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*Warm tip: investment is risky, 91 franchise website prompts more brand inspection!
Tom Lily
  • Franchise industry:

    Clothing>Women's Wear

  • Suitable for:

    Online store form

  • Origin of the brand:

  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: Less than 10000


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Tom Lily Introduction to joining

 Tom Lily

Company Profile

1、 Company Profile

    Tom Lily It belongs to Zhengli Trading Co., Ltd., founded in 1998, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhengli International (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. in mainland China. It is a professional company mainly engaged in garment research and development, production and sales.
Our company is also * * a professional sexy underwear company integrating design, production and sales. It has more than 10000 square meters of factory buildings in, and has * * production equipment. After ten years of establishment, the company has been developing continuously and its business is booming, laying a * * position in the same industry in China.

With the continuous development of the company, we have also developed a TV shopping oriented clothing with Chinese cultural connotation - Tang Suit. In this regard, the younger generation has increased their choice of gifts and gifts for the older generation's annual celebration, birthday celebration, wedding celebration, which reflects the spirit of harmony and filial piety of the Chinese nation.
Couple clothing is a major project that Zhengli will focus on in the future. "Tom Lili" is a well-known international brand to be built by the company. The combination of organic and inorganic, practical design, warm and harmonious collocation will enable those men and women who are in love, in secret love, and in marriage to find another place of their own.

2、 Brand Introduction

1. Tom Lili Brand Positioning
With the continuous improvement of material life, people's needs are gradually shifting to the spiritual level. Clothing is no longer a simple life demand, it has become a manifestation of chasing fashion trends and tasting life. "Tom Lily" couple clothing is a brand that shows the personality charm of couples. With its own personality, it takes "sweetness, harmony and unity of lovers" as the core of the brand and interprets the life attitude of tasting lovers.

2. Tom Lily Brand Style
Tom Lili couple clothing brand integrates the spirit of harmony into clothing culture, fashion, and dynamic, reflecting the integration of fashion and personality. It expresses a confident, comfortable and realistic spirit.

3. Target consumer groups
They are a group of young men and women aged 16-35 who live in cities. They are also active, simple and comfortable people.

4. Tom Lili's commodity structure
Tom Lili couple clothing brand integrates the things with the same feeling to reflect their individual personalities. There are fashion, leisure and personality publicity series.

3、 Conditions

1. Location of Stores
Choose a better local business street or a first class and second class shopping mall to operate the Tom Lily couple clothing brand.

2. Store Area
The area of Tom Lily Couple's Clothing franchise store is 20-50 square meters or more, and the front width is more than 3 meters. The store counter is 20-40 square meters or more. (Calculated according to the usable area of the exhibition hall, if there are special circumstances, you can apply for and the company can review).

3. Shop Decoration
It is necessary to unify decoration, price and goods management. The shop decoration design drawings are provided by the headquarters free of charge, and the franchisees decorate themselves. To improve/increase the unified image.

4. Commercial Requirements
The franchisee of Tom Lili couple clothes needs certain brand operation experience, economic strength of brand operation, and certain marketing ability.

5. Requirements for Increase/Increase of Funds
1) The provincial agency will increase/increase the fund by RMB 0 million (temporarily exempted).
2) For municipal agents, increase/increase the fund by RMB 0 million (temporarily exempted).
3) Increase/increase of RMB 0 million (temporarily exempted).
4) On the basis of the original franchised store/store in store, the merchants need to pay an increase/increase fee of RMB 0 million for each new store (temporarily exempted)

6. Franchise Amount Requirements
The total franchise amount is required to start at 30000 yuan (including the decoration of the store, the rent of the store, and the first purchase). Note: No minimum quantity is set for the first batch of purchase.

7. Corporate Support
The opening company of Tom Lili Couple Decoration Store provides free of charge: clothes rack, handbag, picture album, VIP card, balloons, advertising posters, Tom and Lili cartoon image gifts, etc.

8. Return Conditions
When Tom Lily products are unsalable in the store, other styles can be exchanged without affecting the second sales (only for seasonal styles, such as summer style for summer style).

Tom Lily Franchise advantages
Tom Lily Franchise conditions
25-50 square meters
Tom Lily Franchise process

Tom Lily Joining dynamics


Tom Lily Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • Consultation, I plan to do it after a while

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Tom Lily! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-27 07:32:19 From China  39.155.98*
  • This project is good. Can you contact me

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Tom Lily! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-26 05:23:02 From Shandong Province  39.79.43*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Ten to twenty thousand.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Tom Lily! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-23 10:27:11 From Heilongjiang Province  42.102.245*
  • I'm interested, contact me

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Tom Lily! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 22:18:59 From Henan Province  42.232.243*
  • Please contact me as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Tom Lily! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 21:39:23 From Beijing  49.7.3*
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