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Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel
  • Franchise industry:

    Hotels>Theme Hotels

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 500000~1000000


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Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel Introduction to joining
 Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel Joining
With the rapid development of the hotel industry, some creative theme hotels have become popular, providing consumers with fresh experience. Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel is a special hotel with the theme of lovers and couples. It provides them with a warm accommodation environment and is highly praised!
Young people always like to pursue some strange things. Ordinary hotels have been difficult to get their attention. Now theme hotels are becoming popular. As soon as the Tiandi Love Couples theme hotel was listed, it quickly attracted the attention of consumers. This kind of creative hotel, which is specially designed for couples and couples, easily seized the first opportunity, and the advantages of joining are very prominent.
The Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel relies on its unique advantages in the aspect of love theme hotels, combines the "Internet of Things" and "big data" analysis technology, injects new media elements into the traditional operation and management, and integrates and refines a set of "humanized and information-based" hotel operation and management model. In 12 years of cooperation with owners, franchisees and franchisees, we have constantly improved and achieved remarkable results.
Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel is a service-oriented enterprise that focuses on the chain operation of interest theme hotels and integrates the decoration design of theme hotels, the sales of hotel interest products, hotel management consulting services, and the training of hotel executives.
Focusing on the pursuit of sensory experience and life interest of contemporary urban people, we strive to create an alternative space of "warmth, elegance, interest and privacy" to create a fulcrum for people to get rid of the shackles and find their true self. The market analysis tools are used to position the target users and design personalized theme styles for users of different ages, regions and cultural backgrounds.
We will steadily and continuously move forward along the road of transformation, differentiation, management mechanism, create advantageous brands, and provide consumers with good products and services. We are willing to cooperate with more and more people of insight to build a competitive hotel chain brand in China with the mind of embracing all rivers, and strive for common development!
Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel Franchise advantages
 Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel Joining
01. The market positioning and strategy of the Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel are preconceived. The Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel has a mature and clear strategic direction;
02. Supported by the high-level operation and management team in the hotel industry, the company's advanced management mode breaks down the whole process of operation and management, and realizes the standardized management of each work process of each post;
03. The franchise headquarters of Tiandi Love theme hotel provides high-quality franchise services;
04. Detail oriented decoration design, reasonable cost and stable and reasonable consumption price;
05. The theme hotel of Tiandi Love Couple has a unique corporate culture;
06. Ease, friendliness, nature and high-quality service quality of the Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel;
07. The perfect training system has laid a foundation for sustainable talent output for the operation of franchisees of Tiandi Love theme hotels;
08. Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel specializes in the hotel chain franchise of couples and lovers market;
09. One million efficient and loyal member customers and franchisees of Tiandi Love theme hotels have achieved stable gains;
10. A strong team of e-commerce leads the online consumption trend.
Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel Franchise conditions
1. All provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government, prefecture level cities, county-level cities, most counties, and some developed villages and towns in the country are available.
2. The property area is not less than 1000 square meters, and the number of rooms is not less than 30.
3. The property is commercial in nature, with clear property rights. The franchise project is independent and convenient, and located in a prosperous or mature region.
Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel Franchise process
01. Project application
The franchisee of Tiandi Love theme hotel calls the national unified franchise service phone to apply for the project and provide relevant information;
02. Evaluation and review
Franchised chain brands evaluate and approve the qualification of target hotels;
03. Appraisal Report
The franchise headquarters of Tiandi Love theme hotel sends personnel to the hotel to evaluate the hotel facilities and services and issue an evaluation report;
04. Sign the agreement
Both franchisees sign the agreement;
05. Payment of fees
Franchisee of Tiandi Love theme hotel shall pay relevant fees;
06. Design and decoration
The franchise headquarters shall assign engineering technicians to assist the decoration design, quotation and decoration process guidance of the branch stores throughout the process;
07. Material standards
The franchise headquarters of Tiandi Love theme hotel provides the material standards required by the hotel;
08. Opening Standards
The brand sends staff to the hotel to cooperate with the work according to the relevant opening standards of the headquarters;
09. Project acceptance
Franchised chain brands carry out project acceptance for the hotel;
10. Official business
Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel was officially opened.

Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel Joining dynamics


Tiandi Love Couple Theme Hotel Related questions and answers


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  • Want to know the store opening process and market analysis

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the theme hotel of Tiandi Love Couple! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 23:02:50 From China  39.158.112*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The 600 square campus has been decorated. The total investment is more than 500000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the theme hotel of Tiandi Love Couple! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 22:45:47 From Linfen, Shanxi  59.48.121*
  • Find out how to open a store in Lu'an, Anhui

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the theme hotel of Tiandi Love Couple! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 17:38:03 From Liaoning Province  42.248.41*
  • Looks good

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the theme hotel of Tiandi Love Couple! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 12:08:24 From Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province  49.75.65*
  • How much is the franchise fee? Information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the theme hotel of Tiandi Love Couple! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 07:20:32 From Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province  61.242.58*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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