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Tianci Baby Children's Clothing
  • Franchise industry:

    Clothing>Children's Wear

  • Suitable for:

    Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment in Existing Companies Add Graduate Entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent free chain

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Tianci Baby Children's Clothing Introduction to joining
 Tianci Baby Children's Clothing Joined
  Every child is a godsend. We try our best to find a fashionable children's clothing for your child. The one-stop shopping model for children's clothing of Tianci Baby covers fashionable children's clothing from 3-15 years old. Fast update, new style and more products are our constant pursuit. Let each baby find his own personalized fashionable children's clothes in this.
Tianci Baby's children's clothing has a unique oriental cultural heritage, and shapes the brand's own exclusive clothing design elements, reflecting the unique charm. In order to create a sophisticated, personalized, avant-garde and cool fashion life for children's shadow, and to cultivate children's sensitivity to fashion and their ability to judge beauty, the designers of Tianci Baby's children's clothes have taken great pains.
The children's clothing of Tianci Baby is a classic of children's clothing. Based on the lifestyle of "creating", children can more truly feel the fashion information of the personality era, so that the children's clothing fashion of Tianci Baby can bring them a "healthier, more comfortable, more confident, more beautiful, and more happy" personality life. Tianci Baby's children's clothing brand is more positioned for modern children aged 2-12 who are confident, lively and enterprising, and put forward a four season clothing scheme of "green, environmental protection and comfort" to achieve the echo of popularity and practicality. The choice of fabrics, colors and styles of products with fashion and health coexist, and the design strives to conform to the psychological characteristics of modern children and the physical development structure of children.
On the premise of the supremacy of health, with the cutting-edge design concept of international fashion and exquisite craftsmanship, we are committed to creating the extraordinary quality of children's clothing of the Tianci Baby children's clothing brand, advocating and launching the consumption proposition of "children's book fashion matching industry" in the terminal store, clothing matching consultants, and conducting systematic training for terminal store staff, focusing on the performance of brand culture in the terminal store, Actively advocate and practice the concept of "green stores, cultural stores". "Tianci Baby Children's Wear" now has a group of design and research teams that enjoy high reputation in the domestic children's wear industry. The brand of "Tianci Baby Children's Wear" has become the first children's wear brand led by the top ten clothing (children's wear) designers. It keeps the product research and development in line with international popular information, fully excavates the advantages of the brand, and makes Tianci Baby children's wear brand famous at home and abroad. "Tianci Baby's children's wear brand children's wear" frequently comes up with new ideas, demonstrating the children's wear industry.
Tianci Baby Children's Clothing Franchise advantages
 Tianci Baby Children's Clothing Joined
   Tianci Baby's children's clothing is not only material selection, but also widely recognized by the market for its health, comfort and other high quality advantages. Tianci Baby's children's clothing is making continuous efforts in building chain brands, bringing qualified wealth creation opportunities for entrepreneurs. The unique brand advantage of Tianci Baby children's clothing, which integrates fashion, brand and functionality, has become one of the franchise projects in the market that can really obtain business. Tianci Baby's children's wear is one of the industries with good development trend in the domestic market. Tianci Baby's children's wear has strong luster, flexibility and breathability, and its diversified development trend has further consolidated its position in the Tianci Baby's children's wear industry.
1. The headquarters provides perfect site selection training for franchisees, assists franchisees in field investigation and comprehensive judgment of regional economic environment, target business districts and store locations, and evaluates the feasibility of opening stores.
2. The product has high cost performance ratio and competitive advantage.
3. The headquarters has innovative full-time technology to provide various technical guidance for franchisees and support their market competitiveness.
4. Don't worry about opening a store. The headquarters will provide franchisees with pre opening system training, ranging from product training, marketing skills, good technology to management skills.
5. Adopt the internationally popular O2O operation mode, independently develop online platforms and mobile apps, pay first online, expand sales channels, and truly achieve fame and wealth!
6. The joining fee is small, the cashier can achieve the goal quickly, and the joining mode is easy for entrepreneurs to appreciate the strong support from the brand chain.
