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Body shaping underwear
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  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Body shaping underwear Introduction to joining

 The joining of body shaping underwear

Body shaping underwear is a kind of underwear, which can repair and reshape the body curve. Its birthplace is the island of Quelda in the southeast of the Greek Peninsula. Research shows that more than 60% of gynecological inflammation is related to wearing body underwear. The so-called body-building underwear is mostly tight clothes made of strong elastic fiber materials or chemical fiber fabrics, which have the functions of shaping the waist, shrinking the abdomen, and modifying the leg lines. However, body underwear is not easy to breathe and over bind the body, which is easy to cause dermatitis and bacterial reproduction. Retrograde infection can induce pelvic inflammation and other gynecological diseases.
The gynecologist explained that women have important organs such as uterus, ovary, intestines and stomach in their abdominal cavity. Wearing body shaping underwear for a long time will restrict physical activity and tighten muscles, to a certain extent, hinder the blood circulation and visceral oxygen supply in the abdomen, causing damage to the uterus and ovary, causing pain in urination, frequency of urination, dysuria, irregular menstruation, and decreased gastrointestinal function Abdominal discomfort, fatigue and other symptoms.
Body shaping underwear is dedicated to the study of female body shape, advocating that women should conduct scientific body shape management on the basis of health and comfort, and select facial accessories globally, so that each product can pay equal attention to comfort and body shaping; "One to one body consulting service", measuring and diagnosing, develops a personalized body management scheme for every distinguished woman. Body shaping underwear focuses on women's health and beauty, and cares for all women who love beauty and life. Its products mainly focus on women's health. At present, the main products are body shaping clothes that reshape women's beauty and inner confidence. The product combines international fashion elements and traditional maintenance concepts, and builds a global based traditional maintenance technology body shaping garment according to the body shape characteristics and behavior habits of Asian women. The "Body Shaping and Body Shaping Underwear" takes creating elegant curves as its own responsibility. Since its establishment, it has created great figures for countless women, and managed their figures for a long time, creating a large number of elegant and beautiful lucky women.
Body shaping underwear Franchise advantages

 The joining of body shaping underwear

1. Brand image support
Body shaping underwear provides the right to use a full set of corporate image VI vision system. The headquarters pays attention to image planning, and the well-designed VI vision system makes the shop unique.
2. Whole store output support
The headquarters of Body Shaping and Body Shaping Underwear provides output support for the whole store, including support in store location selection, store design, decoration style, training guidance, product display, operation management, etc.
3. Free training support
Body shaping and body-building underwear will provide all-round training and post guidance to franchisees, helping you quickly become an influential local real estate media.
4. Logistics distribution support
The headquarters of body shaping underwear provides perfect financial system and good equipment, clerk clothing, publicity materials and other supplies.
5. Media advertising support
Massive advertising, wide channels, and advertising in major media of the franchise headquarters of body shaping underwear to improve the performance of each terminal store.
6. Market operation support
The company implements the price policy of "giving preference to customers", does not take short-term profits as the business goal, and emphasizes the business philosophy of "cost+reasonable cash register". The distribution price of products is not higher than that of similar products of the same grade in the market.
Body shaping underwear Franchise conditions
1. Brand image support
Body shaping underwear provides the right to use a full set of corporate image VI vision system. The headquarters pays attention to image planning, and the well-designed VI vision system makes the shop unique.
2. Whole store output support
The headquarters of Body Shaping and Body Shaping Underwear provides output support for the whole store, including support in store location selection, store design, decoration style, training guidance, product display, operation management, etc.
3. Free training support
Body shaping and body-building underwear will provide all-round training and post guidance to franchisees, helping you quickly become an influential local real estate media.
4. Logistics distribution support
The headquarters of body shaping underwear provides perfect financial system and good equipment, clerk clothing, publicity materials and other supplies.
5. Media advertising support
Massive advertising, wide channels, and advertising in major media of the franchise headquarters of body shaping underwear to improve the performance of each terminal store.
6. Market operation support
The company implements the price policy of "giving preference to customers", does not take short-term profits as the business goal, and emphasizes the business philosophy of "cost+reasonable cash register". The distribution price of products is not higher than that of similar products of the same grade in the market.
Body shaping underwear Franchise process
1. Learn about:
Franchisees can log on the website or ask the franchise headquarters of body shaping underwear for franchise information by phone or email.
2. Field visit:
Franchisees can go to the franchise headquarters of body shaping underwear for field investigation before joining to learn relevant information.
3. Submit application:
After detailed understanding, the franchisee can submit a franchise application to the headquarters.
4. Franchise planning:
The head office will carry out relevant planning for franchisees' stores.
5. Franchise signing:
If both parties have no objection to sign the contract, the franchisee shall pay the franchise fee to the company.
6. Franchise preparation:
The franchise headquarters of body shaping underwear will arrange relevant personnel to assist the franchisee in the preparation work according to the franchise plan.
7. Franchise opening:
Before opening, the head office will send personnel to the store to give opening and guidance, so that the franchisee and staff can be familiar with the business and can operate normally and independently.

Body shaping underwear Joining dynamics


Body shaping underwear Related questions and answers


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  • What is the investment of the smallest store?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to body shaping underwear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-21 15:18:23 From Jinan, Shandong Province, China  39.64.104*
  • The prospect of the project is good, but I don't know how the technology is?

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to body shaping underwear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-19 05:55:56 From Pudong New Area, Shanghai  61.173.60*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; The business area is 280 square meters.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to body shaping underwear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-18 10:42:37 From Jiangsu Taicang  58.208.225*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 70000-80000.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to body shaping underwear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 02:30:37 From Henan Province  42.224.113*
  • I want to join.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear friends, thank you for your attention to body shaping underwear! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-13 20:59:52 From Bijie Prefecture, Guizhou Province  58.42.161*
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