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First Soup Therapy
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    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

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  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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First Soup Therapy Introduction to joining

 First Soup Therapy Franchise

As a new thing in recent years, many people do not understand the franchise stores of the Health Development Center, but entrepreneurs see the business opportunities, First Soup Therapy Franchise Many franchisees have enjoyed the low and high operation of the first soup therapy franchise entrepreneurship project.

[First Soup Therapy] Brand Introduction

Guangzhou Huixiang Cosmetics Co., Ltd., founded by Mr. Zhou Zongliang in Guangzhou in 2003, is a comprehensive enterprise focusing on the massive health industry platform and integrating health care product output, education system output and whole store management output. Self operated brands include: Toudao Soup, Pov, BHK, and Maligaran. Guangzhou Huixiang Cosmetics Co., Ltd. is not involved in production and has been authorized to Guangzhou Huangpeichang Cosmetics Co., Ltd. for production.

Since its establishment, the company has been committed to building an educational beauty enterprise, taking products as the foundation, combining traditional marketing with Internet operation, realizing the sharing of Huixiang system resources, re purchasing the core value of the enterprise, and truly helping small and medium-sized beauty enterprises to achieve transformation and achieve sustainable health!

[First Soup Therapy Joining Culture]

The vision of the first soup therapy: Let's get rich together

The mission of the first soup therapy alliance: Create a teaching beauty enterprise

Belief of the first soup therapy: As long as we live, we will carry out the spread of beauty and health to the end

The purpose of the first soup therapy alliance: Share cooperation, create win-win situation and work for yourself

How about joining the first soup therapy?

1、 What is the first soup therapy for

Toudao Soup is a hair care and health care brand focusing on head health care. It is mainly aimed at solving the problems of hair, scalp, meridian qi and blood, and nerve sub-health. More specifically, hair loss, white hair, poor hair quality, dandruff, tinea, scalp oil, insomnia, amnesia, poor memory, headache, shoulder and neck pain, numbness of hands and feet, stroke, prevention of cerebral hemorrhage, hemiplegia, and other problems, In addition, there are also projects to solve various sub-health and physical problems of the whole body.

2、 How much does it cost to join a franchise store?

In addition to paying partners' cooperation funds, franchisees need to prepare store rent, decoration, staff salaries and other expenses. According to the consumption level and actual situation of each city, the total amount of franchisees is about RMB 200000 - 500000.

3、 Is the first soup product easy to use? What about?

As soon as Toudao Soup was launched, it was loved by consumers and operators. It was known as "Toudao Soup" in the field of health care. After two and a half years of market operation, it has become a truly leading brand in the field of head health care. All these achievements can not be separated from the demonstration of the essence of the first culture - inheriting the essence of the national essence, opening up a new way of health care, and applying the profound wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine to the field of modern health care to benefit mankind! The first soup strictly controls the selection of medicinal materials, and always insists on being boiled and used.

Since its launch, it has benefited countless people! The white hair turns black, which is helpful for hair growth, scalp repair and hair quality improvement. More importantly, the head holographic therapy can comprehensively regulate the sub-health state of the body.

4、 Why choose the first soup therapy joining project?

1. Trend: The projects below the neck of beauty salons have been developed, but the head is still the blue ocean market, which is needed by men, women and children!

2. : More than 60 kinds of selected precious Miao medicines are boiled on the spot, without any bad addition, so as to achieve the effect of internal health care and external hair care, and improve the sub health of the head from the root!

3. Features: (1; (2) Create the first way skill, integrate the skill into the technique, massage comfortably and achieve remarkable results; (3) Holographic head therapy, head physiotherapy to achieve the whole body conditioning. Keep your hair and body healthy.

Huixiang (Holding) Group is a comprehensive enterprise integrating cosmetics R&D, production, sales, education, planning, consulting and management. It is committed to building a teaching beauty enterprise. It takes products as the basis, combines traditional marketing with Internet operation, realizes the sharing of resources of Huixiang system, and truly helps small and medium-sized beauty enterprises to keep healthy!

First Soup Therapy Franchise advantages

 First Soup Therapy Franchise

Open the whole body meridians

With the mysterious Miao recipe that has been passed down for thousands of years, we can use the ancient method of health care, combined with the holographic physiotherapy of the traditional method of Toudao Soup, which is characteristic of Toudao Healing and Hair Salon, to open up the whole body meridians, which can correspond to the physiotherapy of all internal organs and organs. Let your pulse smooth, your whole body smooth, and get rid of fatigue.

Dredge the whole body meridians

Dredge all the channels of the human body, so that the qi and blood are unblocked, the yang rises, the pulse is smooth, the body mechanism operates normally, promote metabolism, discharge toxins and wastes in the body, and relieve nervous tension. The Holographic Therapy of Toudao Soup Featured Tou Healing and Hair Salon can relax channels and activate collaterals, smooth qi, create physical and mental pleasure, and let you sleep until you wake up naturally!

Regulate the five zang organs and six fu organs

Tou Dao Tang is a special holographic therapy in Tou Sanatorium, which combines professional diagnosis with unique professional techniques to regulate the internal organs of the whole body, bid farewell to problems such as spleen stomach disorder, liver qi stasis, kidney deficiency, etc., and soothe the liver, regulate qi, and nourish the mind and sleep

First Soup Therapy Franchise conditions

1、 First Soup Therapy Franchise Comply with the regulations of the headquarters, strictly implement the requirements of the headquarters, and conduct market operations according to specifications.

2. The first soup therapy franchisee should have a correct view of joining, and face the success or failure of joining rationally.

3. Have certain market sensitivity and aggressive spirit.

4. Conscientiously safeguard the rights and interests of consumers, have certain business experience, and have qualified business ethics and correct business awareness.

5. We highly agree with the marketing concept of Toudao Soup Featured Head Healing and Hair Salon, and are willing to grow rapidly together with Toudao Soup Featured Head Healing and Hair Salon and achieve win-win results

First Soup Therapy Franchise process

 First Soup Therapy Franchise

User consultation

  • Consulting and joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the first soup therapy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 14:15:22 From China  39.158.218*
  • Seeking to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the first soup therapy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-31 07:31:21 From Toksun County, Xinjiang  49.119.188*
  • How many in Xinyu

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the first soup therapy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-28 10:13:59 From Heilongjiang Daqing [Telecom]  42.101.107*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 50000 to 60000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the first soup therapy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-26 12:04:04 From Gansu Province  42.92.200*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 120 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the first soup therapy! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-25 09:12:08 From Tongling, Anhui  60.173.17*
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