a natural person who can independently bear civil liability;
4. Franchisees need to have certain financial strength and market operation ability;
5. Having a fixed office location and fixed contact information;
6. There are special sales personnel responsible for the marketing work or can rely on the store for sales;
7. Recognize the business philosophy and business ideas of the head office, not for short-term interests, but for long-term interests, willing to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with the company for sustainable development;
8. Franchisees should actively participate in market development, respect contracts and keep reputation.
Young Master Tong Chuanchuan Franchise process
1、 Leave a message online, fill in the application form or make a franchise application by telephone.
2、 The headquarters will evaluate the applicants and approve the franchise qualifications such as franchise quota, region and financial capacity. After the preliminary assessment, the franchise applicants pay the cooperation intention increase/increase fund, and the headquarters will reserve the quota of the franchise application area after receiving the increase/increase fund.
3、 After receiving the increase/increase fund, the headquarters will cooperate with the franchisee to plan the franchise operation and formulate a reasonable franchise plan, including the determination of the franchise level, the size of the store, the number of personnel, the decoration investment, the decoration cycle, the working capital, the opening date, and the target period.
4、 After the franchise planning, both parties formally signed the franchise contract, and the franchisee paid the franchise fee to the headquarters. The headquarters immediately provided relevant franchise qualifications and pre business training services: awarding franchise cards, providing relevant management manuals, and conducting owner management training.
5、 The headquarters will arrange relevant personnel to assist the franchisee in the early stage of opening preparation according to the established joining plan, such as selecting the store location, rent negotiation, evaluation, store decoration, personnel training, business license handling, opening planning, publicity material production, etc.
6、 Before the official opening, the headquarters shall cooperate with the franchisees to check and accept the relevant franchise preparations, including decoration acceptance, equipment installation commissioning, publicity scheme and relevant data acceptance, guest invitation acceptance, and the acceptance of personnel in place. After the implementation is completed, the headquarters will issue the opening consent to arrange the official opening. When officially opening, the headquarters will arrange different personnel to leave the store according to the size of the franchise level to provide guidance and support to ensure the success of the opening.

Young Master Tong Chuanchuan Joining dynamics


Young Master Tong Chuanchuan Related questions and answers


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  • If you want to join, please contact me for details as soon as possible.

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Young Master Tong Chuanchuan Chuanchuan! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 22:00:35 From Tianjin [Unicom]  60.27.192*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 50~100。

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Young Master Tong Chuanchuan Chuanchuan! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 23:00:08 From Liaoning [Telecom]  42.249.33*
  • Contact after 4:00

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Master Tong Chuanchuan Chuanchuan! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-30 10:16:32 From Suqian City, Jiangsu Province  49.89.210*
  • Apply for agency

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Master Tong Chuanchuan Chuanchuan! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 15:52:14 From Henan Province  42.239.116*
  • Hello! I like this project very much. If you want to open a processing workshop, please contact me.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Young Master Tong Chuanchuan Chuanchuan! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-29 10:07:50 From Beijing  58.38.88*
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