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Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store
  • Franchise industry:

    Home>Household Products

  • Suitable for:

    Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment Online Shop

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    eight hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store Introduction to joining

 Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store joined

Introduction to the franchised brands of Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store

Youshang Sincerity is operated by Guangzhou Jiumao International Trade Co., Ltd. in mainland China. The Group is committed to the original design and development of small commodities, as well as the sales of selected products from around the world at par, which has caused great shock in the industry. At the same time of adhering to the principle of parity, Youshang Sincerity keeps pace with the trend of the times, takes the fashion pioneer as its own responsibility, and combines the fashion trends in Europe, America and the Asia Pacific region to create a fashion proposition and brand creativity

In 2015, after the phased success of Youshang Sincerity, the brand worked together with world-class software management organizations to customize the brand's exclusive chain management system, which made it easier for partners to manage stores and order online. At the same time, Youshang Sincerity will strengthen brand penetration in the district and increase market support. Adhering to the corporate philosophy of honesty and win-win, Youshang Sincerity launched a grand appreciation and feedback activity for opening stores and decoration on the basis of the original double exemption preferential policy, sharing the fruits of brand growth with dealers.

One hundred fashion buyers' team Global "One Treasure"+original design All kinds of styles are available Low price fashion goods keep coming

In addition to its own original design, Youshang Sincerity also provides high-quality and inexpensive small department stores from all over the world. Different design styles meet the preferences of all kinds of people, and therefore, the customer base of Youshang Genuine Products is very broad.

North American urban style - suitable for people who pursue trendy and avant-garde

Japan and South Korea are small and fresh - suitable for campus and groups of Kazakhstan, South Korea and Japan

Nordic simplicity - suitable for groups with high quality of life

Mediterranean pastoral system - suitable for groups with life experience

Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store provides you with a wide range of products. Ten series of products cover all aspects of life. It is smaller than supermarkets, but it has more than supermarkets in terms of daily necessities. The prices are very affordable. The marketing method of "1 discount store" is adopted to attract customers into the store, supplemented by high-value product matching sales, so as to stimulate consumption, improve product sales and expand popularity. The franchise will also have the full support of the headquarters. From the location of the store to the successful opening of the store, it is a good choice to join.

 Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store joined

How much is the franchise fee of Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store

Franchisees of Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store must be prepared for the joining fee. It should not be less than tens of thousands of yuan. The franchise expenses include: franchise fee, decoration fee, advertising fee, working capital, management fee, opening fee, etc. The franchise fees charged by the headquarters are mainly used for: 0.16% of the total franchise fees are administrative fees; Brand advertising expenses account for 0.4% of the total franchise expenses; Offline activity expenses account for 0.08% of the total franchise expenses; The proportion of headquarters support funds in total franchise expenses: 0.1%; Capital reserve accounts for 0.1% of total franchise expenses; New product R&D accounts for 0.1% of the total franchise expenses; Other expenses account for 0.06% of the total franchise expenses.

The franchise of Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store is not large, only tens of thousands of yuan. If you are interested in this project, it is recommended that you contact the headquarters directly. However, it is suggested that you can make a detailed franchise plan before this, which will help you make a detailed cost budget.

Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store Franchise advantages

Advantages of Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store

It's hard for customers to say "no" to excellent environmental products!

Advantages of Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store

True - some products have won the EU quality certification, all products have quality system inspection certification, and we are all qualified products

Excellent - Compared with the products at the same price on the market, the quality is better than that of the competitors, and the pursuit of higher quality is hard to meet

Beautiful - Youshang has designers from Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. The products are simple and beautiful, like works of art, but also practical

Environmental advantages

Distinctive style, which is the favorite model of 80 and 90

Simple design, inheriting Nordic minimalist design pedigree

Harmonious color, wood color and white convey natural quality

Beautiful display, complicated but not complicated, as shocking as a military parade

The decoration is avant-garde and adopts Apple brand decoration style

Cooperation advantages of Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store

Double fee free (franchise fee, brand management fee)

The headquarters will make a thanksgiving feedback activity - "double fee free", that is, free of franchise fees and annual brand management fees, hoping to reduce the threshold for partners to join.

Free choice of goods for one shipment

The partners can freely choose the goods when they purchase the goods beyond the first payment, and the headquarters can deliver the goods in one piece. The headquarters can also give corresponding exchange quota according to the annual order quota of partners.

Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store Franchise conditions

 Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store joined

Conditions for joining Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store

1. Natural person or enterprise legal person with independent capacity to bear civil liability.

2. It has more than 100000 startup funds.

3. Accept the supervision and training of the headquarters, abide by the operation and management norms of the headquarters, have a qualified awareness of providing services to customers, and consciously maintain the brand reputation of excellent and honest products.

4. We agree with the headquarters' business philosophy and development goals, and are willing to work with the headquarters to jointly explore the market.

5. For detailed store opening and cooperation policies, please call the Investment Promotion Department

Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store Franchise process

Joining process of Youshang Chengpin Fast Fashion Department Store

1. Contact customer service;

2. Preliminary communication with customer service;

3. Fill in the Franchise Application Form in detail and submit it to the headquarters for review;

4. The headquarters will distribute materials to you for your reference according to your actual needs;

5. You can go to the headquarters for consultation, visit and in-depth communication;

6. Negotiate the alliance contract of cooperation intention;

7. Pay the corresponding franchise fee and management fee;

8. The headquarters will provide you with diversified service support such as site selection, training and guidance.

User consultation

  • Want to join a branch

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Youshang Sincerity Fast Fashion Department Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 10:46:37 From China  39.190.218*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The cost of the plan is 500000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Youshang Sincerity Fast Fashion Department Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 01:57:31 From Shandong Province  39.68.239*
  • I want to see all the products

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Youshang Sincerity Fast Fashion Department Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-14 00:55:13 From Lianyungang, Jiangsu  49.95.208*
  • Join to learn project information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Youshang Sincerity Fast Fashion Department Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 12:44:03 From Huairou District, Beijing  61.51.158*
  • It's expensive to join. Do you have details

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Youshang Sincerity Fast Fashion Department Store! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 11:50:46 From Beijing  61.135.195*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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