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Suweixuan Skin Management Center
  • Franchise industry:

    Beauty>Skin Management

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    three hundred

  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Suweixuan Skin Management Center Introduction to joining

 Tianrao's private customized beauty helps regulate the joining of body fat health salons

  Tianrao's private customized beauty helps regulate the health of the body fat health center, and helps regulate the body fat brand. Tianrao's private customized beauty helps regulate the body fat health center to stick to the green and healthy solution that helps regulate the body fat. Tianrao private customized beauty salon can help regulate body fat, and the whole process supervision can help regulate body fat and posture management results. Tianrao's customized beauty helps regulate body fat in the health center, making every woman proud of her curve. The feature of Tianrao's private customization is to let you quickly wave goodbye to butterfly buttocks and create a small waist without trace.
Tianrao's customized beauty can help regulate body fat from good to extraordinary. Tianrao's private customized beauty will help regulate the body fat health center mall and develop into a domestic B2C e-commerce platform for health products. New images that help regulate body fat fashion, health and sexy enter the market, and Tianrao's customized beauty helps regulate the brand of body fat health center to enter a new era of "beauty and health". The beauty of a woman needs to be cultivated from outside to inside, as does the charm of a brand. From products to brands and then to enterprises, the image is expanded layer by layer.
After years of efforts and development, there are stores in major cities across the country. The turnover per square meter in the same industry has always been maintained. With its unique marketing mode and perfect management system, it has applied for ISO9000 international system certification. Tianrao's private customized beauty helps to adjust the body fat health care center's "new concept of body beauty and body shaping in leisure without dieting, strenuous exercise and taking medicine", which caters to the needs of contemporary women for beauty. It conforms to the trend of pursuing natural leisure and beauty in today's society, and has been recognized by the majority of women. With the progress of society and the improvement of people's living standards, the beauty industry will help regulate body fat.
Tianrao's private customized beauty helps regulate the success of the body fat health resort, and it also depends on her reputation to build a brand. Almost all customers who have accepted Tianrao's private customized beauty care can help regulate the body fat health care center, and become the volunteer propagandists of Tianrao's private customized beauty care can help regulate the body fat health care center. They spread their role and personal customized beauty in Tianrao to adjust the happy experience of body fat health salon to relatives, friends, classmates and colleagues, and to the society, forming a shock wave of word of mouth communication. Many mainstream media reported this and called it "Tianrao's private customized beauty helps regulate the phenomenon of body fat health salons". When arriving at Tianrao's private customized beauty salon, it helps regulate body fat, and customers treat themselves as outsiders. This is the customer's praise for Tianrao's private customized beauty salon, which helps regulate body fat, and it is also the root of Tianrao's private customized beauty salon's success.
Enterprises without cultural connotation and spirit orientation cannot go far! Summarizing the past and looking forward to the future, Tianrao private customized beauty will help regulate body fat. The health center will always take "health helps regulate body fat" as the core, adhere to the business philosophy of "pragmatism, focus, integrity, and progress together", and serve more people who love health and beauty. And we are willing to help all people who love health and beauty and are interested in helping regulate the development of body fat industry in beauty to share success. Together, body beauty helps regulate the body fat industry, and creating professional body beauty helps regulate the eternity of body fat.

Suweixuan Skin Management Center Franchise advantages

Advantages of Suweixuan Skin Management Center

1. Skin management project:

Five poisons and three pests management, skin detection CT, relief LED skin comprehensive phototherapy management, ice sculpture freezing age management, golden skin rejuvenation management, nano microcrystalline beauty management, repair and regeneration management.

2. Skin management core products:

Anji Cleansing Freeze Dry Essence (Anji Cleansing Freeze Dry Powder, Anji Cleansing Solvent), Anji Oligopeptide Freeze Dry Stock Solution (Anji Oligopeptide Freeze Dry Powder, Anji Oligopeptide Solvent), Shuiguang Skin Rejuvenating Kit (Shuiguang Skin Rejuvenating Freeze Dry Powder, Shuiguang Skin Rejuvenating Solvent), Clean and Transparent Skin Kit (Clean and Transparent Skin Solvent, Clean and Transparent Skin Freeze Dry Powder), Anji Soothing Essence Lotion/Essence Milk/Essence Water Plant Multi effect Lady Cream.

3. Scalp management project:

Rose hair care, balance oil care, anti hair loss care, dandruff removal care, scalp detoxification care, healthy hair care, scalp care, scalp acarid treatment.

4. Core products of scalp management:

It is a flowery anti shedding hair box, a flowery healthy black hair box, and a flowery dandruff removing box.

5. Skin/scalp management instrument:

Diagnosis and treatment instrument, face CT instrument, spectrometer, small bubble cleaner, skin comprehensive management instrument, ice sculpture injection molding instrument, cold and hot spray instrument, scalp detector, disinfection cabinet machine.

Suweixuan Skin Management Center Franchise conditions

Conditions for joining Suweixuan Skin Management Center

1. The franchisee of Suwei Splendid Skin Management Center must have independent civil liability person, legal person or natural person.

2. It has sufficient financial strength to meet the capital joining requirements.

3. Have qualified credit and certain business management ability.

4. Have qualified commercial credit and business premises.

5. Have strong public relations ability and the ability to plan and organize various promotional activities.

Suweixuan Skin Management Center Franchise process

Joining process of Suweixuan Skin Management Center

1. Intention communication form and mall follow-up form;

2. Determine the location (shopping malls, street shops);

3. Contract approval form, signing, financial docking funds;

4. Hand over to customer service;

5. Drawing design, training and first configuration;

6. Opening and promotion;

7. Follow up (maintenance of new customers, monthly return visit of old customers).

Suweixuan Skin Management Center Related questions and answers


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  • Consultation and joining, very urgent, no place to invest with money

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Suweixuan Skin Management Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-10 17:44:43 From Asia Pacific  43.224.52*
  • How much is the joining fee? What support can you have after joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Suweixuan Skin Management Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 03:11:42 From Xinjiang  49.112.177*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 200000 to 500000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Suweixuan Skin Management Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 02:39:22 From Tianjin  61.181.219*
  • Contact me as soon as possible. The contract here is urgent

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Suweixuan Skin Management Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 05:34:50 From Liaoning Province  42.52.163*
  • Don't call during the day. It's OK after 7:00 p.m

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Suweixuan Skin Management Center! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 01:22:11 From Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province  59.55.230*
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