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Shicheng Internet Bar
  • Franchise industry:

    Entertainment>Internet Cafe

  • Suitable for:

    Free entrepreneurship

  • Origin of the brand:


  • Business model:

    Distribution agent

  • Time of establishment:


  • Total number of stores:

    one thousand and three hundred

  • Investment amount: 100000~200000


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Shicheng Internet Bar Introduction to joining
 Joined by Shicheng Internet Bar
Shicheng Internet Cafe has become a formal management company with Internet cafes chain operation qualification in Hebei Province. Under the unified management of the company, according to the organizational specifications of chain Internet cafes, from the continuous construction of standardized system, the continuous improvement of business, and the joint efforts of the team, it has formed a unified service specification requirements, a unified financial management system, and a unified corporate image logo, Unified chain management system of computer remote management.
After continuous development in the past two years, the company has developed nearly 100 chain stores in Shijiazhuang, Baoding, Handan, Cangzhou, Zhangjiakou and other regions, and has established related network maintenance teams and computer sales companies. At the same time, according to the regional situation, we will vigorously develop franchise partners and county and city regional agency partners by different cooperation methods, strive to achieve a win-win coexistence market situation, and strive to promote the development process of Internet cafe chain.
Shicheng Internet Cafe found that the cash register in the Internet cafe industry was very good, and many people seized the opportunity of Shicheng Internet Cafe cooperation, which was valued by many people, to live a happy life. The success of Shicheng Internet cafe cooperation has become one of the industry. Many people have learned about the content of Shicheng Internet cafe cooperation in advance, and actively prepared for cooperation, which opened a new situation of Shicheng Internet cafe cooperation. Over the past few years, the company has been constantly exploring the path of large-scale, chain like, brand like development of Internet cafe chain operation, and seeking to maximize the benefits of chain enterprises under the premise of large-scale operation. In just five years, the company has become an Internet cafe operator with strong chain business in the province, and is a comprehensive enterprise with many wholly-owned companies that has developed rapidly.
Shicheng Internet Cafe also provides partners with unified operation management, technical training, service specifications, store design, advertising planning, marketing promotion, product own technology, etc. No matter what kind of goods you operate, the word "integrity" of Shicheng Internet Cafe is always the cornerstone of the development of the store. Don't kill customers by coveting the cash register for a while. When doing business, we should pay attention to the continuous flow of time, and establish our own customer base. Customers are our own live advertisements, so we should not ignore them. Action is better than impulse. If you are interested in our Shicheng Internet Cafe, please pick up your mobile phone and call our joining hotline. Shicheng Internet Cafe welcomes you to join.
Shicheng Internet Bar Franchise advantages
 Joined by Shicheng Internet Bar
1. Policy advantages: qualified cooperation with the government and relevant functional departments; And finance The system has a qualified cooperation relationship with PC dealers to provide financing channels for Internet cafe owners who start businesses and seek development. In order to maintain the unified image of Shicheng Internet Cafe, the design of the franchise store is designed by the designer designated by the headquarters of the company. The decoration design scheme, including detailed construction drawings and decoration budget, is provided free of charge, and the shop decoration construction guidance is provided.
2. Technical service advantages: excellent independent knowledge management and consulting service system; Have a strong technical team composed of Internet cafe network management system personnel; Provide fast, comprehensive and timely updates of games and movies; Technical service response within ten minutes. The headquarters provides output advantages for the whole store, including the advantages in store location, in store design, decoration style, training guidance, product display, operation management, etc.
3. Resource advantage: Shicheng Internet cafe brand effect; Shicheng Internet Cafe has a customer resource advantage of 30000 regular members; Policies and guidance of relevant government functional departments; Rich digital and scientific and technological information resources are shared and websites are shared. To join Shicheng Internet Cafe, the headquarters is responsible for the early free technical training for all partners, and the download of manuals, materials and member areas to maintain the consistency of technical training, and the subsequent upgrading of free software technology.
4. Management advantages: mature Internet bar management experience; Support and services of various teams. Assist the franchisees of Shicheng Internet Cafe to plan publicity and marketing plans according to local conditions, and regularly provide the franchisees with brand promotion plans and relevant material design templates.
5. Marketing advantages: We have excellent planning and marketing teams to support the steady expansion of the chain system; Active publicity and activity planning to create a strong chain operation system; Steady and long-term development planning and social mission. Based on years of cooperation experience with many partners, Shicheng Internet Cafe has continuously improved and improved the cooperation process. The clear and transparent cooperation process maintains the interests of both partners. Combining the cooperation experience of successful cases, you can get twice the result with half the effort.
Shicheng Internet Bar Franchise conditions
1. Entrepreneurs should be adults, have no criminal record, and be able to bear civil liability independently.
2. Have a strong sense of enterprise and can handle all kinds of problems rationally.
3. Recognize the corporate culture and management mode of "Shicheng Internet Cafe", obey the management of headquarters, actively cooperate with the market operation of headquarters, abide by laws and disciplines, and standardize the operation.
4. Economically independent, with sufficient financial support, to meet the requirements of Shicheng Internet Cafe cooperation funds.
5. Quick learning ability, able to quickly learn some relevant management methods.
6. It is necessary to improve/increase the planning of managing distribution business, credit support, other business planning and other aspects of Shicheng Internet Bar cooperation.
Shicheng Internet Bar Franchise process
1. Project consultation
Franchisees can leave your contact information on the website to obtain a new franchise information.
2. Market research
Investigate and evaluate the local market, and then determine the target market and its own business district.
3. Franchise application
If the franchisee has no objection to the brand, it can fill in the Franchise Application Form.
4. Determine partnership
After mutual agreement, the two parties signed a franchise agreement and established a franchise cooperation relationship.
5. Find the store by yourself
Consult the owner of the house to learn about the rent, area, water, electricity and coal facilities, consult the local industry and commerce, and learn about the details of license handling.
6. Shop decoration
Provide the headquarters with the standard building size drawings of the stores to be decorated, and the headquarters will design and guide the decoration for the partners free of charge.
7. Pre job training
After the decoration of the store is completed, the headquarters will send personnel to the location of the franchisee for pre job technical training, publicity training, etc.
8. Opening preparation
The headquarters will provide advertising publicity and promotion suggestions in the early stage of opening, and formulate corresponding opening plans.
9. Grand Opening
The grand opening of the franchise store on auspicious days will attract the attention of consumers and accumulate popularity for the subsequent operation of the franchise store.

Shicheng Internet Bar Joining dynamics


Shicheng Internet Bar Related questions and answers


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  • Want to add

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shicheng Internet Cafe! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-16 02:45:22 From Taizhou, Zhejiang [Mobile]  39.181.214*
  • If I am interested, please contact me; Five hundred thousand.

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shicheng Internet Cafe! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-12 19:20:16 From Luquan Yi and Miao Autonomous County, Kunming City, Yunnan Province  42.243.34*
  • Please send me the cost of relevant materials for joining

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shicheng Internet Cafe! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-11 04:49:22 From Yiyang Yuanjiang River  58.47.201*
  • The number is WeChat, send information

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shicheng Internet Cafe! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-08 02:36:17 From Suzhou, Jiangsu Province  49.72.253*
  • Agency consulting

    Enterprise reply

    Dear, thank you for your attention to Shicheng Internet Cafe! Our staff will contact you later!

    2024-06-02 22:42:23 From Guangzhou, Guangdong Province  58.62.164*
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