7. Franchisees can find suitable decoration companies to design and construct under the guidance of the headquarters, but the design drawings, construction materials, etc. must be approved by the headquarters. Of course, they can also entrust the headquarters to design and construct to unify the image.
8. Design planning service
Tailored terminal and after-sales service operation plans for franchisees, and provided site selection and decoration plans for franchised stores around the country.
9. Training services
Unified store staff training and management training will enable you to start your business smoothly and quickly get on the right track. Regularly appoint full-time personnel to train all levels of service personnel, business personnel and management personnel of franchisee stores.
10. Market promotion and opening promotion services
Provide a complete set of promotion programs, and the trainer will provide on-site guidance. On the opening day, the franchisee will receive on-site marketing and promotion guidance.
11. Corporate image service
Unify the image, store, clothing, promotion and publicity methods, and implement the chain management mode.
Tianci Baby Children's Clothing Franchise conditions
1. The person in charge of business should have integrity and qualified personal reputation
2. The person in charge of operation must participate in the training in person, and all policies and requirements can be implemented
3. The person in charge of operation agrees with the operation and management philosophy of the company's team and firmly obeys the company's various management systems and methods
4. The person in charge of operation has the corresponding personnel management ability, and has the experience of establishing and managing teams
5. The person in charge of operation should have a high awareness of brand protection and be able to consciously maintain the chain brand image
6. The person in charge of operation must participate in the full-time management training before opening the store, and fully understand the brand concept and opening process
7. The person in charge of operation has a basic understanding of the industry
Tianci Baby Children's Clothing Franchise process
1. Ask for information, contact the website customer service, and communicate directly with the franchise issues to ask for relevant information.
2. On site investigation and face-to-face communication with the headquarters to understand the relevant products, corporate culture and brand details of the franchise store.
3. Franchise application, fill in the franchise application form, introduce your own franchise budget in detail, and the market situation of the region you intend to join.
4. Sign a contract. If your headquarters conducts qualification review, both parties can sign a franchise contract according to the negotiation results.
5. Assist in site selection and the headquarters to assist the terminal stores in carrying out work according to the established cooperation plan, evaluate the local business district, recommend the location of stores and determine the stores.
6. The impact of good store decoration and decoration team store decoration is also relatively large. The better the decoration is, the more it can attract customers, and even deepen the satisfaction of consumers' shopping experience. Therefore, franchisees should pay attention to the decoration of stores.
7. Multi aspect training, provision of multi aspect training, management manuals, software, etc; Determine the training method and send personnel to participate in the training.
8. A series of publicity strategies will be formulated at the pre opening work meeting of the opening preparation and franchisees, and full-time staff will be assigned to carry out a comprehensive network publicity to prepare for the opening.
9. After opening for operation and choosing the right time to open for trial operation, the full-time staff of the headquarters will guide the operation of the franchise stores and assist them in opening during the trial operation.

Tianci Baby Children's Clothing Joining dynamics


Tianci Baby Children's Clothing Related questions and answers


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  • Want proxy

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Tianci Baby's children's clothing! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 23:02:38 From Dezhou City, Shandong Province  39.74.199*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 200 million.

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Tianci Baby's children's clothing! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 10:12:57 From Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province  42.103.10*
  • I am very interested in this project, please contact me as soon as possible

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Tianci Baby's children's clothing! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 14:36:03 From Haikou City, Hainan Province  61.186.11*
  • Please contact, interested in joining relevant companies. Thank you

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Tianci Baby's children's clothing! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 14:45:44 From Guangzhou, Guangdong Province  61.140.241*
  • ask for information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Tianci Baby's children's clothing! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 06:11:23 From Feixi County, Hefei City, Anhui Province  60.174.207*
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