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Taotao electric scooter
  • Franchise industry:

    Mother, baby and children>children's toys

  • Suitable for:

    Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise free chain

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    two hundred and twenty

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Taotao electric scooter Introduction to joining
 Taotao electric scooter joining
Taotao electric scooter has unified image, price, management, and retail stores to achieve standardized operation and high market recognition. Taotao electric scooter swept the whole country! Many famous brands have always been entrepreneurial merchant Our dream partner, so after the launch of Zhejiang Taotao electric scooter franchise project, many entrepreneurs merchant scramble for. Taotao electric scooter is a lithium bicycle, electric scooter, battery, accessories, charger, Haoshen Tuo and other commodities major The collective operation headquarters of consumer processing has a sound and superstitious quality management system. The integrity, strength and product quality of Taotao electric scooter headquarters have been recognized by the industry.
Taotao electric scooter not only has an advisory group including coaches and members of electric scooters in China, Asia and the world, but also has a team with master's and bachelor's degrees major Planning, design, management and training team. In recent years, the headquarters has invested heavily in purchasing high-precision CNC centers, established product production and development bases, and constantly updated and developed quality Products quality The products and services of major The needs of athletes.
On the premise of improving/increasing the functionality of Taotao electric scooter, it also adds the overall fashionable and lightweight elements of electric scooter. The product attributes of Taotao electric scooter make the target market range very broad, suitable for the needs of people of different ages. Taotao electric scooter is elegant and fashionable major With strong design ability and injection molding as the core technology, Taotao Electric Scooter has produced a pair of electric scooters that have amazed the industry and consumers. From the ergonomics, bio mechanical principles, appearance design, material application, color matching, and production process of the products, all of them reflect the ingenuity and design essence of the headquarters researchers.
Taotao electric scooter Franchise advantages
 Taotao electric scooter joining
1. Management improvement/increase: always put the interests of agents in the first place. Years of market management experience have explored a mature win-win model for businesses and enterprises, improving/increasing the sustainable development of the headquarters.
2. Brand improvement/increase: the development of the headquarters caters to the market demand, keeps pace with the promoted policies, and has advanced market vision, so that the brand has occupied a leading position in the electric scooter market.
3. Technology improvement/increase: the headquarters integrates R&D, production and sales, so more manpower and financial resources are injected into product development major Research team.
4. Marketing improvement/increase, ensure The sales volume of products is increasing.
5. Improvement/increase of terminal publicity: strong advertising momentum, various product packaging, combined with the actual market situation of the agents, using a variety of publicity means, ensure Terminal publicity is in place.
6. Store location: conduct scientific analysis on store location, rent assessment, control and other related factors, and carry out strategic cooperation with relevant commercial operators.
7. Visual image: major The design headquarters plans VI brand, visual image, SI space visual image, etc., to build a visual image system with a sense of fashion.
8. Education and training: major Trainers provide training and guidance to business partners in various aspects to comprehensively improve employees' major Knowledge and comprehensive ability.
9. Operation management: the headquarters organizes a management team from the aspects of service, quality, brand, market, finance, training, etc. to enhance the core competitiveness of the headquarters.
10. Market research: headquarters major People's understanding of the business environment, flow of people, population density, consumption index and other market situations major Research to provide scientific data for long-term development.
11. Marketing promotion: It covers advertising, channel construction, event execution, enterprise planning, new media marketing, promotion strategies and other aspects to provide the headquarters with brand influence.
Taotao electric scooter Franchise conditions
1. Entrepreneurs should have strong desire for success, ambition and management awareness.
2. It has certain economic strength and sufficient venture capital. He has a deep understanding and recognition of the civilized operation mode of "Taotao Electric Scooter", and is willing to abide by the consistent management form and system of the headquarters.
3. With high trust in the headquarters, Taotao electric scooter franchisees are willing to accept various trainings and management from the headquarters.
4. There is no record of meritorious service and bankruptcy, and there is an ideal of expanding with the headquarters.
Taotao electric scooter Franchise process
  1. Entrepreneurship consulting
Online customer service communication on the website is available to understand the basic situation of the project (including joining conditions, joining process, etc.).
2. Survey
Investigate the local market, go to the headquarters of Taotao electric scooter for field investigation, and determine the franchise intention.
3. Franchise application
After all aspects are considered comprehensively and the intention to join is determined, it is necessary to apply to the headquarters for joining, and fill in the joining application form in detail and truthfully according to the requirements of the headquarters.
4. Sign the contract
Franchisee provides basic information to be verified by the headquarters accuracy And the early joining agreement.
5. Assist in site selection
Headquarters delegation major Personnel conduct field visits to assist franchise partners in selecting suitable store locations.
6. Decoration construction
The headquarters provides the decoration drawings and the overall layout scheme. Franchisees only need to find the construction team to carry out the decoration, saving a fee for the franchisees.
7. Headquarters training
Headquarters arrangement Wisdom Chosen Carry out technical training, and issue an authorized bronze medal after passing the training.
8. Opening preparation
Goods are displayed on shelves; The store POP is hung in place, and the store is arranged according to the content of opening activities to create an opening atmosphere.
9. Opening ceremony
The staff of the brand headquarters will cooperate with the franchisee in publicity and promotion, ensure The opening day is grand.

Taotao electric scooter Joining dynamics


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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Taotao electric scooter! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-26 12:42:38 From Zhuzhou  58.45.54*
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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Taotao electric scooter! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-24 17:12:41 From China  39.180.107*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 5-8W。

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    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Taotao electric scooter! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-24 10:43:16 From Cangnan County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province  60.181.141*
  • I want to know, please contact me, thank you!

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Taotao electric scooter! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-22 18:44:33 From Zhuji, Shaoxing, Zhejiang  39.171.234*
  • What are the company's requirements for franchisees, whether there are requirements for site selection and store size, and how much is the franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Taotao electric scooter! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 05:17:20 From Qingyun County, Dezhou City, Shandong Province  61.179.24*
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