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Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage Introduction to joining
 Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage

  The beauty and health care industry has been developing for nearly 20 years since it started in the mid-1980s. Since this period, the beauty and health care industry has experienced a tentative growth from the initial stage to a thinking development at the intermediate stage. The market scale has grown from small to large, and the number of employees has grown from small to large major Beauty and health care cosmetics brands have emerged in large numbers.

The economy of beauty and health SPA has gradually developed from small to large, becoming one of the fastest growing industries in the business service industry. It integrates bathing, health care, entertainment and catering, has become an important part of the leisure industry, and has shown a rudiment of independent business. Over the past 30 years since the reform and opening up, it has expanded to a number of diversified facilities with a single public bath, and has also absorbed a large amount of social capital investment. Some non industry insiders, with a keen sense of business, take advantage of the characteristics of SPA as an industry, play a concept card for some franchisees, induce their investment in the absence of physical stores, and provide training, technology The failure of human resources and other services to follow up led to the failure of joining. Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage has a comprehensive entity flagship store, which gives you enough strength support.

Culture is the soul of SPA business development, the spiritual pillar on which the industry relies for development, and the lifeblood of the industry's core culture.

"Ignoring culture, lack of connotation and serious homogenization" are the shortcomings of the current SPA industry. The stage of SPA industry from rising to maturity is the time when various problems are fully exposed. The embarrassing problem faced by China's SPA industry is that all SPA operators say they are authentic, and many want to engage in the SPA industry or consumers can not get the correct information, leading to questions about the entire industry. However, those who have a real SPA business philosophy cannot easily believe it, which restricts the healthy development of the whole industry.

Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage brings together a batch of consumers of burnt SPA and cultural scholars as honorary research instructors, integrates the principles of SPA in the East and the West, penetrates the health care concepts of Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism, and brings you the concept of development. From focusing on human needs, respecting the origin of natural laws that can not be followed, and mining and highlighting the dignity, implication, elegance The peaceful humanistic temperament leads the SPA industry from "technology" to "morality".

The SPA industry across the country is almost the result of the development of market economy. There is no national standard for service specifications. Different enterprises and even employees in the same enterprise have different methods and processes, which makes it difficult to evaluate the service quality. Many franchise stores lack the concept of overall planning.

Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage Franchise advantages
 Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage

Nowadays, people attach great importance to health care. Therefore, various health care places have begun to rise, highlighting endless business opportunities. Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage inherits the traditional Chinese medicine health care culture, integrates modern health care concepts, and carefully develops various health care services to meet the market demand and create greater development space. Lantai massage, more major , more scientific, favored by the majority of consumers, the market prospect is very broad!

Advantages of Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage:

Rapid growth:

The beauty and health care industry has developed for more than 20 years. Compared with other industries in China, no industry has such a development speed and growth scale. This development trend will continue to be maintained with the improvement of economic development speed, living standards and the improvement and maturity of the industry. According to Okun's Law, for every 1% increase in GDP (gross domestic product), the number of people in beauty and health care will increase by 0.08%.

What deserves the attention of the industry people is that there are also great development risks and disadvantages behind the growth state. For this reason, industry associations at all levels, industry brands and enterprises, the industry people need to work together to promote development.

Steady sustainability:

With the steady growth of economy, people's life is getting richer and richer, and people's pursuit of beauty is becoming stronger and stronger. The beauty, health and hairdressing industry has obtained a stable and sustainable development foundation; At the same time, the industry has accumulated considerable experience in management level, technical ability and economic strength, and has cultivated a solid development platform.

Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage Franchise conditions

1. Love Thai massage, have a strong entrepreneurial spirit, and have a desire to pursue success.

2. Recognize the business model and management system of Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage.

3. Maintain the brand reputation of Thai Royal Seal Thai massage brand, ensure It will not infringe the Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage trademark.

4. There are legal procedures and suitable business premises.

5. Have a sincere attitude of cooperation and be able to implement the relevant management regulations of the company.

6. It has certain financial strength, which is enough to start the good brand of Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage.

Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage Franchise process

1. Contact and understand

Learn about Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage, inquire about franchise cooperation, visit the headquarters and model stores, and learn about the applicant (funds, market understanding and franchise expectations).

2. Apply for joining

Create cooperation intention and fill in the franchise application; The company reviews the qualifications of franchisees.

3. Cooperation signing

After review, both parties signed the franchise agreement of "Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage" and paid the franchise performance fee.

4. Store site selection and design decoration

Guide partners to conduct store location selection and demonstration. After determining the business address, provide the customized design scheme and construction drawing details of the store.

5. Opening preparation

Systematic training and guidance before opening (franchisee, dean, beauty technician), opening scheme planning.

6. Official opening

The opening plan was implemented, and the supervisor went to the store for guidance (7-10 days).

7. Follow up supervision service

The headquarters will irregularly arrange patrols and propose solutions in time when problems are found. According to the operation of the partner, arrange the supervision team to go down to the store for guidance (1-3).

Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage Joining dynamics


Thai Royal Seal Thai Massage Related questions and answers


User consultation

  • Consultation on franchise process and specific conditions

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Thai massage! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 09:25:57 From Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China  49.75.22*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 50000 to 60000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Thai massage! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 02:43:32 From Guang'an City, Sichuan Province  60.255.139*
  • I'm interested,

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Thai massage! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 08:27:45 From Shanxi Province  60.223.232*
  • Please cooperate with me

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Thai massage! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 06:08:23 From Huaiyin, Jinan, Shandong  39.91.24*
  • Very interested, want to know more

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Thai massage! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 19:32:18 From Lanzhou, Gansu  42.91.117*
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