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Shengzhou Beer
  • Franchise industry:


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    Free Entrepreneurship On the job Investment in Existing Companies Add Graduate Entrepreneurship

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    Distribution agency cooperation free chain

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  • Total number of stores:


  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Shengzhou Beer Introduction to joining
 Joined by Shengzhou Beer
   Lebao Beer Chongqing Beer Headquarter was established on December 23, 1993 with Chongqing Beer Group as the initiator and the approval of Chongqing Economic Reform Commission (YGWC) No. 1993109. In 1997, it was approved by the CSRC and successfully listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The current capital structure of the company is: Chongqing Beer (Group) Co., Ltd. holds 96.79424 million shares; Carlsberg Brewery Hong Kong Co., Ltd. 5929.4 Chongqing Beer Co., Ltd. was established on December 23, 1993 with Chongqing Beer Group as the initiator and the approval of Chongqing Economic Restructuring Commission (YGWC) No. 1993109. And 1997.582 million shares, 84.5 million shares of Carlsberg Chongqing Co., Ltd. and 243.382376 million shares of the public. At present, the company has 19 branches and subsidiaries, mainly located in Chongqing, Sichuan, Guangxi, Anhui, Hunan, Zhejiang and other places. In 2011, 1.0819 million kiloliters of beer were produced and sold, the sales target was 2.699 billion yuan, and the profit and tax were 709 million yuan. The main products of the company are "Chongqing" and "Mountain City" series beer, and the "Mountain City" trademark is also recognized as a "trademark".
Chongqing Beer adheres to the factory management policy of "science and technology as the guide, management as the foundation, and quality as the life", and adheres to the development idea of high starting point and high technology. On the one hand, boldly absorb and introduce international advanced technology and production equipment, and carry out large-scale equipment renewal and technical transformation; On the other hand, Chongqing Beer Company has also hired beer technology from abroad for many times to guide beer production, so as to improve the level of technology and product quality. At the same time, it has established and improved the economic responsibility assessment system with the characteristics of heavy beer, and constantly improved the internal management level of the company.
In terms of marketing, Chongqing Beer Headquarters has established a set of industrial and commercial joint venture system, which is based on the principle of "sharing responsibility, sharing interests, sharing weal and woe, and common development" and gradually improved. At the same time, we will vigorously develop direct sales and community services, and implement the promotion responsibility system of "taking attack as defense, consolidating the local market, and developing the outer regions", so that the product will occupy more than 85% of the local market in Chongqing for a long time. The product sales will reach Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Guangzhou, Hunan, Guizhou, Sichuan and other places, and gradually enter Macao, Taiwan and other places, It continues to write brilliant chapters.
In order to speed up the pace of internationalization, the company has entered into a strategic partnership with Carlsberg, a world beer giant, which has now become a major shareholder of the company. The establishment of the strategic partnership has laid a solid foundation for Chongqing Beer Co., Ltd. to enter the international market.
While material civilization has achieved fruitful results, Chongqing Beer Headquarters also pays attention to the construction of spiritual civilization. "Only by working hard, we can do it" is the enterprise spirit of beer heavy people, and "being honest and doing honest things" is the code of conduct of employees. The company strives to build the corporate culture, vigorously promote the corporate spirit, and strive to shape the corporate image. Chongqing Beer Co., Ltd. adheres to the principle of combining economic and social benefits, and carries out various forms of publicity activities to further expand the availability of heavy beer and improve the reputation of the enterprise.
"Build a century old enterprise and realize sustainable business" is the aspiration of Chongqing Beer people. Chongqing Beer will closely rely on scientific and technological progress, accelerate technological creation, constantly develop new products, highlight brand strategy, rely on good products to enter the market, rely on qualified services to guide the market, adhere to the policy of combining product operation with capital management, integrate resource advantages, and give play to capital advantages, Realize the extraordinary leap development of enterprises. Chongqing Beer's agent franchise is on the way around the world. If you need to know how much Chongqing Beer's franchise costs, please leave a message below!
Shengzhou Beer Franchise advantages
 Joined by Shengzhou Beer
  1、 Brand advantages
Provide a full set of brand VI visual image system for free; The headquarters of Shengzhou Beer Co., Ltd. will provide unified design plans and drawings for the clothes, accessories, badges, business cards, etc. of the staff, and provide the training manual for the staff
2、 Advantages of store decoration
Experienced terminal store design team can provide free decoration design of stores according to the actual situation of franchisees
3、 Operation and management advantages
Shengzhou Beer Headquarter has a planning team with an average operation experience of more than 10 years in the industry; Sharing brand resources, I wish you to make strategies and win thousands of miles.
4、 Information sharing advantages
According to the analysis of sales data, we can grasp the market trends and trends in a timely manner, and feed back relevant information to the franchisees in a timely manner, so as to guide the sales activities and inventory control of the franchisees of Shengzhou Beer, improve the capital turnover rate and better adapt to the market.
5、 Technical advantages
The headquarters will assign trainers to live in the front line of the franchisee's market and conduct training on product knowledge, store operation process and sales skills, so that the franchisee and sales personnel of Shengzhou Beer can flexibly control and skillfully use them.
Shengzhou Beer Franchise conditions
1. Need to identify with brand culture and have a qualified sense of joining mentality;
2. Enterprise organizations or individual citizens with independent civil liability;
3. Must have some business experience, have a suitable business site, and recognize the business philosophy and management model;
4. Must have certain financial strength and qualified commercial credit;
5. Be enthusiastic about the spread of Shengzhou Beer brand culture.
Shengzhou Beer Franchise process
① Consultation on joining matters: obtain the joining information of Shengzhou Beer for free, which can be mailed or delivered.
② Franchise intention contact: telephone and letter exchanges, in-depth communication with franchisees, and understanding of customers' comprehensive situation.
③ Customer strength investigation: the company conducts investigation and evaluation at the franchisee, fills in the evaluation form of intended customers, and initially reaches the cooperation intention.
④ Enterprise field visit: the company invites franchisees to the enterprise for field visit.
⑤ Signing the franchise contract: both parties conduct in-depth negotiation and negotiation to sign the franchise contract. Pay the increase/increase fund: pay the increase/increase fund to the company according to the standardized requirements of market management.
⑥ Regional market research: The franchisee of Shengzhou Beer will cooperate with the regional manager of the company to conduct preliminary market research on the local market.
⑦ Decoration of franchised stores: selection of franchised stores, signing of lease contracts, design and decoration.
⑧ Team formation: recruit and form a team of employees according to the needs of regional marketing work and contract requirements.
⑨ Company training: the company sends personnel to the regional market to guide or organize personnel to attend the training at the company headquarters.
⑩ Official opening: Shengzhou Beer Company sent staff to celebrate the opening of the franchise store on behalf of the company.

Shengzhou Beer Joining dynamics


Shengzhou Beer Related questions and answers


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  • If I am interested, please contact me; 40000 to 50000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shengzhou Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 22:22:32 From Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province  39.186.191*
  • I want to know. How much investment is needed

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shengzhou Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 20:24:13 From Rizhao City, Shandong Province  39.72.165*
  • Would you like a franchise fee

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shengzhou Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-01 20:55:01 From Donggang City, Liaoning Province  61.176.96*
  • Please send me a detailed information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shengzhou Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-28 06:56:43 From Wuxi, Jiangsu [Telecom]  58.219.26*
  • How much is the franchise fee? What do you need

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shengzhou Beer! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-05-19 04:18:48 From Xiangxi Prefecture, Hunan Province  58.44.185*
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