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Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer
  • Franchise industry:


  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer Introduction to joining
 Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer
Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer is brewed and sold on its own. A full set of technology and equipment will be given away when starting business cooperation. If it is larger than 30 m2, it can open a shop and set up a factory. One person can also operate with ease. German craft, refined brewing, create pure German flavor. Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer uses the unique brewing technology to retain the active substances and nutrients to a large extent, and brews fresh, original and real German beer. It is natural to be overjoyed that wineries everywhere can enjoy the famous German beer.
After years of brewing technology exploration and store operation, Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer has developed into an operation mode with complete equipment, reliable technology and perfect after-sales service. Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer Pure Beer Brewing Technology, major With imported brewing equipment, standardized operation process and unique business model, the emergence of Taishan 7 Days Beer has filled the market of refined draft beer in China.
Taishan 7-day beer is brewed only with malt, hops, yeast and water, without any artificial additives. It also maintains a variety of styles, usually adding more malt, yeast and hops, with high concentration and nutritional value. After the fermentation of craft beer, no filtering treatment is carried out, and the beer taste is more pure. After enjoying Taishan Original Pulp for 7 days, you should taste it slowly. The taste is rich and thick, and the wine and foam collide in your mouth.
Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer has intelligent equipment and simple operation, which can be done by one person. Brew and sell by yourself, reduce labor and cost, and increase income. At the same time, it can be combined with the Internet to sell online and offline at the same time to expand sales channels. Open a Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer Hotel, covering an area of 30 ㎡, with three types of stores to choose from. There is no limit on the location of community, downtown, food city, etc., which can be opened anywhere.
Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Brewery not only provides free equipment, but also teaches brewing technology until it is learned. Relying on years of liquor making technology exploration and store operation, it helps all middle and lower level franchisees to realize their entrepreneurial ideals with complete equipment, reliable technology and perfect after-sales operation mode. There are also nine major supports, the whole store output, and one-stop service to help franchisees establish stores quickly and operate smoothly.
Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer Franchise advantages
 Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer
1. The headquarters provides perfect site selection training for franchisees, assists franchisees in field investigation and comprehensive judgment of regional economic environment, target business districts and store locations, and evaluates the feasibility of opening stores.
2. The product has high cost performance ratio and competitive advantage.
3. Headquarters owned major Technology, providing technical guidance for franchisees, ensure The market competitiveness of franchise stores.
4. Don't worry about opening stores. The headquarters will provide franchisees with pre opening system training, including product training, marketing skills major All aspects of technology and management skills make it easy for you to open a store.
5. Adopt O2O operation mode, independently develop online platform and mobile APP, pay in advance online, expand sales channels, and truly achieve fame and wealth!
6. Low cost, quick harvest, and easy joining mode throughout the whole process allow entrepreneurs to appreciate the strong support from brand chains, and easy entrepreneurship.
7. Franchisees can find suitable decoration companies to design and construct under the guidance of the headquarters, but the design drawings, construction materials, etc. must be approved by the headquarters. Of course, they can also entrust the headquarters to design and construct, ensure Unify the image.
8. Tailored terminal and after-sales service operation plans for franchisees, and provided site selection and decoration plans for franchised stores around the country.
9. Unified store staff training and management training will enable you to start your business smoothly and quickly get on the right track. Regular delegation major The personnel shall be the service personnel, operation personnel and management personnel of franchisee stores.
10. Provide a complete set of promotion programs, and the trainer will provide on-site guidance. On the opening day, the franchisee will receive on-site marketing and promotion guidance.
11. Unify the image, store, clothing, promotion and publicity methods, and implement the chain management mode.
Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer Franchise conditions
Have a certain entrepreneurial strength, and have a correct understanding of joining;
Understand the beer industry, have strong management experience and be able to devote to store operation;
Agree with the company's business philosophy and comply with various management regulations;
Abide by relevant laws and regulations, operate in compliance with laws and have professional ethics;
Have good personal accomplishment; No major bad habits;
Qualification certification of franchisees of the company;
Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer Franchise process
1、 Visit the company website to learn about products and enterprises;
2、 Comprehensively and deeply understand the industry and local sales and use;
3、 Comprehensively and deeply understand the brand and the group;
4、 Get the contact information of the regional manager from the website or service phone;
5、 Contact the regional manager, and at the same time, the regional manager will check whether the intended customers meet the joining conditions;
6、 On site visit to the company headquarters;
7、 Formulate initial sales targets and sign sales contracts;
8、 Pay the market improvement/increase fund, and with the cooperation of the local regional manager, select the store address, warehouse and determine the market strategy.
6、 Prepare purchase payment, and determine the scale of store decoration according to company requirements and VI standards. With the help of the regional manager, determine the display model and quantity according to the local actual situation;
7、 The regional manager shall submit the decoration application and purchase application before the store decoration. The regional manager can request the designer of the company to design the decoration of large or extra large stores;
8、 After approval by the company, decoration shall be carried out according to VI standard. At the same time, with the assistance of the regional manager, conduct pre job training for the recruited shopping guides and after-sales personnel;
9、 Complete the opening plan and preliminary preparation with the assistance of the regional manager;
10、 Shop interview business. According to the trial operation, the company provides targeted support in terms of personnel, training, management and planning.

Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer Joining dynamics


Taishan Original Pulp 7 Days Beer Related questions and answers


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  • Want to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Taishan Original 7 Days Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 03:48:08 From Shandong Province  39.78.3*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; No more than 50000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Taishan Original 7 Days Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 02:23:12 From Yinchuan, Ningxia  42.63.239*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 20000 yuan. The storefront is 60 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Taishan Original 7 Days Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 19:47:54 From Anshan City, Liaoning Province  42.177.126*
  • I want to consult or represent

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Taishan Original 7 Days Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 15:16:43 From Shijiazhuang, Hebei  60.1.41*
  • It is planned to open a store in Hefei in the next one year. Consultation on equipment and investment cost

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to Taishan Original 7 Days Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 11:22:57 From Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province  42.88.96*
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