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Songyuan Car Wash
  • Franchise industry:

    Car Service>Self service Car Wash

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship and on-the-job investment

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Agency licensing

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Songyuan Car Wash Introduction to joining
 Joined in Songyuan Car Wash Shop
In the era of "Internet+", Songyuan Car Wash launched the online and offline integration solution supported by Internet technology, committed to providing customers with on-site steam car washing experience, and provided new business expansion channels for car wash practitioners. Songyuan car wash shop improves the technical configuration scheme in actual operation, explores the operation mode, improves the operation efficiency by relying on the Internet, reduces the operation cost, and greatly improves the sales performance. In order management, intelligent scheduling, hardware security And other issues, reduce management loopholes and improve management quality. Songyuan car wash shop subverts the traditional store car wash service mode, saves customers' waiting time, and allows owners to enjoy high-quality car services without leaving the house.
The mobile car washing process of Songyuan car wash shop has made technological breakthroughs in terms of cleaning effect, environmental noise and water consumption. Songyuan car wash shop not only witnessed the quality of car wash service, but also significantly reduced water consumption, environmental protection security The Songyuan car wash shop uses high pressure hot steam to clean the car, which is more beautiful for sand removal. It does not use any chemical car wash agent that will damage the car paint.
The business scope of Songyuan car wash shop includes major Car washing, car paint coating, car interior cleaning, car window glass coating, car window glass film, tire maintenance, wheel hub maintenance, engine external cleaning, body plastic parts care, interior repair, dent repair, scratch repair and other full range of imported products and Japanese nursing technology, as well as car washing machines, foam guns, self-service water spray guns, polishing machines and other supporting tools, Will be committed to providing major The competitive store operation mode promotes the industry to comprehensively improve its service level, and jointly provide car owners with more value for money major Products and major Technical services.
The machine wash at the Songyuan car wash shop costs less than 10 yuan at a time, and the car wash needs almost the same amount as that at the car wash shop. As long as people arrive and the car arrives, it is also very easy to operate, and you can master it skillfully after basically going to the site once, so you don't have to worry about this. Songyuan car wash shop is a better way to wash your car by yourself. Unlike the car wash shop, you can wash your car in any time and place. What's more, you can wash your car yourself. Songyuan car washing shop is to provide self-service car washing machines in the business circle or parking lot. The car washing machines include clean water, foam, dust absorption and disinfection, which is enough to clean a car.
Songyuan Car Wash Franchise advantages
 Joined in Songyuan Car Wash Shop
The market is very hot when Songyuan Car Wash Shop is joined, and the prospect is also very promising. Under the background of actively advocating energy-saving, emission reduction and low-carbon life in the world, water-saving car washing has been flourishing in China in recent years with its unique mode, which is quite controversial. Since the development of the traditional car washing mode, the problem of excessive waste of water resources is the key point that needs to be solved urgently everywhere.
1. The high-tech environmental protection products of Songyuan car wash shop are good for car washing, and the products cannot be imitated;
2. Songyuan car wash shop has a rich product series;
3. Songyuan car wash shop has great market potential and huge rigid market demand;
4. Songyuan car wash shop is flexible in operation, with or without stores;
5. The process of Songyuan car wash shop is simple and easy to operate, and the project is highly implementable;
6. Output a complete set of business operation mode and car washing process.
The Songyuan car wash shop project is an OTO service platform integrated by the international advanced environmental protection invention technology and mobile Internet technology. It is different from the traditional car wash. Vehicles washed with flash liquid not only have bright body after washing, but also have the functions of rust prevention, anti-static, and paint maintenance. Songyuan car wash shop uses no more than three liters of water in the whole process of car washing, which is truly environmentally friendly.
Songyuan Car Wash Franchise conditions
1. At least 18 years old, male and female, qualified in physical fitness and credit, and popular in the region.
2. Entrepreneurs joining Songyuan car wash shop need to recognize the brand of Songyuan car wash shop, and are determined to devote themselves to the brand of Songyuan car wash shop.
3. It is necessary to have sufficient funds for franchise and operation.
4. There are (self purchased or rented) stores, and the area and geographical location meet the requirements of the headquarters.
Songyuan Car Wash Franchise process
1. Fill in the application form or contact the company by telephone or fax;
2. The company selects materials and informs about cooperation opportunities;
3. The two sides deepened their contacts and signed the Letter of Intent for Franchise Cooperation through field research;
4. Confirm the location, area and opening time of the franchise store according to the Franchise Manual;
5. Submit drawings meeting franchise requirements and increase/increase funds;
6. The company designs a complete set of drawings, and the company orders decoration and supporting items;
7. Before the official opening, the regional manager of the company is responsible for guiding all kinds of affairs before the opening.

Songyuan Car Wash Joining dynamics


Songyuan Car Wash Related questions and answers


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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Songyuan Car Wash! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-15 07:26:58 From China  39.177.106*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to Songyuan Car Wash! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 08:04:53 From Jiangsu Province  49.94.146*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Try not to work. I have my own work.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Songyuan Car Wash! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 14:21:35 From Dongchang District, Tonghua City, Jilin Province  58.245.207*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Within 900000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Songyuan Car Wash! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 08:03:06 From Luohe City, Henan Province  49.90.61*
  • Very interested

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Songyuan Car Wash! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 00:16:51 From Beijing  49.7.6*
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