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Spotica Men's Wear
  • Franchise industry:

    Clothing>Men's Wear

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Free chain

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: Less than 10000


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Spotica Men's Wear Introduction to joining


Spotica originated from a clothing studio near Wall Street. At first, it was just customized design for white collars in various financial institutions nearby. As the design style became more and more popular, Spotica became famous among the working groups on Wall Street due to the power of word of mouth, which not only gradually attracted more orders, And most of the customers are the bosses of the franchised companies and financial tycoons. In 1983, Spotica's designers moved from Wall Street to Hollywood and began to customize clothes for Hollywood stars.

The culture Spotica touches and feels is diverse. Because its design concept combines the rationality of Wall Street and the sensibility of Hollywood, it is a true portrayal of American culture and a true reflection of life and psychology. No matter which man is in the society, they are contradictory, the unity of opposites between reason and sensibility, the unity of opposites between obedience and rebellion Rigidity and seriousness are in opposition to bohemianism.

Spotica does not seek to distinguish between tradition and fashion. The implication of fashion is that it contains the connotation of American culture and fashion trends. The design personality is to meet the contradictory characteristics of different men's individual personalities. The starting point of Spotica's design is to regard fashion as the abscissa, personality as the ordinate, and various index systems formed by the interaction of various dimensions, Designs the choice space of many styles for different men, and can find the belonging of self personality in Spotica's clothing world.

Spotica Men's Wear Franchise advantages


Spodika Industrial Co., Ltd. is a brand clothing enterprise integrating R&D, production and marketing. In 2005, Spodika established a production base in Zhangping City. Now it has more than 300 employees and annual sales volume of more than 100 million. In 2009, it was selected into the recommended "Top 5 TaoBrands". In 2011, it was joined by Lenovo in the 10 million yuan level venture capital, and was selected into the "Top 50 Enterprises with Joining Value" as one of the men's wear brands.

On December 31, 2010, it was selected as one of the top ten online clothing brands in 2010
On March 26, 2011, Spotica was joined by Lenovo as a 10 million yuan venture capital
On October 20, 2011, it was selected into the "Top 50 Enterprises with Franchise Value"
On November 11, 2011, the 2011 event, Spotica's daily sales exceeded 10 million

Spotica originated from a clothing studio near Wall Street. At first, it was just customized design for white collars in various financial institutions nearby. As the design style became more and more popular, Spotica became famous among the working groups on Wall Street due to the power of word of mouth, which not only gradually attracted more orders, And most of the customers are the bosses of the franchised companies and financial tycoons. In 1983, Spotica's designers moved from Wall Street to Hollywood and began to customize clothes for Hollywood stars.

Brand vision: to become a fashion industry group that has never been established!
Brand mission: create a fashionable life index!
Brand role: to be a clothing consultant for men
Designer: a good combination of fashion designers from the United States, Italy, France, Japan and active in China. They draw a fashion world for fashion men under the guidance of "INDEX men"
Consumption proposition: price returns to value, super cost-effective, design style, third tier price
Customer orientation: core consumers are 25-30 years old, radiating 20-35 years old. They are sunny, fashionable, hardworking, confident, and eager for success. They advocate that "clothes are the expression of my personality and represent my lifestyle"
Product style: fashionable men's clothing, fashionable business
Channel positioning: first level business district stores, tasteful Mall (store in store) department stores

Spotica Men's Wear Franchise conditions


Complex/shopping center, commercial street shops, office shops, residential ground floor shops/community shops,
Property use: lease
Demand area: less than 30m2
Contract limit: 2 years
Site selection criteria: Spotika Site selection criteria:
1. There is no urban construction plan in the near future, and the location is selected;
2. The franchise store has a business area of 40-50 square meters, a front width of more than 4 meters, and a shop window facing the street;
3. The counter must have the advantage of convenient passenger flow channel, with a business area of more than 30 square meters;
4. High grade comprehensive malls or pedestrian streets with strong business atmosphere and high passenger flow;
5. Children's and women's clothing business circle;
6. Near the school;
7. Near stores with high popularity;
8. Commercial street with good popularity and passenger flow;
9. Near large-scale residential areas, the market supporting facilities are complete and the industry performance is good.

Spotica Men's Wear Franchise process

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    2024-06-13 21:03:11 From Nankai District, Tianjin  60.24.23*
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    2024-06-11 01:14:49 From Shandong Province  39.70.39*
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    2024-06-09 01:20:28 From Jiangsu Province  49.80.133*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to spotica men's clothing! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 21:09:41 From Jiangsu Province  49.95.196*
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    Dear, thank you for your attention to spotica men's clothing! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-07 02:56:57 From Lianyungang, Jiangsu  49.90.184*
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