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Sizzling Rice
  • Franchise industry:

    Catering>Fast food

  • Suitable for:

    Additional items of free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment in existing companies

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Franchise of distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Sizzling Rice Introduction to joining
 Teppanyaki joined in
Since its establishment in the catering industry in 2003, Teppanyaki Rice has been providing fresh and delicious products to consumers, so the headquarters has also been persisting in the creation and research of products. Now it has been developing in the catering industry for more than ten years, After bringing more satisfied food products to consumers, it has also become a catering brand with better development prospects, so franchisees who choose to join the headquarters for entrepreneurship can also get a better market in the catering industry.
Since its establishment in the catering market, Teppanyaki Teppanyaki has also been focusing on product R&D and production. After more than ten years of continuous R&D in the industry, Teppanyaki Teppanyaki has become a very powerful brand, and has become a brand with better development prospects after constantly bringing satisfactory products to the market, Therefore, franchisees who join the headquarters to start businesses can also start businesses more easily.
After continuous product creation and research, Teppanyaki Rice has now brought consumers a wealth of good products, which well meets the daily needs of consumers. Franchisees who choose to join the headquarters to start their own businesses can easily have a better market with the support of consumers.
After more than ten years of establishment and development in the catering industry, Teppanyaki has become a well-known catering brand, and the headquarters has established a more professional franchise service system after the continuous establishment and improvement of the brand. Franchisees who join the headquarters for entrepreneurship can get the brand advantages, product advantages Technology advantage, so you can start your own business in the local market without pressure, and you can get a good development prospect.
The stewed saozi in the shop are all freshly made, with a variety of spice ingredients. They are fresh in quality, not greasy in flavor, and very tasty. Pork hand stewed rice, spiced beef stewed noodles, chicken paw stewed rice, and salty fried rice with pickled cabbage are all iron plate dishes. Iron plate mixed rice is a fast food in the shop, rich in variety, and affordable. It is a hot choice for many students and office workers to eat simple meals every day, The online and offline orders of franchise stores around the country continue to be well received, and their market influence is also further improved.
Sizzling Rice Franchise advantages
 Teppanyaki joined in
1. Good market prospect: Teppanyaki is a brand with good development prospects in the catering industry. Since its establishment in the catering industry, the headquarters has insisted on providing consumers with fresh and delicious products, and is committed to making consumers enjoy products with better taste, After continuous creation, research and development, Teppanyaki has now brought satisfactory products to consumers. Now, with the support of everyone, Teppanyaki has become a more marketable brand. Franchisees can also get better development in the local market after joining the headquarters for entrepreneurship.
2. More professional brand: Since its establishment in the catering industry, Teppanyaki Teppanyaki has been providing fresh, delicious, green and healthy food to consumers. After continuous establishment and development, Teppanyaki Teppanyaki has well met the needs of consumers, and has also become a more professional brand, It can bring more satisfied products to consumers, so franchisees who join the headquarters for entrepreneurship can also get a better market.
3. There is no pressure to join: a franchisee who chooses to join in Tiepanhuang Tiepanmifan to start a business can apply for joining in the headquarters to start a business only with a joining fee of 50000 to 100000 yuan, and the headquarters has received support from everyone after bringing better quality products to consumers, Therefore, franchisees who join the headquarters to start businesses can also earn more franchise cash.
4. It's easier to start a business: After years of development in the industry, Teppanyaki has become a powerful brand, and after continuous creation and development, now the headquarters also has a more standard service system, which can better help franchisees start businesses in the local market, so franchisees can start businesses in the local market more easily.
Sizzling Rice Franchise conditions
1. At least 18 years old, with enough entrepreneurial enthusiasm and strong support from family.
2. Have brand awareness, understand and accept the business philosophy and corporate culture of Teppanyaki.
3. It has the corresponding joining strength, and can meet the lower joining requirements of Tiepanhuang Tiepanfan.
4. Franchisees must have places to open stores in busy commercial streets or places with large flow of people.
5. Comply with the price unification policy of the headquarters, and other Management specifications.
6. The ability to manage, motivate, train and develop personnel.
7. Have the entrepreneurial spirit of hard work, strong desire for success, a sense of responsibility and dedication.
Sizzling Rice Franchise process
1. Franchise consultation
Before deciding to join, the franchisee should better understand the basic information of the project and relevant joining policies in advance.
2. Field visit
Franchisees are interested in Teppanyaki's Teppanyaki brand. They can go to the headquarters of the company to feel the cultural atmosphere of the company and investigate the project on the spot.
3. Fill in the franchise application form
After the field visit, if satisfied with the results of the investigation, the franchisees who decide to join can fill in the joining application form and submit it to the headquarters.
4. Sign the contract
Comprehensively understand Teppanyaki, agree with our development philosophy, and sign the contract after assessing and confirming that the joining conditions are qualified.
5. Franchise site selection
The location of the store has an important impact on the business results, and is also a more prudent key link. Therefore, you need to conduct a strict and comprehensive investigation before determining the address. At the same time, you can also invite Teppanyaki professionals to assist the store. After the location is determined, sign the lease contract.
6. Shop decoration
In order to ensure the unity of the image of iron plate mixing rice, the headquarters will provide the standard (sample shop) for the design of the franchise store, and provide a complete set of construction drawings. At the same time, the headquarters will send the preparation manager to supervise the whole process from the decoration of the franchisee to the opening.
7. Headquarters training
The training owned by the headquarters provides franchisees with training on the practical operation of all products, store operation and marketing skills.
8. Opening preparation
After all the preparations are ready, the headquarters will carry out the acceptance, and then the opening plan will be formulated.
9. Opening on a certain day
Choose auspicious day for grand opening, and Teppanyaki's Teppanyaki headquarters will provide follow-up guidance and support.

Sizzling Rice Joining dynamics


Sizzling Rice Related questions and answers


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  • Consult Yizheng franchise area in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Teppanyaki! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 03:51:26 From China  39.182.145*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; What is the total investment of a 100 square meter store.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Teppanyaki! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 17:34:32 From Tianjin  61.181.236*
  • I want to know about it.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Teppanyaki! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 11:05:42 From Suqian City, Jiangsu Province  49.94.229*
  • Add a WeChat to chat

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Teppanyaki! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-03 18:12:01 From Nantong City, Jiangsu Province  58.221.99*
  • Conveniently add me to WeChat

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Teppanyaki! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 10:30:50 From Beijing  61.148.245*
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