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Taiai peptide collagen peptide
  • Franchise industry:

    Food>Health Food

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Free chain

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred and fifty

  • Investment amount: Less than 10000


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Taiai peptide collagen peptide Introduction to joining
   Taiai peptide collagen peptide extraction
   A daily cup of rejuvenation, peptide enjoyment, health products and life

 Taiai peptide collagen peptide joined

   Good enterprise professional team takes health as the concept to escort quality life

Beijing Taiai Peptide Group was founded in 2006 by Mr. Wu Qinglin, the father of collagen peptide. Headquartered in Donghuamen Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing, adjacent to the Forbidden City, it is a large group high-tech enterprise specializing in the research, development, production and sales of small molecule peptide raw materials and functional foods. At present, Taiai Peptide Group has mastered the extraction and batch production technology of bioactive peptides such as deep-sea cod small molecular peptides, sea cucumber small molecular peptides, oyster small molecular peptides, sunflower small molecular peptides (for gout), pollen small molecular peptides, chestnut small molecular peptides, walnut small molecular peptides, grape seed extracts (anthocyanins), and American cockroach small molecules, and has established a number of domestic and international technical certifications, Become the flagship enterprise of peptide technology in the world. It has successively launched new products of plant small molecule essence series such as Tanglukang, Kangyuan Snow Peptide, and more than 30 products led by Taiai Peptide, Meiri Peptide and Peptide, which are used in women's products, men's health products, nutrition and health food for middle-aged and elderly people, health food for young people and other fields. While committed to spreading in the mainland, it has long been exported to Singapore, Malaysia South Korea, Japan, etc. To become a global peptide technology brand supplier, so that healthy peptides can be "sold" to benefit the world.

 Taiai peptide collagen peptide joined

   Subhealth population is the majority, and the market potential is unlimited

Modern biotechnology and life science have made it clear that every cell in our body is related to peptides, and all active substances exist in the form of small peptides. Therefore, peptides are the form of life and the "bridge" of life. According to the global survey results of the World Health Organization, only 15% of people are healthy, 20% are unhealthy, and 65% are in a sub-health state. This means that there are nearly 1 billion "sub-health" people, so the peptide market is huge.
   Quality standard, reliable extraction, quality support patent profession, advanced technology

After more than ten years of continuous scientific research and unremitting efforts, the scientific research team of Taiai Peptide Group has finally created the world's small molecule active peptide refining technology. In the process of successfully obtaining patent protection, Jiangnan University detected that the small molecular content of peptide raw material exceeded 90%, which is more conducive to human absorption. Dr. Wu Qinglin, the core person of technology research and development of the Group, has successively obtained 8 high standard patent certifications, including 4 invention achievements and 4 practical new patents.

Taiai peptide collagen peptide Franchise advantages

 Taiai peptide collagen peptide joined

   Good brand, considerate service, marketing support, quick and easy joining of logistics

   Brand support
The brand inherits culture, the enterprise inherits spirit, and the brand operation system of Taiai Peptide Group over the years has shaped many well-known small molecule peptides in the market. As the father of the small molecule peptide field, Mr. Wu Qinglin's invisible sincerity, integrity, and tirelessness are both culture and spirit.
   System support
Keeping up with the times and never forgetting the original intention, in the era of Internet+, as a good cutting-edge enterprise in the industry, and combining with new technology and the wide application of the Internet, Taiai Peptide has developed its own customer management system and CJ ERP output for partners around customers and end consumer groups, Combined with cloud storage technology and big health data, it provides various services for the fans of Taiai Peptide from multiple perspectives.
   Operational support
From store selection to store opening to later management and operation, Taiai Peptide Group has 11 years of management experience and perfect operation system, and is now affiliated to a more complete systematic operation system in the industry. The operation support team of partner Taiai Peptide Group will use lines to trigger The methods and methods such as point trigger help partners to operate without optimization and manage without optimization.
   Training support
Over the years, Taiai Peptide Group has cooperated with domestic and foreign experts to build an industry reputation think tank to integrate a team of domestic first-line practical lecturers. From practice to fame and wisdom, it fundamentally solves various practical problems and systematic theoretical knowledge of partners. So as to make the partners no better.

 Taiai peptide collagen peptide joined

   technical support

After more than ten years of hard research, driven by the core value of Mr. Wu Qinglin's scientific research spirit, at present, Taiai Skin has eight advanced international patent certificates for many years, and has advanced domestic and global small molecule peptidase extraction technology patents and low salt small molecule peptide patents. To provide a qualified basis for product diversification and long-term business development. We provide high-end technical support for partners.
   Marketing support
We have a unique brand marketing strategy for the brand with a new product line and distinct personality. We can sort out the marketing strategy for our partners by combining years of practical experience.
   Market support
The 720 ° dead angle free full screen promotion scheme, from the sea and land breeze 3D terminal promotion form, combined with the actual market terminal consumption data, uses accurate promotion means to make every Internet advertisement, TV advertisement, print advertisement, outdoor advertisement achieve great value.
   Logistics support
"Zero inventory", "light asset", "rate" and "low cost" Tai'aopeptide Group has joined hands with domestic and foreign first-class logistics operators to truly achieve the goal of "now to now, face-to-face, and point-to-point coverage without dead angle". 24 hours of all-weather standby. It is truly quick, flexible, low and high standard to make everyone who focuses on Tai'aopeptide and is about to focus on Tai'aopeptide qualified.

Taiai peptide collagen peptide Franchise conditions

1. Recognize the company's operation philosophy and business model;
2. Qualified joining mentality and affordability;
3. Understand the characteristics and consumption habits of the regional market;
4. Have certain sales and management ability;
5. Have qualified social relations and certain financial strength;
6. Honest, trustworthy and aggressive business attitude.

Taiai peptide collagen peptide Franchise process

Investigate brand, put forward application - company statement, assess qualification - sign cooperation, pay money - assist in site selection, determine store - education and training, opening preparation - daily operation, normal operation

Taiai peptide collagen peptide Joining dynamics


Taiai peptide collagen peptide Related questions and answers


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  • If I am interested, please contact me; Add in Wechat

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Taiai peptide collagen peptide! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-18 18:06:01 From Luoyang City  61.158.152*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Taiai peptide collagen peptide! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 18:47:58 From Haicheng, Anshan, Liaoning  42.179.219*
  • I'm interested

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Taiai peptide collagen peptide! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 02:18:37 From Nanjing, Jiangsu Province  49.7.3*
  • WeChat is the same as mobile phone number

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Taiai peptide collagen peptide! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 20:10:29 From Yanji City, Yanbian Prefecture, Jilin Province  58.245.119*
  • Very interested

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Taiai peptide collagen peptide! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 04:00:34 From Shenzhen, Guangdong  58.251.211*
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