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Truss craft beer
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    four hundred and seventy-five

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Truss craft beer Introduction to joining
 Truss Brewery joined
Truss Brewing Beer is a large catering company integrating western restaurants, distilleries, bars, cafes, hotels and other services. Now, there are few refined beer catering companies. It plays a very important role in the industry. Truss craft beer has a medium full-bodied wine and a reddish brown color. It does not emphasize the taste of sand, and it needs to be smooth and smooth like wine. Its aroma is very complex. Plum, raisin, cherry and other black fruits taste sweet, with strong caramel sweetness and fruit acidity. In addition to the soothing malt flavor, it is often a sweet drink with relatively balanced wine taste, especially loved by sweet friends. Truss craft beer has good foam and attractive dark reddish brown liquor. It also smells sour. Like vinegar, it has no alcohol taste. After a short period of sour taste, it is immediately filled with strong caramel sweetness in the mouth. The latter section has almost no change, almost sweet from the beginning to the end.
Truss Brewing Beer, as an important brand of the company, enables franchisees to sell well after joining. Truss Brewing Beer has unique equipment and secret recipe, and its special beer is unique. Truss craft beer uses special equipment and tools to produce transparently and sell directly on site, which shortens the storage and transportation time, eliminates the distribution link, redesigns the product and its production process, realizes standardized production, and greatly improves the production efficiency.
With the continuous development of Truss craft beer, its unique taste affects the development of craft beer and has been recognized by all sectors of society. In the ever-changing catering market, Truss Brewery will sincerely cooperate with all partners to jointly establish a beer brand that conforms to the development of the times and sustainable development.
Prospects of Truss Brewery:
Truss Brewing Beer, as an important brand of the company, allows franchisees to sell well after joining. Truss Brewing Beer has unique equipment and secret recipe, and its special beer is unique. Truss craft beer uses special equipment and tools to produce transparently and sell directly on site, which shortens the storage and transportation time, eliminates the distribution link, redesigns the product and its production process, realizes standardized production, and greatly improves the production efficiency.
With the continuous development of Truss craft beer, its unique taste affects the development of craft beer and has been recognized by all sectors of society. In the ever-changing catering market, Truss Brewery will cooperate with all partners to jointly establish a beer brand that conforms to the development of the times and sustainable development!
Truss craft beer Franchise advantages
 Truss Brewery joined
1. Brand advantages:
Strong brand awareness and nationwide publicity have established the corporate image, so dealers can obtain strong brand backing.
2. Market advantages:
According to the actual situation of the franchisee, Truss Brewery Marketing Department assists the franchisee to set periodic strategic goals, unify the strategic planning of market development, and provide supervisors to assist the franchisee in market development.
3. Advantages of joining:
Truss Brewing Beer provides a complete set of mature and perfect business management model, unified and standardized technical guidance, so that agents can get one-stop service, even if they have not done management, they can operate easily.
4. Product advantages:
Products are the core of business. Good products are not only of good quality, but also of consumer preference. The unique system is rare, and this is just the beginning. Future product development will be more endless, providing a steady stream of backup resources for franchisees to open up markets.
5. Marketing advantages:
There is only one dealer in a business circle to protect the interests of more urgent dealers and dealers, and refuse the unfair competition caused by arbitrary price adjustment and collusion. The Marketing Department will inspect the market irregularly, crack down on counterfeits and safeguard rights, standardize market protection, protect your legitimate rights and interests, and make your financial resources rolling.
6. Training advantages:
Truss Brewing Beer provides free training including food and accommodation. For the first time, the training includes teaching. If the company's technology is upgraded later, the training will be free again. Regular round robin coaching and franchisors will exchange technical skills with each other.
7. Service advantages:
Perfect customer service team can quickly and timely solve problems related to franchisee consultation, after-sales and so on.
8. Technical advantages:
Truss Brewing Head Office provides the franchisee with technology, the whole chain system and personnel level.
9. Logistics advantages:
Truss Brewing Beer has cooperation with many logistics companies. The advantages of fast logistics make it easier for franchise stores to open.
Truss craft beer Franchise conditions
1. Franchisee is a legal person, natural person or organization with legal qualification.
2. The partner has the awareness and ability to grow together with Truss Brewery Headquarters.
3. The economic strength of the franchisee shall not be lower than the specific joining plan of the single store of Truss Brewery.
4. Have sufficient enthusiasm for joining and the ability to prevent.
5. Local social relations are good, and I am willing to devote myself to this industry.
6. As an operator of Truss Brewery, you must have good management ability and professionalism.
7. Franchisees must recognize the brand concept of Truss craft beer and its market positioning.
8. The credit of the partners and related persons is good, and there are no non-performing assets and liabilities.
Truss craft beer Franchise process
1. Learn about:
The desired operator can call the Truss Brewery Head Office's joining telephone or leave a message on the Internet to consult the Truss Brewery Head Office for details and ask for relevant information of the enterprise.
2. Project investigation:
They can go to the production headquarters or the project operation service center to learn about it on the spot and communicate with the person in charge.
3. Franchise application:
The franchisee shall fill in the "Franchise Application Form", the specified description and the information documents of business capacity, and submit them to the head office of Truss Brewery for review.
4. Contract signing:
After it is determined to join Truss Brewery, a contract will be signed with the dealer. The company headquarters will be fully responsible for the whole process of the dealer's joining, giving the dealer a sense of peace of mind.
5. Location selection:
Assist the terminal store to carry out work, evaluate the local business district, recommend the location of the store, and determine the store.
6. Decoration design:
The partners shall decorate and decorate their business premises according to the requirements of Truss Brewery, and provide unified dressing change and etiquette training for their staff.
7. Franchise training:
Truss Brewing Head Office arranges technical training for entrepreneurs.
8. New store opening:
After the preparation for opening, the franchisee will choose a good day for opening, and will also organize staff for on-site coaching.
9. Headquarters support:
The head office of Truss Brewery will provide operation guidance services to all franchisees of Truss Brewery from time to time.

Truss craft beer Joining dynamics


Truss craft beer Related questions and answers


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  • Want to know about this project

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Truss Brewing Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 09:13:03 From China  39.188.128*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Call at 3:00 p.m..

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Truss Brewing Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 12:32:55 From Shaoxing, Zhejiang [Mobile]  39.186.150*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Within 60000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Truss Brewing Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 02:59:49 From Taixing City, Jiangsu Province  49.92.107*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 200000 to 500000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Truss Brewing Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 11:04:17 From Henan Province  42.237.24*
  • Introduce the joining matters

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Truss Brewing Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-05 17:43:19 From Handan City, Hebei Province  60.5.179*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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