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Shangpin Customized Whole House
  • Franchise industry:

    Furniture>Overall Furniture

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:


  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 200000~500000


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Shangpin Customized Whole House Introduction to joining
 Shangpin customized whole house franchise
Shangpin Customized Whole House is a powerful decoration design and construction company. The company's headquarters is mainly engaged in the decoration and construction of office buildings, hotels, villas, workshops and gardens. The company also adheres to the concept of health and green, and has established branches in many regions. Shangmei can make wine cabinet, cloakroom, TV cabinet, bookcase and partition, etc major Our designers can also provide equipment installation and decoration design drawings, and can provide a series of services, so that owners can easily decorate new houses without worrying.
Shangpin Custom Whole House was founded in 1999, and now it has become a powerful enterprise after years of accumulation. If you want to join the decoration and customization industry, Shangpin Custom Whole House is a good choice. First of all, the company's franchise costs are low and the investment is not high. The company's headquarters will also provide services such as store design and later operation management. If the franchisee joins, it will get the company's business guidance and preparation for opening.
If you want to join and start a business, you can apply to the company headquarters for joining, and the franchisee submits the joining materials and accepts the company's review. Franchisees can also go to the field to investigate, and decide to join the venture after understanding. If the franchisee joins, it needs to choose a suitable store, carry out a lot of advertising, and promote in the local area. As long as it can meet the performance, there will be a performance reward policy.
In recent years, the whole house customization industry has been recognized by many consumers. Its market demand is high. Shangpin customized whole house is a brand that pays attention to design and quality. The company has rich entrepreneurial experience and team support, which can make the store operate smoothly. Relying on the core anti deformation technology developed by Dr. Wu Bian of Nanjing Forestry University, Shangpin Customized Whole House has successfully overcome the problems of cracking and deformation of raw wood through far-infrared heat treatment and aging balance. The anti deformation technology of products has become a distinctive highlight of Shangpin Custom House. At present, there are more than 100 Shangpin customized whole house dealers in the country, whose excellent quality is famous in the industry after a long span of environmental tests.
Shangpin Customized Whole House Franchise advantages
 Shangpin customized whole house franchise
Large market demand, catering to modern lifestyle
People's living standards are constantly improving, and the increase in wages to achieve the goal will lead many people to want to buy a house, or to renew their house again. In the market demand, what needs to be done is the decoration business. Throughout the market, the emergence of Shangpin Custom Whole House has brought convenience to many people. Affordable price, advanced design and good products are the reasons why consumers like them. Joining Shangpin Custom Whole House will also help entrepreneurs realize their entrepreneurial wealth and have a larger market.
Great brand influence and good product quality
In many years of company operation, Shangpin Custom House has existed for more than 20 years. It is a brand with great characteristics in the industry that can completely improve/increase the quality of products. Because in the industry, the company has become a very popular brand in the market by virtue of its strong strength and unique business model, which is more suitable for the needs of modern people under the advocacy of environmental protection. After joining the franchise store, it will also have a great brand advantage in the industry, and use the strong brand influence to quickly enter the market operation.
Free franchise fee, small franchise
There is no franchise fee for Shangpin Custom House, the amount of early franchise is small, and there will be a lot of gains under the operation of. After joining, the headquarters will carry out special training on joining, so that franchise stores can reduce joining. Especially in the aspect of unnecessary joining, a lot of joining amount can be avoided. In addition, with the comprehensive assistance of the company, the overall alliance is very small, and the business space is also increased.
Comprehensive training courses, easy operation
The headquarters of Shangpin Custom Whole House provided training for franchisees in different regions, and the training in all aspects was very detailed. These include leadership training, design training, and more importantly, sales skills learning, which can help franchise stores sell better and maintain their advancement. In the process of operation, it is easy to operate with these advanced capabilities.
Shangpin Customized Whole House Franchise conditions
1. Have the ability to independently bear civil liability, good conduct, and no criminal record.
2. Recognize the brand's business philosophy and management mode, and be willing to grow with the headquarters, jointly maintain quality and establish brand image.
3. The source of funds is legal, with qualified fund credit, and do not engage in activities that violate the law or undermine social morality.
4. Abide by the franchise regional operation contract and operate in the specified region.
5. The brand has formulated a plan to meet the entrepreneurial success of franchisees major The franchisee shall consciously abide by the franchise system of.
6. The franchised entrepreneurs operate in person or have other suitable management candidates.
7. Have strong enterprising spirit and basic concept of enterprise management.
8. The franchised entrepreneurs operate in person or have other suitable management candidates.
Shangpin Customized Whole House Franchise process
1. Before joining ensure For a detailed understanding, including brand information, franchise policies, etc., you can find relevant information on the Internet, or call for consultation or visit the headquarters directly.
2. Visit the headquarters for investigation, project introduction, training base investigation, consultation and question answering.
3. The entrepreneur explains his/her intention to join, and submits it to the headquarters for approval.
4. According to the proposed business management and development plan, both parties formally signed the franchise contract.
5. Headquarters will dispatch major People assist franchisees to find suitable stores.
6. Provide store layout design drawing, provide store image design specification draft, and send relevant personnel to inspect and accept the decoration of the store on site.
7. Provide various trainings for franchisees.
8. The headquarters assists the franchisee in formulating the opening plan, preparing for the opening ceremony, and preparing for the opening.
9. The headquarter assists the franchisee in opening, and gives operation guidance and assistance. After the official operation, the headquarter provides technical support and guidance such as store opening skills and promotion plans.

Shangpin Customized Whole House Joining dynamics


Shangpin Customized Whole House Related questions and answers


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  • If you want to inquire, please contact as soon as possible

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the whole house of Shangpin customization! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-17 21:52:02 From Shandong Province  39.86.6*
  • I joined

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the whole house of Shangpin customization! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 16:30:56 From Rizhao, Shandong  39.72.141*
  • I'm very interested in it! Please contact me

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the whole house of Shangpin customization! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 14:14:23 From Xuzhou, Jiangsu  49.81.160*
  • Understand the joining process

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the whole house of Shangpin customization! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 06:25:51 From Maoming City, Guangdong Province  59.34.155*
  • How much is the franchise fee, how much is the learning skill, and how much is the car washing appliance

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to the whole house of Shangpin customization! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-04 12:21:48 From Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province  59.42.121*
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Friendly tip: The content of this page is only for reference. In order to reduce investment risk, we suggest you to do more investigation, consultation and comparative analysis before investment. Some brands are not open for franchise, please refer to the official information of the brand.

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