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Refreshing dessert
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  • Investment amount: 50000~100000 yuan


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Refreshing dessert Introduction to joining

 Refreshing dessert joining

Desserts are not only delicious food and refreshing desserts, but also good for the soul. Refreshing desserts, Hong Kong style dessert masters from Hong Kong, healthy desserts, are popular in the market. Refreshing desserts are joined, and more than 100 types of Hong Kong style desserts are a series of product lines, which meet the diverse needs of consumers and are loved by consumers.
From the unique poplar branch mannose, to the snow mountain series, black glutinous rice series and dessert series of refreshing desserts, each one has poured our enthusiasm for creation, has been endowed with excellent taste, and will certainly let you enjoy the supreme dessert. Come to join us now and start your wonderful dessert journey!
Shuangshuang Dessert is a brand of Shanghai Shuangshuang Dessert Catering Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. Refreshing desserts, with the concept of "complex desserts", that is to say, Refreshing desserts join in. It emphasizes the integration of delicious desserts from all over the world. Baoji desserts not only include Hong Kong style desserts, Portuguese style egg tarts, Taiwan style desserts, western style baked desserts and other series, but also have unique Manuka series desserts.
Refreshing desserts are the authentic heritage of Hong Kong style desserts, which can be seen from its history of development. The predecessor of Shuangshuang Dessert is the Shuangshuang Dessert Store opened in Zhadian Mountain Garden, Shatian, Hong Kong in 2003. This Hong Kong style dessert store, with the popular Hong Kong herbal desserts as its characteristics, joined Shuangshuang Dessert. Because of its good taste, excellent quality and workmanship, its business is very prosperous. By 2008, it had opened many chain stores in Hong Kong. In 2010, Shuangshuang Dessert joined in. In order to promote its development, Shanghai Shuangshuang Dessert Catering Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. was established, so Shuangshuang Dessert franchise stores were opened in China.

Refreshing dessert Franchise advantages
 Refreshing dessert joining

Based on Hong Kong style desserts, the refreshing desserts introduced Portuguese style egg tarts to join the refreshing desserts, which retained the traditional production process of Portuguese style egg tarts, but creatively applied fruit raw materials, developed Portuguese style egg tarts into dozens of varieties of fruit egg tarts, and joined the refreshing desserts. The delicious temptation of western style baked desserts, such as cheese cakes, puffs, etc, It also incorporates them. Moreover, considering that Taiwan's desserts, such as delicious taro balls, are highly favored by the market, and the refreshing desserts are also included, which makes their desserts delicious and bring together a batch of "desserts"? It can be said that it is all in the refreshing dessert franchise store!
Delicious desserts, joined by refreshing desserts in Chinese consciousness, have always been good for health preservation. Among other things, Hong Kong style desserts focus on sugared water, soup paste, etc. with medicinal diet results. In Hong Kong style desserts, refreshing desserts are joined, such as walnut paste for brain tonic, lotus seed stewed clam for blood tonic, almond tofu for lung moistening and heat clearing, red bean porridge for blood and blood pressure reduction, etc. In line with the season, a bowl of nourishing desserts suitable for your needs is joined, It is an essential part of Hong Kong people's daily life. Baoji desserts from Hong Kong, of course, have the result of "healthy health".
The busy work of modern people and the huge life pressure of refreshing desserts have led to a serious situation of "sub health". Baoji Dessert has developed a series of Manuka desserts for this reason. The series of health desserts are made from the "golden nail" that protects the intestines and stomach: "Manuka factor" as the main raw material, which can not only alleviate fatigue, enhance human immunity, and sterilize, Can also help help help help help improve the quality of sleep, moisturize the skin, see all kinds of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular—— It seems that to "support" health with desserts, it must be a refreshing dessert franchise store!
At present, there are more than 500 refreshing desserts franchise stores all over the country. Every two o'clock in the afternoon or seven o'clock in the evening, there will be a bustling flow of consumers. This grand occasion, of course, has the multiple "delicious" advantages of refreshing desserts, and it is also inseparable from the "healthy health" of refreshing desserts.
Refreshing desserts, green and original, select healthy raw materials, and use unique self owned processes to manufacture more than 100 kinds of desserts, which are very popular with consumers because of their diverse tastes and rich nutrition. Baoji desserts bring sweetness and wealth. Join us now to start your sweet career.

Refreshing dessert Franchise conditions
Refreshing dessert Franchise process

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to refreshing desserts! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 08:40:26 From Qingyuan County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province  39.172.251*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; 3000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to refreshing desserts! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-09 20:46:29 From Chuxiong City, Chuxiong Prefecture, Yunnan Province  61.166.36*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; About 100000 yuan.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to refreshing desserts! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 15:03:21 From Shanghai  58.49.193*
  • How much do I want to join?

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    Dear, thank you for your attention to refreshing desserts! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-06 07:26:09 From Fuzhou, Jiangxi [Mobile]  39.167.190*
  • Hello, I want to join

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to refreshing desserts! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 00:55:48 From Henan Province  42.236.237*
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